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- ...future here.” The speaker was Chapter Master Aelis Zhovoar from Sakht, a silver-haired woman of great charismatic force. “This is more of the same talk y Later, in the night, Grand Master Khemon Dulsur an-Tetrimon received word that Brother Groven H31 KB (5,620 words) - 10:14, 29 February 2016
- |And the sun went black as night and birds fell from the sky and flowers shriveled in the field and people f ...h-Akura, to stay by his side during the day and guard his sleep during the night. A great house of white stone and marble was built for the sefrim to reside7 KB (1,283 words) - 07:52, 29 February 2016
- to his feet, his obese frame quivering in front of Drupar. A mechanical silver hand shot out of Arkon’s robes and grabbed Drupar by the neck, and from t Strong lights illuminated the courtyard, banishing the night. The unnatural light made the usually serene courtyard bleak and forbidding9 KB (1,611 words) - 07:07, 29 February 2016
- ...rious old paper books on shelves, chronicling the family history; gold and silver cutlery and dishware. ...He was being kept unconscious. His friend Selan had died earlier the same night.13 KB (2,288 words) - 06:12, 29 February 2016
- ...ld permanently mark the body for all to see. Karin was to participate that night. ...illy fool’ she thought. She involuntarily ran through the events of last night in her head.29 KB (5,060 words) - 14:22, 29 February 2016
- ...FAQ and we will answer it. If it's more urgent you may send a PM to Silver Night, Morwen Lagann or Havohej on the [ Backst2 KB (298 words) - 02:44, 27 February 2016
- ...e team on TweetFleet Slack. '''BSLW Admins:''' [[User:Silver Night|Silver Night]], [[User:Havohej|Havohej]], [[User:Morwen Lagann|Morwen Lagann]], [[User:U7 KB (1,100 words) - 00:23, 1 February 2018
- 2 And the sun went black as night and birds fell from the sky and flowers shriveled in the field and people f ...h-Akura, to stay by his side during the day and guard his sleep during the night. A great house of white stone and marble was built for the sefrim to reside19 KB (3,317 words) - 10:09, 27 March 2016
- ...aqam_(Player_corporation)|Naqam]] C.E.O. [[Silver_Night_(Character)|Silver Night]] and [[Veto._(Player_corporation)|Veto]] C.E.O. [[Verone_(Character)|Ethan2 KB (239 words) - 09:25, 5 January 2013
- ...n all of Voxam districts, it's especially thick in the swamp districts. At night, the light pollution in this district from the algae (referred to as camak) an archaeological mishap caused by capsuleer and local celebrity Silver Night, the front entrance to the Voxam Peoples' Observatory is an entire storey a30 KB (4,743 words) - 02:36, 16 July 2019
- Avlynka and Uro spent the remainder of Midsummer together, and on the final night, waited nervously with their respective families. The time had come for the ...something clumsy like tripping over the hem of her robe, clutching a thin silver chain, hung with small, brightly colored seashells, in her hand.5 KB (885 words) - 00:14, 13 January 2018
- ...ame old jobs with the same superiors and the same responsibilities, and at night we each dreamt the same familiar dreams, perhaps a little clearer now, of r ...ed, but that was a knowledge bound to its time, fixed in the moment of the silver armies marching towards us. This new development rang the first note for ou12 KB (2,177 words) - 21:22, 3 February 2018