Talk:Arek'Jaalan: Ethics
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Coverage of Ongoing Affairs
Recent CONCORD threat
- The heated issue of CONCORD'S threat regarding the Monalaz constellation was most likely motivated by the actions of Ypier Luminet, an associate of Hilen Tukoss (who claims they used to publish competing papers). Ypier accompanied Tukoss to the Promised Land system to provide scans of drone hives, after discussion in the Arek'Jaalan channel of unusual drone activity in the area. While passing through Monalaz, both pilots experienced unusual interference on sensor arrays. Luminet claims to have performed "entirely above board" scans of the system-wide traffic some time after his travel back from the EVE constellation. Approximately fiften minutes after both pilots had left the area, CONCORD issued their warning.
- Project members are strongly divided on how to handle this threat, but the consensus is that even if AJ officially complies with CONCORD's demands, there is no way to keep all our pilots out of that constellation. Ergo, MRID suggested to keep the official response and stance of AJ to compliance with CONCORD's demands, while not interfering with the actions and investigations of individuals in the constellation. EC and SEC leads strongly opposed this, seeking to openly defy CONCORD instead.
- Dr. Tukoss declared AJ will, for now, comply with CONCORD's demands until the next EC/SEC meeting on Tuesday, where the matter will be discussed thoroughly until a consensus is reached.
- Update 10/08
- Until such time as the Arek'Jaalan project has an actual reason to pursue research in the Monalaz constellation, we will not officially operate there. CONCORD and their warning are irrelevant to the matter.
- It was mentioned by criminal aligned factions that either decision may have consequences, but the nature of these hasn't been delved into during this meeting.
- Status: Resolved. AJ will not operate in the Monalaz constellation until science provides a reason to do so.
Exclusion of Julianus Soter
- Regarding the issue evolving around Julianus Soter that was raised by SEC lead Guthris, no clear decision has been made yet by either EC or SEC. Guthris accused Mr. Soter of being a threat to the Arek'Jaalan project after he declared he would fire upon any Nation supporters within AJ fleets, and wouldn't let them join AJ fleets hosted by Moira.
- He later rescinded these claims and up to this day no hostile action has been taken by either Mr. Soter or Moira. against any members of AJ.
- EC is split on this issue, some in strong favor of Guthris intention to remove Mr. Soter from either the project as a whole, or "just" barring him as SEC lead, while others don't see any reason to act on his threats at this point, considering no action has been taken yet other than words that have been rescinded in the meantime.
- It is at this point a question of sticking with the regulation of reacting reactively, or break with it by taking preemptive action in the interest of minimizing potential risk to the project.
- Update 10/08
- A peaceful solution has been agreed upon, and Mr. Soter's as well as Moira.'s privileges within the project have been fully restored. An apology for the long delay was extended to and accepted by Mr. Soter. He stated he was looking forward to working within the project once again. <<<< Unconfirmed report
- Status: Unresolved. Mr. Soter explains a meeting had taken place stating that he was granted full access back into the SEC team as a FC and a lead, however both EC and SEC leads deny that a meeting ever existed.
Nation Declaration of Hostility
- Regarding the issue described in detail on the SEC division page here, EC has not yet had any major discussion on the matter regarding Drake Arson's presumed open declaration of hostility towards AJ by confirming support of SlaveEndoma01 in Madirmilire. Investigation on the issue is still ongoing.
- Until such time as investigation is complete, the above proven true, or hostile action taken against AJ by Nation loyalists, no exclusions from the project are to be considered, and no privileges to be revoked.
- Update 12/08
- A declaration of war issued by Arson Industries against Celestial Imperative, housing Alliance of The Synenose Accord, has resparked the doubts of some in Drake Arsons participation and position within the project. Considering the war has since been retracted, no AJ members have been shot, and both parties have agreed to not fire upon each other for the remainder of the declaration, worries seem unfounded.
- Update12/08 #2
- AJ members are dissatisfied with the timely resolution of the matter after SYNE decided to cease its free communication within AJ channels, causing people to once again voice their concerns about Drake Arson's position and Nation's involvement in the project. A meeting has been called by EC lead Literia to discuss and hopefully resolve the situation around the wardec. Date TBA.
- Update 13/08
- A meeting was held at 1900EST to resolve the situation, and an informal vote was held after 1,5 hours of discussion, voting 10 vs 5 in favor of removing Drake Arson as SEC lead only and keeping him in the project as a member vs not taking any action at this point at all. The discussion mostly circled around wether a wardec is more an action than a word in an attempt to apply our RoE to resolve the dispute, but a consensus on the question could not be reached. Drake Arson was accused of being unsuitable as a SEC leader due to the "erratic" act of wardeccing CI/SYNE and then retracting it and agreeing to a ceasefire for the remainder of the war. The matter will be forwarded to Hilen Tukoss for final review and resolution.
- Status: In progress. Pending Dr. Tukoss review.
Project Macaper's Eye
- Myxx' Project to acquire and research Aurora Ominae doomsday devices has caused a stir when it was announced, due to the risks involved in the research itself, as well as its possible conclusions, findings, and their respective potential for abuse.
- After several minor discussion sessions on the issue, EC found the project not to breach any EC or ethical guidelines, due to the fact that the device can't be used in empire space.
- Several members protested the pass, but were accused of bias against Myxx rather than honest doubts on the ethical nature of the project as their main motivator.
- Update #1, 07/08
- People are starting to accept Project Macaper's Eye and short of some occasional sniping comments towards Myxx the bulk focus of public outrage has shifted back to the basic nature of AJ's Presumptive Meritocracy Policy.
- Status: Resolved. EC supports the unimpeded continuation of Project Macaper's Eye.