Mass Drivers gallente

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Mass Drivers Gallente

Upon Warp-In you find yourself surrounded by eight gates whose relative positions form the shape of a cube around your ship. Each gate takes you into the same pocket, but each one leaves you at different position in relation to the centralized NPC targets.


Pocket 1

The landing sites are in the same configuration as the original gates and form a cube around the NPC targets.

Initial Group

Ships 30-70km away, all aggro immediately:


6 x Frigates (Elite Federation Phalarica/Matara/Machina) Sensor Dampening , Trigger 1
4 x Cruisers (Elite Federation Mentes/Quadrieris)
3 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Diablic) Trigger 2a
9 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Polemo/Dionia/Hyperion/Panix) NOS and Sensor Dampening, Trigger 3a
1 x Gallente Heavy Missile Battery
3 x Gallente Cruise Missile Battery
1 x Gallente Stasis Tower
2 x Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry II
1 x Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry III

  • Spawn 1

3 x Frigates (Elite Federation Insidiators) Sensor Dampening

  • Spawn 2a

2 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Erenus) Sensor Dampening Trigger 2b

  • Spawn 2b

4 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Arx/Auxilia) Sensor Dampening Trigger 2c

  • Spawn 2c

2/3 x Battlecruisers (Federation Praktor Bearcus)

  • Spawn 3a

5 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Praeses) Trigger 3b

  • Spawn 3b

5 x Battleships (Federation Praktor Hexeris)

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