How To Get In Touch With The CSM

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It is actually not very hard to get through to your direct voice at CCP.


The EVE-O forums are the heart of the CSM process. Any issue that the CSM is supposed to address will have to have been publicly discussed on the Assembly Hall for at least seven days. For details, please read What is the CSM.

A less formal venue for discussion of all sorts is the Jita Park Speaker's Corner on EVE-O. Here, you will also find the agenda for upcoming CSM meetings. Be sure to observe the aforementioned rule for formally raising issues.

CSM delegates watch both forums closely.


In-game, you might want to check out the channel CSM public. There, you will always find enthusiastic pilots to discuss your ideas with. If you are lucky, you will find you favourite CSM online, too. Else, do not hesitate to convo her directly, but please be not disappointed if time does not allow chitchat. While some people do not think the CSM is worth much, quite a number actually do try to get their game improvements through via the CSM.


All CSM members, present and past, have had an email account established for them in the eveonline domain. It is made up of their character name, where spaces are replaced by dots and special characters omitted, and the domain is '' .

EVE-mailing your favourite CSM currently is a bad idea. Too many of them receive too many eve-mails. That might improve with COSMOS. (and please edit this article accordingly as soon as it has happened)

Fan Fest

Yes, there is the free trip to Iceland. But don't you envy the Council too much : flying to Iceland actually means sitting in a meeting room from morning till the evening and discuss all those issues in deep detail, which you have brought up. During Fan Fest, the Council is present, too, and you can ask them directly or just yell at them during the CSM panel on the center stage.

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