Right Reverend Goldstein

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About Right Reverend Goldstein

The Right Reverend Goldstein or the "Rev" as his beloved fans call him, is a long time DJ for Eve Radio . The Rev plays a mix of classic and new rock from the best bands. One of the last DJ's who does his show live, the Rev's show is totally interactive with prize give aways, special guests, and interviews. The Rev can be heard Sundays at 21:00 EVE Time, from his underground bunker off near the Worcester Hills.

Corporation & Alliance

The Rev has been a member of Eve Radio Corporation for the last 4 years.

Famous Guests

The Rev has hosted guests such as Mark Parenteu of WBCN Fame, well known and beloved drunk Grim Darknite and also [PC Avenger]]

Pod the Rev

The Rev holds his weekly "Pod the Rev" contest, where a lucky contestant can win big ISK, for venturing into Nulsec to pod the Rev. Isk payouts have been known to be in the billions.


www.eve-radio.com DJRightRevGoldstein - In Game RightRevGoldstein@gmail.com

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