Mwaku Ristigier

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A Cosmos Agent resident in The Hyperbole Nexus in Barkrik.

Mwaku Ristigier; Six Kin Development. Legal L3 Q0

Scandal In Barkrik – Deliver the Ambassador Part 1 of 4 [Courier 3m3] Jumps [7] Reward 1000 Medium Republic Fleet Proton Ammunition, Bonus 500,000 (3 hours)

Scandal In Barkrik – Retrieve the Inspector Part 2 of 4 [Encounter 2m3] Reward 100 Units Medium Phased Plasma Ammunition, Bonus 300,000 (3 hours)

Scandal In Barkrik – Deliver the Inspector Part 3 of 4 [Courier 3m3] Jumps [7] Reward 800,000, Bonus 500,000 (3 hours)

Scandal In Barkrik – The Final Inspection Part 4 of 4 [Encounter/Trade 1 Unit of Bono Zakan Corpse 1m3] Jumps [7] Reward 1 Unit of Medium ‘Canyon’ Shield Extender BPC 3Run ME15 PE6, Bonus 1 Unit of X-Large ‘Locomotive’ Shield Booster BPC 3Run ME15 PE6 (4 hours) [4.6% increase Gallente / 5.75% Minmatar]

  • Can be found at Planet 5 Moon 3 [Gate: To the Defensive Barrier (WARNING This is a restricted area. Unauthorized entry will be met with deadly force.)
  • This gate is locked! The Imperial Navy Captain Insignia I must be stored in your cargo hold when you activate it for it to be unlocked.

The defensive perimeter serves as a first line of defense around the Joint Harvesting plantation against intruders. It's normally well guarded by Amarr Navy ships.

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