Item Database:Ships:Cruisers:Amarr

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Stats Grid

Ship Name Fitting Structure  Capacitor  Targeting Shield Armor  Drones  Skill Lvl
Arbitrator  4/4/4/2/1/300/575 159/345 1063/381 6/50 1016/1250 1368 150/50 2
Augoror 4/2/5/3/0/225/475 153/465 938/335 5/42.5 860/1250 1329 5/5 1
Maller 6/3/6/5/0/280/900 164/280 1500/538 6/47.5 1368/1250 1875 0/0 3
Omen 5/3/5/5/1/250/730 181/450 1250/446 7/45 1173/1250 1563 15/15 2
Fitting High / Medium / Low / Turrets / Launchers / CPU / Powergrid
Structure  Maximum Velocity / Cargo Capacity
Capacitor  Capacity / Recharge
Targeting  Max Targets / Max Range
Shield Capacity / Recharge
Drones Capacity / Bandwidth

User Comments

The Amarr cruisers offer a wide and versatile choice of combat tactics, and a fleet composed exclusively of these vessels is perfectly able to have ships covering each role. I find my Omen cruiser to be perfectly able to deal with almost all threats. ScarredEye569

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