Talk:30 days Concord pilot license extension

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Ok, but WTH (what the heck) is a PLEX? A roleplay name for a 1-month payment that can be sold in-game like any other item, so someone could buy some PLEXs to hopefully sell them for a battleship or something? If this is so, send an in-game to Violet Serena saying how many Plexes you want for two Minmatar battleships, the bigger one.  :)

Kessiaan 12.12.08 1100: I would suggest setting up a disambiguation page for PLEX instead of having it automatically redirect here, as plex usually referrers to a complex (of either the exploration or FW variety), and not the 30-day GTC thingy.

Please update the page to include this image!

PLEX Icon --Originally by xXApophisXx

Included the already existing image: File:Qretc icon.png --ISD BH Lenider

Hmm... Really name is "30 Day Pilot's License Extension" for this item in Item Database, not "30 Day Concord Pilot License Extension" ;) --Hunter Sprint

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