Locations of ore and ice in space

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This is a list of which of the various types of ore and ice asteroids can be found in normal space in asteroid belts. This list does not take into account sites found through the exploration system.

Sorted by System Security

Amarr Quarter

This includes Amarr, Ammatar, Khanid, Blood Raider, and Sansha space.

1.0 or lower:  Veldspar, Scordite, Clear Icicle
0.9 or lower:  Pyroxeres
0.7 or lower:  Kernite
0.4 or lower:  Jaspet
0.3 or lower:  Glare Crust
0.2 or lower:  Hemorphite
0.1 or lower:  Dark Glitter
0.0 or lower:  Enriched Clear Icicle
0.0 or lower:  Gelidus
0.0 or lower:  Gneiss
0.0 or lower:  Spodumain
0.0 or lower:  Krystallos
0.0 or lower:  Bistot
0.0 or lower:  Crokite, Arkonor
0.0 or lower:  Mercoxit

Caldari Quarter

This includes Caldari and Gurista space.

1.0 or lower:  Veldspar, Scordite, White Glaze
0.9 or lower:  Pyroxeres
0.7 or lower:  Plagioclase
0.4 or lower:  Kernite
0.3 or lower:  Glare Crust
0.2 or lower:  Hedbergite
0.1 or lower:  Dark Glitter
0.0 or lower:  Pristine White Glaze
0.0 or lower:  Gelidus
0.0 or lower:  Dark Ochre
0.0 or lower:  Krystallos, Crokite, Spodumain
0.0 or lower:  Mercoxit
0.0 or lower:  Bistot

Gallente Quarter

This includes Gallente and Serpentis space.

1.0 or lower:  Veldspar, Scordite, Blue Ice
0.9 or lower:  Plagioclase
0.7 or lower:  Omber
0.4 or lower:  Jaspet
0.3 or lower:  Glare Crust
0.2 or lower:  Hemorphite
0.0 or lower:  Thick Blue Ice
0.0 or lower:  Gelidus
0.0 or lower:  Dark Ochre
0.0 or lower:  Crokite, Bistot
0.0 or lower:  Krystallos
0.0 or lower:  Mercoxit
0.0 or lower:  Arkonor

Minmatar Quarter

This includes Minmatar and Angel space.

1.0 or lower:  Veldspar, Scordite, Glacial Mass
0.9 or lower:  Plagioclase
0.7 or lower:  Omber
0.4 or lower:  Kernite
0.3 or lower:  Glare crust
0.2 or lower:  Hedbergite
0.1 or lower:  Dark Glitter
0.0 or lower:  Smooth Glacial Mass
0.0 or lower:  Gelidus
0.0 or lower:  Spodumain
0.0 or lower:  Bistot, Gneiss
0.0 or lower:  Krystallos
0.0 or lower:  Arkonor
0.0 or lower:  Mercoxit


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