Operation Wyrmsbane serpentis

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Operation Wyrmsbane serpentis


When you warp in, there is a single mixed group. Aggro is automatic.

Initial Group:

8x Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
2x Serpentis Stasis Tower
6x Battleships (Core Grand Admiral/Core Lord Admiral)
5x Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Guard/Safeguard) Web/Scramble
6x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)
8x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Captain/Wing Leader)


  • Spawn 1 (after few minutes):

5x Frigates (Coreli Protector/Guard/Defender)
5x Elite Frigates (Coreli Guardian Spy/Watchman/Protector) Web/Scramble (Dampening Watchman)
4x Elite Cruisers (Corelum Guardian Chief Safeguard/Infantry)

  • Spawn 2 (after few minutes):

2x Serpentis Stasis Tower
10x Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery

  • Spawn 3:

Triggered by Hacking Info Shard (if is here)

Spawns at a distance of 2,000 - 2,500 m from Info Shard
This whole spawn must be eliminated to be able to access the can after it is hacked successfully.

4x Battleships (Core Lord Admiral)
6x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)

  • Spawn 4:

Triggered when the Serpentis Stronghold is at about 40~45% Armor
Spawn starts within 20 km of Stronghold

3x Battleships (Core Grand Admiral)
4x Battlecruisers (Corelatis Captain)

  • Spawn 5:

Triggered when the Serpentis Stronghold is at about 20~25% Armor
Spawn starts within 20 km of Stronghold

3x Cruisers (Corelum Chief Sentinel)
3x Destroyers (Corelior Infantry)


Structures :
Serpentis Stronghold *Objective*

Please note:

Blitz :

Kill the Serpentis Stronghold and warp out

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx_c4vCAHVE

Return to Level 5 missions list.

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