Karishnikov (Character)

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After becoming a capsuleer pilot, Karishnikov studied to become a combat specalist. But, with a lack of founding, he could not afford decent ships and had to rely on frigates, mostly a condor, to which he still flies to this day because of its great speed. After recieving a donation of half a million isk from a friend, Karishnikov bought a destroyer and outfitted it with a the equipment he could buy, and decided it was time to go out to 0.0 sec space. But, soon after he was gankered, learning that 0.0 can be a dangerous place. With no money, Karishnikov drifted around, doing agent missions and ended up in Gallente space, and joined USSR Corp, PvP action, but soon after quite due to disputes with the CEO. Karishnikov realized that without the proper funding, the idea of getting a better ship was unpossibe, (yes unpossible), so he trained and became a miner. After some weeks of mining cheap ores he finally bought blueprints and started small manufacturing jobs of frigates and guns, and later ammunition. This got him the money to get a drake, which to him was invinicible, but again Karishnikov got gankered. So, tired of losses he decided to join up with a friend in Mining Enterpizes Inc. and become a hauler for the operations, not much, but it allowed him to make isk while training to fly a converter. Karishnikov now plans to start his own combat manufacturing corp. and become selfsuffient, probally calling it "The Light Brigade", being able to produce frigates already, to just crank out fast, higly manuverable ships to go take out pirates. Even though his path has changed, Karishnikov still favors combat over mining, and lightning fast ships over slow battleships. This unique setup of skills will help him in the times ahead.

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