Sentry Gun Aggression and Drones (CSM)

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Submitted by: Larkonis Trassler

Submission Date: 01-06-2009

Issue ID: N/A


Drone users are currently at a severe disadvantage when fighting under sentries, light and medium drones are essentially 'instapopped' by sentry guns and heavy drones do not last very long. This inhibits the usefulness of ships which rely on drones in such circumstances. While this remains one of the key disadvantage of fighting on a gate or station with a GCC pirates will still be unable to field small ships under sentries, in fact, it may even make this tactic less viable as the sentries will have less potential targets to shoot at.


Gate sentries ignore drones, instead focussing on the aggressor's ship(s).


  • Players with GCC (especially Gallente pilots) will be able to field a greater variety of ships in combat and make better use of their abilities.
  • In the aftermath of a battle, especially a larger one, the winning gang will find much more loot on the field in the form of abandoned drones and fighters.


  • Smaller vessels engaging at gates under sentry fire will no longer be able to deploy drones as 'chaff' in order to ward off sentry fire, but will benefit from the extra DPS or EWAR capability given to them by their drones.

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