Honor guristas

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Honor guristas

Pocket 1:

Full Room aggro upon warp-in.

  • 4 Groups :

2x Guristas Energy Neutralizer Sentry III
4x Guristas Cruise Missile Batteries
1x Tower Sentry Guristas III
2x Elite Cruisers (Dire Pithum Eraser, Dire Pithum Abolisher)
2x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Enforcer)
11x Battleships (Pith Massacer, Pith Exterminator, Pith Eliminator, Pith Usurper) Jam

  • Spawn 1 :Triggered when one BS left from the Group 4

3x Elite Frigates (Dire Pithi Invader, Dire Pithi Imputor, Dire Pithi Infiltrator) Web/Scramble
2x Elite Cruisers (Dire Pithum Mortifier)

  • Spawn 2 :

3x Elite Frigates (Dire Pithi Destructor)
2x Destroyers (Pithior Supremacist, Pithior Terrorist)


Pocket 2:

Single Group :

5x Guristas Energy Neutralizer Sentry II
7x Guristas Cruise Missile Batteries
7x Guristas Heavy Missile Batteries
6x Elite Frigates (Dire Pithi Despoiler, Dire Pithi Demolisher, Dire Pithi Saboteur, Dire Pithi Destructor) Web/Scramble (jam : Saboteur,Despoiler)
3x Elite Cruisers (Dire Pithum Nullifier) Jam
3x Battlecruisers (Pithatis Death Dealer)
10x Battleships (Pith Usurper, Pith Exterminator, Pith Massacrer)


Structures :
Recruitment station *Objective*

Please note:

Blitz :

Kill the Recruitment station only (take care about scramble frigates).

Video  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1HvWm86qc8

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