Roles and access rights

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Good management and overview of the roles and access rights of members within a corporation is the greatest responsibility of a CEO. Misplaced trust or granting the wrong role or access to the wrong member can often severely damage a corporation both financially and morally. Therefore having good working knowledge regarding how the roles and access rights within a corporation work is a valuable weapon for any corporation manager.

All role and access management is done through the members tab in the corporation management window.

Role Management

A pilot can access the role management tab under the members tab in the corporation management window as shown below. To have access to this tab a pilot will need to be the CEO of a corporation, have the director role or have one or more grantable roles assigned to them.

The View drop-down menu allows a pilot to set the view to roles, grantable roles or titles. The Type drop-down menu will allow a pilot to set the view to display General (roles, grantable roles and titles), Station Service (station service roles) and a selection of different views for access rights for wallet divisions, hangars and containers.

To assign a role, grantable role or a title to a member of a corporation, the checkbox in the correct column and in their name’s row should be checked. Then the save changes button needs to be pressed at least once to apply any changes made. Please note that even if a box for a particular role is not checked for a pilot, that pilot may still have that role assigned through a title.

Note that some roles grant access that overlaps. For instance, both the Junior Accountant and Trader roles grant view access to the deliveries hangar.

Description of all Roles, Grantable Roles, Station Service Roles and Access Rights is available at the end of this article.

Grantable Roles

A pilot with a grantable role is able to assign that role to another member of their corporation. For example, if a pilot has the accountant grantable role, that pilot can give other members of the corporation the accountant role. The same pilot does not necessarily have to have the Accountant role, but can be given at the pilot's leisure.

Grantable roles have no effect on the ability to grant or revoke titles, as these actions can only be performed by a Director. Even if a pilot has the ability to grant all of the same roles that a title has, they will still be unable to grant that title. For this reason, the grantable roles have limited practical applications.

Access Rights

Access rights control how a pilot interacts with a corporation’s hangar and wallet divisions. Some roles will require certain access rights to be set properly in order to be able to perform some of their functions. More details on each type of access right can be found at the end of this document.


Titles are a pre-created set of roles and access rights that can be assigned to a pilot. A CEO or a director in a corporation can access title management through the Corporation Management window under the members tab just like role management.

Grantable roles have no effect on a pilot's ability to grant or revoke titles, even if the pilot has the grantable roles associated with a title. Only a director or CEO can grant or revoke titles.

Clicking on a title in the name column will allow a CEO or director to rename that title. Checking the checkbox in the same row as a title will assign the role or access right associated with that column to that title. The Type drop-down menu can be used to navigate through the various roles, station service roles, grantable roles and access rights.

Once title rights have been set up and saved, they may be assigned to a pilot through the role management tab by selecting titles from the view drop-down menu.

General Role Types

Junior Accountant

Can view information regarding corporation and alliance bills. Can view bills, wallet journals, balances and transactions for all wallet divisions. As long as you have access to one wallet division, you will be able to sell items on on behalf of the corporation. You cannot buy items using corporate funds, however.

Can view offices, impounded items, property and deliveries through the starmap. Can access the deliveries hangar while docket at a station, but cannot remotely view all deliveries hangars, nor view the corporation assets menu.

Can view the insurance information on corporation insured ships. Can also insure ships from master wallet even if they don't have access assigned to that wallet.


Grants the same access as the Junior Accountant role, but also grants access to the corporation assets menu. This allows the pilot to view and search all corporate hangars regardless of the roles assigned to that pilot to view or take items from those hangars. Grants view and take access to the deliveries hangar and the ability to remotely view all deliveries hangars, impounded items and anchored items in space.

Implicitly allows the accountant to unrent offices by disabling the auto-pay feature and then selectively paying office rental bills, allowing some to lapse and un-rent. Blueprints that are locked down remain locked down when the office is un-rented.

Communications Officer

Grants the right to send EVE mails to your corporation and alliance, and allows you to create corporation and alliance calendar events and bulletins. Can also edit corporation bookmarks.

Fitting Manager

Can save, delete and edit corporate ship fittings.

Personnel Manager

Can view the applications tab in the corporation management window under the members tab. Can send invites to join the corporation to those who have applied to join, and to those who have not. Can also retract invitations. Receives an EVE_mail when someone applies for membership in the corporation.

Can view the title configuration menu, can run queries for members with specific roles or titles and can award decorations.


Grants access to the Auditing tab in the corporation management window under the members tab. This allows the pilot to view how roles have changed for a corporation member, and who changed them, within a range of dates.

You can only search the logs for one pilot at a time and it does not reference titles in any way. You can only extrapolate what titles were given or revoked by cross-referencing the roles listed with the titles you have configured.

Starbase Defense Operator

Can operate starbase defenses manually with the required skills.

Starbase Fuel Technician

Can by default view and access all starbase structures, but not remove items from them. Can view the Structure, Fuel and Production tabs on control towers. Each individual structure may be configured with stricter access to prevent Starbase Fuel Technicians to access or view them as desired.

For instance, a starbase tower can be configured so that Starbase Fuel Technicians can online and anchor structures, but that only a pilot with Config Starbase Equipment can offline or unanchor.

Config Equipment

Allows a corporation member to anchor, unanchor and rename items in space that are not starbase structures. This includes most types of secure containers and the like

Can set container passwords and unlock items using the password. Cannot take containers or retrieve passwords without Container Take access for that hangar.

A pilot without this role cannot unlock items in a container that they do not have the password for. However, if he has the Container Take role for that hangar, he can move a container from the corporation hangar to his personal hangar and then retrieve the password. The Container Take role renders the Config Equipment role essentially useless for security purposes.

Config Starbase Equipment

Allows a corporation member to anchor, unanchor, online and offline all starbase structures owned by the corporation. A member with this role can also manage control towers through their interface and will receive warning mails if structures are under attack or if a tower is low on fuel. This role also allows a pilot to anchor Territorial Claim Units, Sovereignty Blockade Units and Infrastructure Hubs on behalf of his corporation.

Contract Manager

Allows a contract manager to create and accept contracts on behalf of their corporations, so long as the contract has a cost of 0 ISK. If the contracts requires payment, take access to a wallet division is required. Items from such a contract will appear in the deliveries hangar, however this role does not grant access to deliveries.

A pilot without this role can still accept a contract assigned to the corporation, on behalf of themselves and paid for with their personal wallet.


Allows a corporation member to set or alter corporation standings towards other players, corporations or alliances.


Implicitly has all roles and grantable roles. Can also grant and revoke titles, type custom titles, kick corporation members and un-rent offices. Blueprints that are locked down remain locked down when the office is un-rented.

May start shareholder votes to kick corporation members, create new shares, start general non-binding votes, lock and unlock blueprint originals. May vote for alliance executor, leave alliances, kick corporation members and edit corporation details such as the icon and description. Shares in the corporation are not required to start votes if you are a director. A corporation member with shares, but no roles, can view the politics tab of the corporation menu, and can run for CEO.

If the corporation is the executor of an alliance, a director can start or retract alliance-wide wars, remove other corporations from the alliance, set the desired reinforcement exit time for Infrastructure Hubs and transfer the ownership of a Territorial Control Unit to a different corporation within the same alliance.

Notable things that a director cannot do, but for which a CEO is required include renaming hangar divisions, renaming wallet divisions, joining or creating alliances and assigning the director role to other pilots. The CEO is also required to act upon sanction-able actions resulting from shareholder votes, with the notable exception of votes to run for CEO.

The director role is the most vulnerable to abuse, and should not be given out lightly. It should also be noted that creating a title that has every role save for director, does not grant the same level of access as the director role.

If the director role is given to a pilot who already had titles assigned, those titles will continue to be displayed on the character and cannot be removed unless the director role is removed first, then granted again after the titles are removed.

Station Service Role Type

Factory Manager

This role must be granted in tandem with the Rent Factory Slot or Rent Research Slot roles in order to start manufacturing or research jobs for the corporation. Allows the pilot to install manufacturing and research jobs on behalf of the corporation, using materials and blueprints located in corporation hangars.

This role allows the pilot to view corporation blueprints and industry jobs using the Industry menu. Corp blueprints can be viewed and used from any hangar that the pilot has view access for, and any containers within those hangars. Note that if you are docked, you cannot open containers in hangars that you have view-only access to, yet you can look inside the containers using the industry menu if they contain blueprints.

Only take access is required for the hangar division containing the materials. Without view access to the hangar containing the materials, the Industry menu will show all materials as red and it will seem as though there is not enough materials to build the item, the start button will also be red and display an error when moused-over. However, clicking the start button will indeed start the job as normal so long as the materials are actually present.

Jobs can be output to any hangar or container, regardless of access. Fees associated with the job are paid from the pilot's personal wallet unless they have access to a wallet division, in which case they may chose from where the fees are deducted.

The pilot can deliver any industry or research jobs regardless of who installed them. The only pilots who can cancel a running industry or research job are the member who created the job, or a Director.

Rent Factory Slot

Allows the pilot to install manufacturing jobs, but only if he has the factory manager station service role as well. Gives no access to the Industry menu at all, even with view access to hangars containing blueprints.

Rent Research Slot

Allows the pilot to install research jobs, but only if he has the factory manager station service role as well. Gives no access to the Industry menu at all, even with view access to hangars containing blueprints.

Rent Office

Can rent a corporate office in a station. Does not require wallet access, cannot un-rent offices.

Security Officer

When docked at a station that contains a corporation office, can view the contents of personal hangars.

Station Manager

Can access the management panel for outposts belonging to the corporation. Allows a pilot to install infrastructure upgrades into an Infrastructure Hub anchored by the corporation.


With this role the pilot can buy and sell items on behalf of the corporation, provided they have access to a wallet division. This role does not allow the pilot to view sell orders placed by other corporation members on behalf of the corporation, nor does it allow the pilot to cancel other's market orders.

With this role, the Journal and Transaction tabs will appear in the corporation wallet menu, but will not display any information without the Junior Accountant or Accountant role. Note that Junior Accountant and Accountant both grant the ability to buy and sell as well.

Revoking a pilot's ability to place sell orders for the corporation does not cancel all existing sell orders.

Allows the pilot ro view the deliveries hangar at any station they are docked at, but does not grant access to the corporation assets menu.

Access Right Types

Wallet Divisions – Accounting (Divisional)

Granting take access to a wallet division will allow the pilot to view the balance of and take ISK from that wallet. He cannot view transaction history, the wallet journal, bills or any other information without either the Junior Account ant or Accountant roles.

Hangar Access

There are two types of hangar access, query access (often referred to as view access) and take access. You must have view access in order to take items from a hangar.

Note that you only require view access to a hangar with blueprints in order to use them, so long as you also have the Factory Manager and Rent Factory/Research Slot roles. You only require take access to a hangar containing raw materials for said jobs. The Industry menu will show all materials as red and it will seem as though there is not enough materials to build the item, the start button will also be red and display an error when moused-over. However, clicking the start button will indeed start the job as normal so long as the materials are actually present.

You can open containers in a hangar, but you will not be able to move or remove containers from the hangar unless you also have the Container Take role for that hangar.

Hangar access rights are divided into Headquarters, Based At and Other.


Rights set for 'Headquarters' will only be in effect for the office which is designated as the corporation headquarters.

Based at

Rights set for 'Based At' will only be in effect for the office which the pilot is listed as being based at.


Rights set for 'Other' will be in effect at all offices the corporation owns that do not fall under either Based At or Headquarters. 'Other' access is also required to view or take items from divisional hangars in starbase structures, in addition to any other roles that may be required for individual structures.

Container Access

This access right allows a pilot to move or remove containers from the specified hangar. Without take access to the hangar that the container is in, this role does nothing.

You cannot unlock items inside containers or configure containers with this role alone, even with the appropriate passwords. However, this is irrelevant since you are able to take the container and put it in your personal hangar or retrieve the password.

Without this role, you may still open containers, view the contents and unlock items so long as the container has no passwords. If the container has a password, you must have the Config Equipment role in order to perform functions protected by the password.

Personal tools
