Improve refresh time on loading Corporate Hangar contents. (CSM)
From Backstage Lore Wiki
- Raised by: Avalloc
- Submission Date: 09 August 2009
- Issue ID: tbd
There can be a substantial delay with the UI revealing hangar contents when clicking between tabs in a Corporate Hangar, whether it is within a Station, POS Module, or Capital Ship. This is especially troublesome when you're in a hurry to find something and have to suffer this wait.
I propose that CCP investigate whether improvements to refresh rate of Hangar contents loading can be improved.
Relevant Forum Threads
- Dierdra Vaal - no
- Vuk Lau - yes
- mazzilliu - yes
- Zastrow J - yes
- Erik Finnegan - yes
- Avalloc - yes
- Larkonis Trassler - yes
- Meissa Anunthiel - yes
- Shatana Fulfairas - yes