Super Carriers
Super carriers are the 2nd step up from a carrier. They can push out 8k DPS (10k With a Nyx) With Fighter Bombers V and Carrier V. They can launch 20 Drones and 25 With 5 Drone Control units.
Specialist modules that can be fitted to this carrier are:
Tank and DPS
The Tank of the aeon is the best of all the Super Carriers. It can reach upwards of 80m EHP whilst pushing out 8k DPS.
The main role of the Aeon is to push out DPS whilst tanking a whole fleet.
Additional Images
Below are additional ships images. Click the image below for a larger version:
- Aeon1.jpg
Aeon 1
- Aeon2.jpg
Aeon 2
Specialist modules that can be fitted to this ship are:
DPS and Tank
The DPS of a nyx is 10k with a tank of 33.5m EHP. The DPS of the Nyx is above all of the super carriers.
The Main role of the Nyx is to destroy the target before they can kill you, The nyx is the best hot dropping ship out there
Additional Images Below are additional ships images. Click the image below for a larger version:
- Nyx1.jpg
Nyx 1
Specialist modules that can be fitted to this ship are:
DPS and Tank
The wyvern can reach one of the highest resists out of all the super carriers overheated and non-overheated
Resist -
EM = 94% Ther = 92% Ken = 94% Explos = 95%
EHPs = 34895871 EHP
Overheated -
Full Middle Rack -
EM = 98% Ther = 95% Ken = 98% Explos = 97%
EHPs = Close to 83M EHP
The role of the Wyvern is the same as the Aeon push out DPS whilst tanking a whole entire fleet in time for support/Remote repair to come
Additional Images Below are additional ships images. Click the image below for a larger version:
- Wyvern1.jpg
Wyvern 1
- Wyvern2.jpg
Wyvern 2
- 2008. 5.jpg
Wyvern 3
Specialist modules that can be fitted to this ship are:
Additional this ship can launch fighters And Fighter Bombers
DPS and Tank
The Hel is one of the most under rated ships in EvE. With around 27M EHP and 8k DPS and a Bonus to Remote Repair the Hel is not used as much. In a group of Hel's they can tank Alot of DPS in time for support/Remote Repair but most people cross train to different race capitals when it comes to super carriers
Additional Images Below are additional ships images. Click the image below for a larger version:
- Hel-front.png
- Hel-Back.png