Last Emissary Winner Announced; Autrech Jubilant
2005.07.01 | By Svarthol
The final winner of the presidential emissary competition has finally been announced after the Federal Administration was forced to do a recount of certain Autrech vouchers. The winning corporation is Dark Star Enterprises and it will receive a navy issue Megathron the same as others.
Eman Autrech took time from his busy schedule to express his great joy with this announcement: "I was greatly distressed when I didn't see Dark Star Enterprises on the first list of winners. I know their CEO, Kale Jalentis, from good things only and I'm very pleased for him that he and his corporation got the recognition they duly deserve. With the resourceful Jalentis at the helm, I'm very optimistic for the emissary campaign due to start in few weeks time."
With the list of winners now complete, the next step of the lengthy election process is ready to begin. The Federal Administration is already engaged in preparations and is expected to be ready in about a month. Until then, the people of the Federation can heave collective sigh of relief that the pestering presidential candidates are out of their hair for a while.