Government of the Gallente Federation
The Gallente Federation is a treaty-based interstellar community of semi-independent[1] and autonomous nations, planets and solar systems, based on a democratic and libertarian system. Officially the Federated Union of Gallente Prime[2], the Federation government itself functions as a supranational authority that promotes and protects individual rights, free economies, and democratic governance across the stars. As a democracy, it is unique in the sense that ultimate power rests with the Federation’s peoples, who actively participate in the political process. Its existence as a pluralistic union of nations has created a level of social, cultural, and political diversity unseen anywhere else in New Eden.
The Gallente’s habit for progressive government and constant reform has resulted in the different eras of Federation politics being grouped by academics into so-called ‘Unions’.
First Union
The First Union is synonymous with the founding of the Gallente Federation in 23121AD[3]. The union was designed to cultivate interplanetary trade and space development as the sole representative body of humanity, created as a replacement of the various diplomatic agreements that had existed for several centuries prior. The founding members were the nations of the Gallente, Caldari, Intaki, and Mannar homeworlds, signing the treaty known as the Federal Charter. Other members would join over time (such as the Achura), but would lack the size or influence of the founding races.
This incarnation of the Federation was very loose in structure, acting as a supraplanetary colonial alliance that was mostly concerned with interstellar economic affairs and trade, though it would operate a Navy as a peacekeeping armada. Post-nationalism and post-racialism were two of its founding principles, and thus the Federation did not regard itself as a nation in the traditional sense (given contact with the Amarr Empire had yet to be established). At this time, the government was composed only of a Senate, with representatives appointed by the Federation’s member governments. Internally, Senators would elect a President from their ranks, who would be able to exhibit some executive powers.
Second Union
The Second Union came about not long after the invention of FTL communications in 23146AD[4]. The establishment of FTL relays across the Federation allowed popular democracy to take place at an interstellar level, which was previously considered a logistical impossibility. Eventually, the Federal Charter was amended so that voting by universal suffrage would elect one-third of the members of the Federation Senate, rising to half within the following years.
The creation of a Luminaire-dominated interstellar media network would cultivate the notion of ‘human rights’ across the member planets of the Federation. Member nations would often bypass the Federal government to sanction or penalize ‘unsavory’ states directly, as the Federation had no legal basis to intervene in planetary affairs. As this proved disharmonious, a Constitution was eventually created that would outline and protect the rights for every single citizen. The Federal Charter was amended to recognize the treaty to be binding across all member nations.
Many academics consider the Second Union to be the first step to the Federation taking on the concept of traditional nationhood, something that was previously considered outdated and anachronistic by many. The Constitution’s use of the term ‘Federation citizen’ for the first time pointed to this notion.
Third Union
After the departure of the Caldari from Luminaire in 23156AD following the outbreak of the Gallente-Caldari War[4], the Federation underwent a series of reforms to prevent a further political calamity from occurring a second time. In order to avoid future divisions, a standardized system of democracy implemented at the interstellar level would be see as one of the means to this ideal, deemphasizing the focus on nations using the Federation as a forum to compete against one another.
The Third Union created the modern day three pillar system, composed of an executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Each would have clear separation of powers to prevent totalitarian forces from wrestling control of the government. Rather than being elected from the Senate, the President would occupy a separate executive branch, as the nominal head of the newly-established Federal Administration. Every Federation citizen past the age of suffrage would be entitled to vote for the President every five years. The Senate would occupy the legislative branch, now fully elected (again every five years) rather than half of the chamber being appointed by member nations. Finally, the judicial branch was composed of a Supreme Court, which would protect and uphold the Federation Charter and Constitution.
Districts were also created as a product of the Third Union, in response to protests from colonies of the Federation member nations that did not have representation in the Senate. Member nations were no longer permitted to operate colonies outside of their home constellation, effectively granting these vassal territories full independence from their motherlands. Instead, newly-created districts (each taking up a constellation for the most part) would be granted its own parliament and court for the member states to consolidate under. Member states could use these Federation-recognized districts to deal with local issues and advise the Senate as a collective entity.
Rather than representing their home countries, Senators would now represent districts instead. It was to be emphasized that politicians at the Federation level were to be representatives of the people regardless of member state. Signatory nations would now use their district parliaments rather than the Federation as localized interstellar forums.
Further appeasement came with the granting of certain member states the power of ‘opt-out’, which allowed territories to refuse to take part in elements of the Federation’s laws. Some considered this to be a knee-jerk and paranoid response to possible union instabilities, even unjust as citizens from opted-out territories could still vote in Federation elections yet not be subject to all its laws. Member nations in the Luminaire and Intaki solar systems would have the most opt-outs. The Jin-Mei nation would be granted opt-outs to protect its caste system when it joined the Federation in 23174AD.
Fourth Union
The Fourth Union emerged following the social, cultural, and political shocks of encountering the Amarr Empire in 23180AD[3]. No longer the sole interstellar civilization of humanity in known space, doubts were raised amongst its members, considering the possibility that subscribing to democracy was not a compulsory requirement for ascending into the stars. Reforms would be undertaken to maintain unity in the face of the Amarr.
A movement emerged, concerned with reviving the once-discarded concepts of nationhood to implement across the entire Federation. Portions of this movement emphasized the Federation as a “nation of nations” (rather than just an alliance), while other segments focused more on individuals. Federal citizens came to regard the Empire as a corrupt, oppressive tyranny eager to stamp out other cultures, and that only through slavery and heavy-handedness had it emerged so large. In some circles, the Federation would still be seen as the only representative of human civilization, with the Amarr Empire deemed as enemies of mankind altogether.
Through this movement, the Senate passed a series of laws in order to appear as a more cohesive entity before the Amarr Empire. A system of general taxation would be introduced (prior to this, founder nation funding and trade tariffs were the primary sources of Federal revenue). Though the introduction of taxation was immensely unpopular at first, member state funding was abolished, resulting in lowered local taxes. This meant that the average citizen would pay no more than they usually would, ultimately quelling protests. Trade tariffs were lowered, stimulating further trade between Federation members.
The new laws would generally limit and curb the spacefaring powers of planetary nations somewhat, with the exclusion of those in the home systems. Member state militaries no longer being able to operate beyond their respective nation’s boundaries was one notable law. Smaller protocols were introduced, such as starship licenses granted by planetside bodies no longer being recognized, only documentation given to space captains by the Federation. To enforce the new laws and protocols, an interstellar gendarmerie known as the Federal Police was created, taking the best of the best from local planetary and system law enforcement agencies. FedPol (alternatively the more colloquial ‘Gallente Police Department’, or GPD) fell under the judicial branch, becoming the enforcer of the new ‘Federal Law’ that was emerging.
Fifth Union
The Fifth Union started with the founding of CONCORD in 23233AD, and became further realized after peace was signed with the Caldari in YC12[4]. The creation of an international system where the Federation was just one of five major nations saw the union take a different approach to decades prior, focusing more on internal affairs rather than stellar expansion.
As territorial expansion of the major factions had effectively halted in the wake of CONCORD’s founding, the Federation looked to developing large tracts of its space that had been ignored up until this point. Eventually, the groundwork for a welfare program would be laid out, where the Federation government would start handing out financial aid to planetary governments or individuals to assist in local development or alleviate poverty. The end of the war and the subsequent slashing of the military budget gave the Federal government plenty of capital to invest in development projects across its territories, and generally work to improve quality of living for the first time.
Successors of President Aidonis Elabon failed to live up to the high standard that he had set. Presidents in this era became puppets of the various political alliances working behind the scenes, and while most acted independently, they always did so within the strict framework set by these groups[5]. As a result, they became perceived as weaklings who could not think or act for themselves, frequently brow-beaten by the Senate. Instead, it was the Senate that began to see itself as the true leader of the Federation[6].
The atomization of Federal politics between hundreds of Senators resulted in lobbyist factions pushing through the use of electronic referenda to utilize public opinion, believing in a more open democracy for all[7]. However, the negligible interaction an everyday citizen has with the Federation combined with the fact the central government primarily legislates on spaceside affairs would result in extremely low turnouts for these referenda[8], averaging around 10% each time.
The Fifth Union’s focus on social and planetary development would see a political alliance called the Social Democrats (or Sociocrats) emerge as the main political force in the Federation for that time. The Sociocrats advocate social equality on all levels, believing that the Federal government’s highest priority is to aid underdeveloped member worlds and those in the lower stratas of the Gallente societies[7]. This came at the cost of planetary autonomy and the more laissez-faire approaches of the Federation. Towards the end of the Fifth Union, the welfare system would break down when supporting it became uneconomical[9], especially when corrupt planetary governments would hoard the aid for themselves rather than distribute it to their constituents. Over time, the more individualistic-focused Progressors would become the largest alliance, slightly ahead of the Sociocrats[7].
Sixth Union
The Sixth Union began with the election of President Souro Foiritan in YC103[6]. The era would be characterized by the rise of big personalities amongst the Federal government and the significant increase of member autonomy previously curbed under the Sociocrats. It also saw the creation of the constitutionally questionable Black Eagles.
Although President Souro Foiritan was elected as a Progressor in YC103, his first action was to expel his main competitors from the alliance, and subsequently distance himself from the faction in following years[7]. The President did not intend to be a puppet of the alliances, and proceeded to overturn the popular perception that the Senate were the true leaders of the Federation[6] by using his charisma and shrewd intelligence[7]. Not since Aidonis Elabon a century ago had a big personality arisen in Gallente politics, causing Souro Foiritan to be one of the most popular Presidents in Federation history.
To counterbalance President Foiritan’s charisma, Head Senator Mentas Blaque would rise as his main rival. The Senate as a whole, in order to compete and contrast with Foiritan’s populism, became a champion of megacorporate and entrenched interests for its main source of support[6]. This would turn Federation politics into a spectacle of competing personalities and ideologies. However, the massive increases of member and citizen autonomy under President Foiritan[10] meant that such trends on the Federal stage would rarely affect the average citizen. The Supreme Court, as the impartial arbiter of the Federation, would regularly intervene to prevent the spectacle from threatening the core principles of the union[6].
One major constitutional change pushed through by Souro Foiritan was that Presidents can now be elected for a maximum of two terms[11]. It was widely considered that a single five-year term rule was an outdated concept in the contemporary era, and was simply not long enough for a President to have any lasting effects on the massive bureaucracy the Federation had become.
President Jacus Roden, elected in YC111, would be another so-called big personality President, though he is considered much more of a pragmatist than a populist. He would continue the trend of the previous administration to increase citizen and member autonomy, while using the Black Eagles to defactionalize the Federal government and serve as an intervention force. The spectacle that had defined Federation politics in previous years has been subsiding through Roden’s policy of tightening control of the executive and legislative branches, castrating the power of alliances and politically eliminating any other potential ‘big personalities’.
Jacus Roden’s extensive knowledge of Federal Law means that the President has been able to work his way around the system to avoid the Supreme Court intervening to declare his methods as illegal or unlawful. Indeed, one of President Roden’s key policies is to unite the three branches by eradicating the self-aggrandizing politics of the previous administration. Many critics point out that it is an irony that the Federation could only remain solvent in the face of record levels of freedom and autonomy (almost equal and in some parts exceeding First Union standards) thanks to the existence of the Black Eagles, who seem ever ready to remove destabilizing elements who would exploit their newfound liberties.
The core of the Federation is its Charter, and its Constitution to a slightly lesser extent. Unlike other empires, power in the Federation ascends from the bottom, rather than being dictated top down. Thus, if all signatories withdrew from the Charter, then the Federation would cease to exist, at least in theory. On the other hand, as the Constitution identifies individuals existing as citizens of the Federation independent of its member states, the solvency of the union is a unique question amongst academics.
Federation Charter
The Federation Charter is the founding document of the union. It stipulates the creation of an interstellar alliance of nations, planets and colonies for three main purposes;
- Regulation of free and fair trade between its signatories
- Facilitation of peaceful stellar expansion for its signatories
- Promotion of democratic governance amongst its signatories
The Charter outlines the powers and limitations of the Federation government, the rights of each member state, and the expectations of each signatory. There are three core requirements of joining the Federation, outlined by the Charter. The first is that the economy of a member state must not be closed to free trade with other signatories. The second is that the government of a member state must be democratic, with regular elections and universal suffrage. The third requirement was added later with the introduction of a Constitution, stipulating that the society of a member state must respect and abide by the latter document’s articles.
Outside of these three core requirements, a member state is free to govern itself as it wishes, although Federal Law takes supremacy over local politics. This has given the territories of the Federation an unrivalled level of political diversity, to the point that the trappings of a government in Placid would be completely different to its counterpart in Solitude.
The benefits of Charter membership are many, though the two considered the most desirable is the opportunity to compete economically and the ability to exploit Federal representation for local benefit. Military and diplomatic protection is another major benefit for signatories less concerned with central participation.
Federation Constitution
The Constitution of the Federation was created some years after the invention of FTL communications. Although not a founding document, it is nonetheless binding for all member states and citizens to abide by. It stipulates that the Federation be founded on a system of semi-direct democracy, and on the values of equality, justice and freedom. The document is designed to be politically neutral and a human universal, independent of culture and history (though plenty do not deny it is simply an extension of ideas taken from Gallente Prime)
The Constitution has titles in the following order;
- Dignity: Human dignity is inviolable. Articles primarily concern the physical and mental integrity of the individual, and the outlawing of slavery.
- Freedom: Right to liberty. Includes right of (such as thought, identity, and religion), right to (such as education, privacy, and expression), and right from (such as persecution, censorship, and expulsion). Also covers the right to self-determination, notably including articles on territorial freedoms.
- Equality: Everyone is equal before the law. Enforces non-discrimination and respects cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity.
- Justice: Fairness and impartiality in the justice systems. Concerns the right to a free trial, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and that penalties must be proportionate to the offences committed.
- Solidarity: Freedoms of citizens within larger social structures. Protects the rights of workers, consumers, and families. Entitles citizens to social assistance and healthcare. Enforces environmental protection in the interests of social comfort.
- Citizenship: Right to political participation. Articles regarding the right to vote and stand as a political candidate, the right to good governance, the right to petition, and the freedom of movement and residence.
The Constitution also has a seventh title regarding the interpretation and application of the document. The Gallente, when proposing the creation of a constitution and having centuries worth of experience in democracy themselves, were fully aware of the issues with how such a document can be twisted for personal agendas. Because each citizen and politician interprets liberty in their own way, the Constitution is careful to ensure that the individual freedoms given by the Federation do not involve the freedom to oppress other individuals, which is a constant political and legal issue in the union[5]. Articles in this section ensure that the constitutional freedoms cannot be abused, nor can they be disproportionately taken out of scope or context.
The existence of such a constitution is unique across the four empires. Its emphasis on the rights of the individual over the rights of governments is what attracts millions of immigrants to the Federation each year. Indeed, those who have spent any significant amount of time in the Federation (or outside of it) often reportedly begin to feel that the levels of freedoms provided by the Constitution makes the other empires appear irredeemably oppressive and totalitarian.
The Federation is composed of tens of thousands of member states that are organized into 62 constellation-sized districts. Colonies, an important building block of the contemporary Federation, slot into this structure with their own set of liberties and laws. In addition to these two types of member territories, there are also special city-states called registered megalopoli, and territories that are under direct Federal control (known as FCTs). The member state is the first point of interaction and identification for the vast majority of citizens, with the Federation government having secondary or tertiary relevance at best, if one at all.
The member states are libertarian in nature, meaning they are expected to take full responsibility for all their own affairs, and are assumed to conduct themselves in a way that abides by and is not in direct violation of any interstellar protocols. The central Federation authority and other bodies are available to assist a member state in fulfilling these responsibilities (but only when remit is granted), or punish should they fail to live up to the standard. Outside of following democratic principles, the member states are proscribed no method of self-governance. While this has given member states a very large amount of freedom and diversity, it equally results in widespread divisiveness due to the political relativism present in the system. This has created a paradox where a member state's pursuit of freedom and security may undermine another's, or even the wider whole.
The member signatories of the Federation compose the fundamental administrative makeup of the union. They are smaller nations that have agreed to abide by the laws and principles of the Charter and Constitution in exchange for the political, economic, and military benefits of Federation membership. In many ways, each member nation can be considered sovereign or independent insofar as its level of self-governance, although neither CONCORD nor the other empires recognize the constituent nations of the Federation to be independent. This comes despite the fact that member states can be extremely distinct from one another, having their own language, culture, and customs.
Federation member signatories vary in size. There is generally a preference towards higher levels of territorial fragmentation in the Federation, as larger authorities suffer a negative stigma for being seen as homogenizing and bureaucratically cumbersome (thus perceived as authoritarian).
In relatively newer areas of the Federation, member nations are found as entire solar systems. This may involve a single planet that claims authority to the whole system and all colonies within it, to smaller nations that come together to form a single solar union. The smallest nations are found as individual territories on planets, from island-states to continental confederations. This is common in areas settled before the Federation’s founding, particularly on homeworlds such as Gallente Prime, Caldari Prime, and Intaki. These historical legacy states were founded centuries before the Federation, or even centuries before spaceflight in the case of a homeworld. They are not just found on the major homeworlds, and can be found as minor civilizations as well.
Other types of planetary nations are territories that declared their independence from a larger government (a practice which is mostly bloodless and protected by the Federal Charter). In many cases, worlds colonized by a single state can proceed to fragment into multiple territories once the planet has been settled and/or developed in full. If large enough, certain artificial habitats (in space or otherwise) can be categorized as member signatories.
A Federation member state's government and political format must be democratic in some form or another. So long as a system abides by certain rules (eg. universal suffrage and regular elections), any type of government imaginable is permitted in the system. This gives member states the freedom to construct a government that reflects their indigenous culture. Ancient areas of Gallente Prime (or neo-classical Gallente nations elsewhere) can be constitutional or elective monarchies. Recently elevated civilizations can use a tribal parliamentary system. Future-minded communities may experiment with a digital form of government.
Trends indicate that the level of technology available to a member nation influences its execution of democracy. Advanced countries may use direct democracy or variations thereof (such as demarchy or consensus), while countries that aren’t as developed rely on representative forms of democracy. The level of education plays a similar role, with better-educated societies showing greater inclination to direct democracy. Either way, all are built on the assumption that each system is ultimately accountable to the people.
Member states reserve the right to engage in diplomatic agreements with other members as well as the Federation itself. Travel and trade agreements are the most common, and there is generally little limitation on how member states can interact. Member states reserve the right to refuse any sort of outside presence in their borders[12], and are under no obligation to cooperate with one another or the central government whatsoever (assuming there is no breach of Federation treaties). A franchise system is used by member states to delegate out various responsibilities to outside bodies regarding the economic activities of their wider solar system, as it is generally considered that member states are too weak to engage in interstellar development on their own.
Even if member states have the power to theoretically defy central authorities outright, doing so can potentially sour relations with other signatories. Cooperation is encouraged in the name of promoting interstellar harmony. By tradition, it is assumed that if a member state is not interested in cooperating with their neighbors, then they would have not signed the Charter in the first place. The agreement to this collective goal is one element that keeps the Federation relatively cohesive. Isolationism is more than tolerated, so long as that member state does not attempt to impose itself on others.
Though most member states have their own armed forces, they are restricted from sending them beyond their designated territories unless they are a participant of the Federation Army. For interstellar defense, member states delegate out the Federation Navy or other reputable outfit. This does not come from any legal obligation, but more as a practice of tradition and habit.
Member states rely heavily on trade with one another for their economic affairs. All member states must be open to free and fair trade. A member state may specialize in one product to export, or rely completely on imports. Generally, there is a complex weave of economic interdependency across the member states, and it has been said numerous times that it is this particular reality that has kept the union cohesive in the face of the massive social and political divisions that characterize the Federation. Other member states may prefer to be self-sufficient, treating the Federation as nothing more than a trade organization. Member states who are economically influential (especially those found in a major home system) are notorious for being able to leverage greater rights than what traditions would typically allow.
The laws of a member state are their own, but they must not be in violation of Federal Law. Moreover, member states are expected to pass their own laws that reflect any legislation made by the Federation government. This enhances the perception of a member state's freedom, as they are able to implement the Federation's wide-sweeping legislation in forms that are compatible with the culture and society of their jurisdiction. This has given the reputation of the Federation government being a very distant entity; even if the majority of a member state's laws are derived from higher authorities, they will appear to be a product of the local government. Member states who fail to abide by Federal Law are either fined or placed under economic sanction, though they can appeal to the Supreme Court in such instances.
A certain number of member states are designated as having the power of opt-out by the Federation government. This means that these signatories can refuse to take part in any aspects of the Federation’s laws. This is highly controversial for a number of reasons, as citizens from opt-out territories can still vote in Federation elections, leading to criticisms regarding political inequality. Opt-outs are deemed as necessary for appeasing nations who do not perceive themselves as compatible with the Federation, yet their continued membership is seen as critical to the union’s wellbeing.
The most notable example of a signatory with the power of opt-out is the nation of Jin-Mei. The Jin-Mei are regarded as key financial players in the Federation yet have opted-out of clauses that compromise their caste system. Other signatories with the most opt-outs reside mainly in the Luminaire and Intaki solar systems. Special ruling can override an opt-out in theory[13], but the severe and potentially fatal backlash this would cause means this has never been done in Federation history.
The member colonies of the Federation are considered one of the union’s main building blocks. Many Federation signatories were once colonies that acquired independence to become a nation unto itself. Colonies fall under various different administrations depending on who they have been established by and where they have been founded. The largest and most successful colonies tend to be those settled by member states themselves, followed by corporate settlements.
As all colonies must be democratic, a colonial government is typically composed of an elected director and their staff. As the size of the colony expands, more advanced government trappings may be adopted. Their administrative style and format tend to follow the mother culture of the colony.
Government and corporate colonies
Colonies established by member states have various rights entitled to them by the Federal Charter. Their mother nation is expected to take care of military protection and ensure that the rights of these colonists are identical to the citizens living back home. If a colony and/or its citizens feel it is not being taken care of by its home country, it can protest to the local district court or the Federal Supreme Court with its grievances.
Corporations who wish to establish a colony typically have to acquire permission to do so from the nearest authority, either a member state or district government. Colonies established beyond the borders of the Federation who desire political representation and/or association are accountable solely to Federal Law.
Independent colonies
Independent colonies established by non-governmental and non-corporate groups or individuals can exist in unclaimed areas, particularly in so-called ‘unorganized systems’(where no member states reside). They may peripherally tie themselves to or freely associate with a member state elsewhere (through trade or paying taxes for example) in exchange for political representation and/or other benefits. Many of these independent colonies forgo paying taxes altogether, thus lacking any political representation. These types of colonies can be controversial in the Federation, particularly settlements established by immigrant groups (such as Minmatar clans or former Amarr slaves). Local laws and opinions on them vary greatly.
Founding colonies in areas already inhabited by previously unknown indigenous groups (such as planetary tribes) is a problematic practice in the Federation. Unlike other empires, the Federation considers all individuals on its planets as entitled to citizenship by default, especially individuals who have always resided on a world. Nonetheless, long legal battles have been conducted by colonists who feel their rights as frontierspeople are greater than those of ‘uncivilized’ birth. No clear law has emerged on this practice.
Capsuleer colonies
A new development as of YC112, colonies run by independent capsuleers in the Federation are founded by negotiating with the local member state (or district in the case of an unorganized system), either by the capsuleer personally or a representative. They may be staffed by local citizens. In instances when the affected authority is unhappy with the colony’s establishment (even with the ISK involved in the equation), the colony would be inhabited by drones and/or off-worlders instead.
There are reports of independent capsuleers threatening member states reluctant to allow capsuleer operations in their borders with orbital bombardment[14]. The Federation has since gone out of its way to remind its signatories that these attempts at coercions are bluffs, and that the sovereignty of a member planet is not at the dictat of independent capsuleers.
Once a colony reaches a certain size, it can apply to the Federal Administration to become a full member signatory of the Charter. A colony must consider whether the benefits of becoming a full Federation member outweigh the downsides. Often, a home nation or its controlling corporation may not want to relinquish authority of their colony vassal for various economic or political reasons, and frequently attempt to do everything in its power to prevent the colony from ascending to full membership. Capsuleer colonies are unlikely to ascend at this present time, due to the fact that few have been founded with any sense of permanency. This is the main process that previously uninhabited areas of the Federation have achieved full political franchise and representation.
Registered megalopoli
A registered megalopolis is a special planetside city that is entitled to autonomy independent of the district and member state it is enclaved by. Effectively city-states that wield enough economic and political influence that rival entire solar systems, many registered megalopoli are considered microcosms of the wider Federation. These cities are highly cosmopolitan, well-travelled, and well-integrated with New Eden’s economy.
Registered megapoli universally use a three branch system, composed of a mayor, city council, and local court. They are also counted as a sub-district, granting it a single seat on the Federation Senate. Becoming a registered megalopolis is no easy feat, and it is possible for the Federation to revoke the prestigious status if the city does not live up to the standard expected.
Hueromont and Des Ponticelles[15] are two of the most well-known registered megalopoli in the Federation, having never lost the status. Although Caille is far more of a major political and economic player than these two cities, it has never submitted itself to become a registered megapolis, preferring to remain the capital of its ancient Garoun state.
Federally-Controlled Territories (or FCTs) are under the direct control of the Federation government. The capitals of the Federation are FCTs, as well as the Gallente Border Zone constellation. Smaller FCTs exist across Federation space, mostly military bases or prisons. The Federation must negotiate to establish an FCT in a territory already under the control of another authority. In the case of the capitals, the Federation often devolves powers to smaller areas for the purposes of bureaucratic ease. Unlike the rest of the Federation, these powers are not protected, and can be revoked by the central government at any time.
The responsibilities of the central Federation government, or FedGov, are the following;
- Representation of all Federation nations and citizens to non-signatories
- Maintenance of the union's cohesion for the benefit of all Federation participants
- Promotion of the articles present in the Federation's founding treaties
Effectively, FedGov is an interstellar regulatory body that binds the union together by executing and upholding the values laid out in the Federation Charter and Constitution. It is made up of a three branch system composed of an executive, legislature, and judiciary, all with clear separation of powers. The intent of this system is to prevent one arm from gaining undue influence over the affairs of either the other two branches, the wider Federation, or both. There are as many as three capitals to symbolically emphasize this principle, although Villore IV (better known as Libertopolis) is the symbolic capital world.
The Federation government operates on a semi-direct or hybrid democratic system. The intent of this is to strike a balance between the flaws of both full direct and full representative systems, where the former may see the oppression of minorities by majorities, and the latter may result in an oligarchy that only superficially interacts with its constituents. While the Federal government has very rarely fallen to either extreme wholesale, it has exhibited tendencies in different areas to varying degrees occasionally throughout its history. While turnouts for public referenda at the Federal level is only 10% on average (which can throw the legitimacy of these votes into question), it is generally accepted that citizens who do participate are those who will be the most affected by the outcome.
Compared to the interstellar governments of other empires, the Federation government has no influence on the average citizen, at least not without going through many layers of separation. This is because FedGov's power is mostly military or economic in nature. While this ensures that individual and social freedoms are protected from off-world influence, it does mean that enforcement against violations of such may be lax. It is the member states who are entrusted with carrying forward the Federal government’s decisions to their respective citizens. The extremely light touch the Federation has on its citizens has resulted in the low rates of political participation at the interstellar level.
The President heads up the executive branch, which is primarily composed of his or her cabinet and the Federal Administration. Elections for the President run every five years, and can only be re-elected once. The executive branch is in charge of executing and implementing the law in the spirit of the Federation’s principles. The President is the Chief of Command of the Federation armed forces[16].
The Office of the President is located in the Federation executive capital of Ladistier, with auxiliary offices found in Parts. The flag of the President is represented by an eagle on a green background with a single diagonal stripe. The eagle stands for the citizen in both Gallente and Caldari cultures (albeit the citizen as a free individual in the former and the citizen as a part of the flock in the latter), while the green coloring is designed to represent moral integrity. The single stripe is a gesture of an oath.
The responsibilities of the President are the following;
- Execution of all the union’s laws and treaties in the spirit of the Federation’s founding principles
- Defense of all human life from both natural and man-made threats
- Ambassadorship of the Federation government on behalf of her participants to non-signatories
The President’s first responsibility of executing the law is mostly ceremonial, as it is the Federal Administration who do the day-to-day work. In this area, Presidents are seen as nothing more than a figurehead. The President will speak on behalf of the bureaucracy or the entire Federation government, with each cabinet member also filling the role of spokesperson for the respective policy department they head.
The second responsibility is unique in New Eden in the sense that a non-combatant is in ultimate control of one of New Eden’s largest militaries, where other empire forces are in control of a senior military figure (such as an Empress) or are otherwise a faction unto themselves (such as the Caldari Navy). Civilian oversight of the military is seen as key to preventing wartime atrocities taking place that are contradictory to the values of a liberal democracy. It is the President’s job to ensure that all branches of the Federation armed forces do not commit actions that would violate Gallente ideals, such as what occurred in the beginning of the Gallente-Caldari War, while still being able to lead them effectively against forces that would threaten the safety and security of the union.
The third responsibility of the President is serving as the face of the Federation to foreign entities. Although the Senate has certain diplomatic powers, the President is most frequently called upon to act as first ambassador to other factions, having the power to propose treaties with foreign empires to be approved by the legislature. Presidents have acted on their own in this regard, or have been at the whims of a Senate alliance.
For the defense of the Federation from natural or man-made threats, the President heads the Federal Security Council[17]. It is generally regarded as the highest and most powerful civilian body in the Federation despite no laws ever having identified it as such. The Security Council is made up of relevant cabinet officials, senior military officers, and chairpersons of relevant Senate committees. Representatives from member states either affected by or in need of military action are legally obliged to attend Security Council meetings and briefings (which can be open or closed door). Though the President has ultimate command of the military, they almost always deliberate with the Security Council, which can be dominated by specific personalities who are not the chief executive. This can result in very long responses to military flashpoints, far slower than the response times of other empires. For this reason, military commanders are trained to be able to act decisively and without executive support[18], while at the same time attempting to minimize any potential political fallout.
On the assumption that not all man-made threats can be dealt with in open channels, the Federal Intelligence Office is under the exclusive control of the President (albeit with some scrutiny from the Senate), giving the chief executive great powers beyond their more codified roles. The FIO is considered a controversial entity, sometimes seen as a private military force exclusively for executive interests[19]. The other branches as well as the rest of the Federation merely tolerate the existence of the FIO as a necessary evil, trusting the President to act morally in protecting the union from the hidden threats within and without it. The FIO's foreign intelligence network is on par with the Jove[20], giving the President get international sway.
The President has certain law-making powers. The President can pass Federal decisions known as executive orders, which pertain to particularly issues requiring central intervention. Presidents can also propose voluntary Federation-wide initiatives to member states. The President can propose legislation to the Senate, but takes no part in the deliberative process. All legislation proposed by the President goes to public vote by default, while Senate proposals can be forced to go to public vote by the executive. Senate bills can be vetoed by the President[7], on the assumption that the executive has either found the proposal to be unsuitable, or lacking in having gone through proper deliberation.
How freely a President utilizes their legislative power is heavily dependent on current traditions and their approval level. Presidents who are puppets of Senate alliances may be maneuvered to reflect the will of that faction. Only Presidents who are popular with the Federation public would dare to propose any legislation, as the outcome of the subsequent plebiscite will often reflect on their current popularity. The majority of Presidents have stuck to using their law-making powers only when it is absolutely necessary, although the more recent ‘hands-on’ chief executives such as Souro Foiritan and Jacus Roden have discarded these long-established traditions, at least temporarily.
In many respects, the President can be considered the most powerful individual in New Eden[21]. This is especially true when the President’s role of being seniormost ambassador of a diplomatically, culturally, and economically influential empire is combined with their command of New Eden’s second-largest armed force (which, in addition, has the greatest clusterwide presence), and their near-exclusive control over an extremely extensive interstellar intelligence network. As this mostly concerns perceptions of interstellar political and military power, the average citizen is unlikely to think a President to have any bearing over their everyday lives.
Outside of their codified responsibilities, the President is generally accepted to have influence in setting the impetus and direction for the rest of the Federation government, either on behalf of a Senate alliance or as an independent figurehead. Often times, the President will appear as an actor or actress playing the role of the kind, considerate and generous mother or father of the people[5], dispute the harsh factionalism beneath the surface.
The Senate comprises the legislative arm of the Federation government. It currently holds 903 members, up from 881 a decade ago, with elections held every five years[5]. Each Senator represents their district via a single sub-district where they are elected according to popular vote. A sub-district may take up a single solar system at its largest, or an individual planet at its smallest. The amount of sub-districts in a district depends on the size of the district’s population. This means that not all districts have the same number of Senators representing them.
A single Senator is internally elected to the position of Head of Senate, currently Aulmont Meis[22]. The Head Senator acts as an arbitrator and facilitator of the legislature’s proceedings, though some heads have functioned in a more executive role than traditions would typically allow.
The Senate itself is located in the Federation legislative and de facto capital of Villore, with auxiliary offices in Old Man Star. The flag of the Senate (which is also the flag of the whole Federation) is an eagle surrounded by twelve stars on a blue background. The stars originally acknowledged the twelve largest founding nations of the union, but has since moved on to represent principles taken from various Federation cultures. The blue is designed to stand for peace and cooperation.
The responsibilities of the Federation Senate are the following;
- Legislation of new laws in the interests of both safeguarding and forwarding the principles of the Federation’s founding treaties amongst its participants
- Control of the Federal Budget in ensuring that all fiscal expenditure represents the will of the Federation and her participants[5][23]
- Oversight of the activities of other Federation institutions in the continuing efforts to enforce high moral standards and eradicate corruption in all its forms[24][5]
The first responsibility of the Senate is the legislating of new laws in the interests of protecting or projecting the ideals laid out in the Federation Charter and Constitution. Any attempt to directly legislate for its constituent territories is seen as outright oppression of both the citizens and member states[5]. As such, the Senate legislates within matters of interstellar affairs, which the Charter dictates as the central government’s primary area of remit.
The second responsibility of the Senate is the supervision of taxation and fiscal spending via control of the Federal Budget. The legislature is entrusted with ensuring that the Federation’s fiscal spending is in the best interests of the people. Control of the Federal Budget is exerted through monthly meetings and the passing of respective legislation.
A third responsibility of the Senate is to ensure that the other branches of the Federation government are behaving as per the high moral standards of the union. The Federation’s belief in multilateral dialogue means that one individual wrestling control of the entire government must be kept in check by a wider assembly of other individuals.
Any Senator can propose a bill[25]. Proposals go through several stages of reading as well as being forward to standing committees for review.. These committees and subcommittees thereof are composed of Senators with professional experience in a specific interstellar policy area, ranging from human security or economic development, to scientific affairs and social practices. Committees have significant sway over budgetary matters.
Depending on the nature of the proposed law, the Senate will decide whether to vote internally or pass it to public referendum. The President, Head Senator, or Supreme Court can force any bill destined for Senate vote to become a public one instead. A simple majority is required for votes on most proposals, both amongst the Senate or public. Two-thirds majority is required for amendments or decisions (the latter of which is never voted on publically). Once a bill has become a full government act, it is signed into law by the President.
For the oversight of other areas of the government, the Senate maintains several standing committees that oversee and scrutinize the activities of the President and Federal Administration, as well as the military and intelligence communities. These committees monitor the budget for various government departments, and prepare legislation for appropriations to these areas. Committees are also maintained for oversight of the judiciary, particularly for advising the approval process of Supreme Court nominees.
The Senate also operates special select committees, which come into being in order to investigate particular occurrences and issues concerning either the Federal government or the Federation as a whole. Breaches of moral standard or government failings are two examples of select committee activities. Unlike standing committees, which are permanent, select committees expire once they have completed their primary duties.
Finally, the Senate has the power to pass votes of no confidence on either the President and other Federal officials[26][27], or Supreme Court justices, requiring a two-thirds majority. The Senate is obliged to hold a vote of no confidence automatically if over half of all Senators receive a petition signed by a simple majority of all constituents in the sub-districts they represent.
Historically, Senators are considered the key interstellar political players in the Federation. Senators are widely considered one of the most (if not the most) educated and knowledgeable individuals in New Eden. Many will have at least two higher qualifications, with one in an astroscience of any discipline. Polymaths are highly-valued, and can expect an easy election into office.
Prospective Senators must demonstrate both their humanity and their education in equal parts if they are to be successful. They will near-universally have to represent hundreds or even thousands of smaller cultures and interests spread across multiple solar systems. Senators must be able to appeal to all of these groups without alienating any one of them, and rally them all together despite any differences and oppositions that exist between the groups.
Most of a Senator’s constituents will have little interest in Federal politics. Thus, how the Senator is able to exploit Federation representation for the benefit of their constituency is generally considered far more important than the Senator’s contribution to a wider interstellar ideology.
The Supreme Court comprises the judicial arm of the Federation government. The Supreme Court is composed of 13 justices including one seniormost chief justice (currently Broyal Alserette), all appointed for life by the President and approved by the Senate.
The Supreme Court itself is located in the Federation judicial capital of Parts, with auxiliary offices in Villore. The flag of the Supreme Court is an eagle carrying two swords crossed over one another on a red background and diagonal cross. The swords and diagonal cross is designed to represent the idea that the Federation will defend its principles, but never in anger. The red coloring is intended to stand for justice.
The responsibilities of the Federation Supreme Court are the following;
- Interpretation of Federal Law for the efforts of upholding the values present in the Federation’s founding treaties
- Arbitration of disagreements between Federation participants in pursuit of an open, honest, and wholesome union[28]
- Protection of the law and all articles of the Federation's founding treaties from corrupting elements
For all of the above, the Supreme Court concerns itself with the higher truths of authority. It ensures that all elements of the Federation are just, and is known to adapt as the definitions of truth and justice change throughout the ages. The Federal Police (FedPol) fall under the judicial branch, and are trusted with protecting Federal Law in space. They are autonomous insofar that they do not answer to the Supreme Court, although their actions are kept in check by the Senate.
The role of Supreme Court is comparable to other judiciaries with interpretative duties in New Eden, like the Amarr’s Theology Council. However, it differs from this example in the sense the Supreme Court very rarely deals with individual crimes, as Federal Law mostly concerns itself with the conduct of member states, megacorporations, and other interstellar bodies. The average citizen will never have any interaction with the Supreme Court, unless they come to the body after exhausting all lesser avenues of appeal.
For interacting with the other two branches of government, the Supreme Court has the power to overrule any action at a whim, be it Senate legislation or Presidential order, on the assumption these actions are not in the spirit of the laws and principles already established. Because justices are bound to neither popular support or political factions, they can act on their own moral codes that are (in theory) derived from the principles of the Federation’s core documents. In practice, hundreds of lawyers employed by the Supreme Court monitor every aspect of how the Federation may be affected by a particular course of action, and attempt to offer their objective and holistic assessments to the justices. As a result, the Supreme Court only undermines the authority of the other two branches when it is deemed absolutely necessary.
The most common day-to-day activity of the Supreme Court is serving as an arbitrator of disputes between member states, ranging from territorial disagreements to the infringement of another’s autonomy. Member states can also protest unwanted Federation government intervention to the Supreme Court, as well as corporations. As the Federation also has rights that have been handed over to it by signatory states, clashes between multiple parties can be common.
The Supreme Court can deal with individual citizens, generally from two groups. The first group are citizens who have come to the Supreme Court as the highest court of appeal, having exhausted all previous levels of justice. These are frequently individuals who feel their treatment by their original home governments is in violation of the Federal Constitution. The Supreme Court would carefully consider the rights of the individual according to the Constitution versus the rights of the member state according to the Charter, as well as any local cultural variables that come into play. Depending on the character of the justices involved, decisions can fall either way. The second group are tycoons and entrepreneurs (or otherwise rich citizens, such as celebrities) with interests spread across multiple planets, who have somehow managed to violate Federal Law, something that is a near-impossible feat for the average citizen.
As individual citizens, member state signatories, corporations, and the Federation itself all have rights and responsibilities granted unto them, excessively convoluted legal and political conflict is rife, especially when any one of these elements are in disagreement with one another. Though this does lead to criticisms of the Federation as inefficient and divisive, others support the above realities as key in ensuring that the freedom of the individual or group never means the freedom to oppress other individuals or groups.
When it comes to the rare event of prosecuting individual citizens, the Supreme Court is not known for being fair when the subject in question is well-off[5]. The odd citizen who does break Federal Law and is not wealthy will find themselves with a much harsher sentence than their rich counterparts. However, even if the rich can expect some leniency in sentences imposed by the Supreme Court they do not get preferential treatment in the investigation of a crime. A citizen is just as likely to be caught for a Federal crime whether at the top or bottom of the social ladder, given the fact it is a rare feat to begin with. Moreover, many consider that the social rejection by their peers is a much more efficient method of punishing the rich over wasting Federation money locking them up in a high-class prison[5].
Because Supreme Court justices are appointed for life to their position (with most starting judges already a century old), they generally do not concern themselves with the temporal nature of everyday Gallente politics or the differing ideologies that are constantly in flux. Instead, they focus purely on the greater ideals as outlined in the Federation’s Constitution and Charter. This is a source of both support and criticism. Supporters of the Supreme Court state that the judiciary will never be bound to any interest other than the core of the Federation itself, which means the union will never stray from its ideals.
Critics deride the judges of the Supreme Court as being disconnected from reality and too caught up in ideology. They are seen as unable to appreciate the cultural and social diversity of the Federation, as the universalistic nature of the Constitution and Charter does not always take into account the very complex and nuanced variations that crop up amongst the Gallente societies. However, in most cases regarding the above, it is not simply a matter of one approach or the other.
The Federal Administration is the bureaucratic arm of the entire Federation government, although it technically falls under the executive branch. It is made up of millions of officers and employees, who are tasked with the day-to-day running of the union at the Federal and district level. The head offices of the bureaucracy are located in Algogille, with administrative operations across the Federation.
The responsibilities of the Federal Administration are the following;
- Implementation of Federal Law across all Charter signatories
- Collection of Federal taxes and tariffs from relevant participants
- Supervision of the democratic process at the Federal and district level
The size and political fragmentation of the union means the Federal Administration maintains a space presence that is notably more active than its counterpart bureaucracies in other empires[29]. This means that those living and working in space frequently interact with the Administration. At the planetary level, the Administration is aware of its unwelcome presence, and thus trusts the member states’ own bureaucracies to carry out its duties in its stead.
The Federal Administration interacts primarily with member state and district governments for the implementation of the law. How the dialogue proceeds depends on the type of Federal law in question. The Administration mostly concerns itself either with the enforcement of a central decision or the monitoring of how well a member state is implementing a directive. In the latter case, the Administration can assist member states in drafting local legislation that complies with a Federal directive. The Administration takes an active role within member states that have opted for participation in an initiative. The bureaucracy may assist in the implementation of law on behalf of a district government, though never a member state, unless remit is explicitly granted by the local authority. In all cases, the Administration will employ various departments built around specific policy areas depending on the nature of the law being implemented.
The vast bulk of revenue collected by the Administration is from tariffs on space trade (which is proportionately much larger in the union than elsewhere[30]), customs, and interstellar corporation tax. As space travel for ordinary citizens is much more accessible in the Federation than elsewhere, the Administration collects taxes from independent space captains and travel companies. All collected revenue goes directly to the Federal Budget. This means that the Federation government’s finances relies heavily on the economic health and vibrancy of its spacelanes. The historically largest expenditures of the Federal Budget in no particular order include the armed forces, planetary aid and development (particularly in education and healthcare), administration and bureaucracy, industrial and economic cooperation, and space infrastructure (such as FTL communication relays and stargates). Funding in these areas varies according to the current makeup of the Senate and the immediate needs of the Federation.
While the Federal Administration is responsible for collecting general taxation from the citizens, their weak presence on planets combined with corruption in very remote areas makes this an unreliable source of income. Only in well-integrated areas of the union (such as on space stations) can citizens expect to pay Federal tax. This is a contentious and controversial issue with many different opinions on the matter. One opinion is that every single citizen of the union must pay tax as a matter of principle. Another opinion is that the Federation earns enough through other means, and that attempting to impose central authority by sending out tax collectors in droves may antagonize the member states and their respective citizens.
Finally, the Federal Administration supervises all elections at the Federation and district level. These elections are publically funded, meaning the Administration has an active role in dealing with the thousands of political candidates who are campaigning for office. These exact procedures are detailed here.
As bureaucratic power in the Federation ultimately rests with the member states, the Federal Administration does not have consistent levels of influence. While the Administration can be said to be ubiquitous along well-travelled spacelanes, its ability to operate at lower levels is kept in check by how willing a member state is in cooperating with the central government. As a result, administrative coverage and bureaucratic implementation is one of the weakest of the four empires, just ahead of the Minmatar Republic. Combined with the union's problematic integration issues, the existence of the Federal government is seen as irrelevant by many Gallente citizens, despite the Administration’s best efforts.
The Federation is split into 62 districts. A district takes up a constellation, although particularly populous constellations are split into two districts. The purpose of a district is to offer some sense of political coherency by organizing the various member states of a constellation under a single body that the Federation can choose to interact with as an intermediary. Whether the member states permit a district to speak for them to the Federation varies.
Districts are also necessary for acting as a local authority in areas of Federation space which are not claimed by any member state or corporation. These are known as unorganized systems or territories. Any sense of a legal authority in these systems may not exist when district governments have little to no power.
Each Federation district is granted its own parliament. The official function of a district parliament is to consolidate representation of its various member states and respective citizens in order to advise and support the Senate on local issues[5]. The political diversity of each member state necessitated the creation of districts, which offer a way of standardizing representation before the Federation without infringing on local political cultures.
District parliaments are bicameral. The lower chamber (known as the house) is composed of representatives elected by popular vote. One house member represents a single ward, which are the constituencies of a district[31]. A ward is typically drawn according to the boundaries and population of a member state. The upper chamber (known as the council) is made up of councillors appointed by the district’s member states, with one councillor to a single member state regardless of size.
District parliaments are funded by the member states. If member states pull out of funding a district parliament, the Federal Administration will do so instead. It is generally considered that the Federal Administration’s funding for a district parliament is not adequate, meaning the parliament will only exist as a formality with little to no influence.
Advisory role
Senators of a district are required to hold weekly sessions with both chambers of the local parliament. From the lower chamber, the Senators will hear the issues and grievances of the district electorate, as well as report back whatever developments are taking place at the Federal level. The same dialogue will take place with the upper chamber, where the Senators will interact with the member state appointees. By tradition, the Senators of that district are expected to cooperate in taking the advice of the parliament to the Federation itself, but are ultimately under no obligation. Senators may choose to interact with constituents or member state governments directly, bypassing the district parliament altogether.
Depending on the individual prestige of a Senator, they may be able to influence the proceedings of a district parliament. Alternatively, Senators may be at the whims of either one of the chambers (or both). If a district’s citizens and/or member states do not support the Federation, they may manipulate their Senators to keep the central government at bay. If an opposing group of citizens and/or member states within that same district are supporters of the Federation, however, they may also use exploit Senator dialogue to this end.
District parliaments have the power to legislate laws for their jurisdiction. District parliaments do not have the power to propose legislation independently. Only the member states of a district can propose legislation to the parliament, either moved to by their respective government or citizenry. Both chambers of the parliament will then go through processes similar to the Federal Senate in order to reach a codecision. The bill will be exchanged between the chambers until a consensus is reached. If no codecision is made, the bill fails.
No chamber is superior to the other in this process. The intent of this rule is that member state sovereignty is not undermined by constellation-wide populism (as represented by the appointed upper chamber), yet the will of all people regardless of their background is not undermined by government oligarchy (as represented by the elected lower chamber). In reality, a district parliament may swing either way. If the people of a district are relatively united, then parliament authority can undermine that of the member states. If the member states are in league with one another, then individual representation is secondary. In the latter instance, a district will tend to legislate on intra-constellation economic affairs or other agreements pertaining to member state relations. Parliaments are weak or otherwise non-influential if there is no political cohesion within a constellation, especially if member states are in opposition to one another or are more interested in retaining authority for themselves. Power shifts frequently, and nothing is static in this regard.
In other cases, the law-making process can be dominated by a particularly powerful member state or bloc of. For example, the district parliament of the Luminaire home constellation has been historically at the whims of the Kingdom of Central Garoun (home to the famed city of Caille) as well as the Hueromont city-state. Likewise, the Intaki Assembly has majority influence in both chambers of their respective district parliament due to their large population, giving it de facto control over the wider constellation. The Jin-Mei’s district parliament, meanwhile, exists as nothing but a formality; the Sang Do overlords have continued to hold nearly all the power in their nation.
Each Federation district has its own court. Its primary purpose is to serve the role similar to that of the Supreme Court at a lower level, as the Federation is simply too big for one institution to manage single-handedly. For the interpretative role, the district courts ensure that any legislation or action passed by either the member states or district parliament are not in violation of any pre-established laws and protocols. However, unlike the Supreme Court, a district court is not meant to ensure that all legislation is derived from the Federal Charter, Constitution, or whatever local treaties are present. Rather, it ensures that local legislation is not in violation of, acting as an arbitrating go-to for the district's member states. This is because the district courts stand independently, and are not considered to be mechanistically tied to the district parliamentary or member state governments in the same way the Supreme Court is tied to the Federal Senate and President.
District courts also takes care of disputes or appeals from the member states and citizens on behalf of the Supreme Court. Because of the asymmetric nature of districts and the frequent non-cooperation of member states within them, some courts are impotent and inconsequential. Member states and their citizens will have to trust all parties in the assumption that no one is in violation of Federation law. The Supreme Court is available for instances of illegalities in this instances, but only once the relevant proceedings have gone through the local district court first.
The legislative powers of the Federation government are known as authorities. Signatories of the Federal Charter retain all powers not explicitly delegated to the Federation itself. The Federation has sole authorities in some areas, where the member states are unable to act independently. In other areas, the member states are free to act, with Federation serving an assisting role should it be granted the remit to do so. The majority of authorities are joint, meaning that the member states may legislate only in areas where the Federation has not done so already.
The exception to the above is with signatories that have been granted the power of opt-out, who are permitted to legislate within those areas that are typically reserved for the Federation government.
Sole authorities
The Federation has sole authority to legislate within:
- Human security and defense
- Interstellar customs
- Extraterritorial diplomatic policy
- Construction and maintenance of military stargates
- FTL communications
- Establishment of competition rules necessary for the functioning of the Federal interstellar market
- Monetary policy for member states with Federal currency
- Interstellar travel and starship licensing
- Extraterritorial colonial administration
- Territorial cohesion
- Conservation of natural planetary environments under the Aclan Agreement and other treaties
- Conservation of mineral resources under Federal astromining policies
Joint authorities
Member states are free to legislate in the following areas where the Federation has not done so prior:
- The Federal interstellar market
- Construction and maintenance of civilian stargates
- Trade and commercial policy
- Corporate regulation
- Consumer protection
- Interplanetary infrastructure and transport
- Planetary ownership
- Economic cohesion
- GalNet regulation
- Energy production
- Freedom, security, and justice
- Social policy for aspects defined by the Federal Constitution
- Health and safety policy for aspects defined by the Federal Constitution
Federation exercise in authority does not prevent member states from exercising theirs in:
- Space colonization and development
- Planetary colonization and development
- Research and technological development
- General development cooperation
- Financial aid
Assisting authorities
If remit is granted, the Federation can support, coordinate, or supplement member states action in:
- Law enforcement, anti-piracy, and counter-terrorism/-insurgency
- Protection and improvement of human health
- Civil protection and disaster prevention
- Social and political cohesion
- Industry
- Culture
- Tourism
- Education and vocational training
- Administrative assistance
The occasional ambiguity of the above when applying it to specific cases means that member states frequently battle with the Federation (and vice versa) as to what areas of legislative authority are reserved for them. While the Supreme Court keeps an eye on these situations, it is careful to only intervene as a last resort. This results in very long legal clashes and media frenzies, though a compromise is almost always reached once fatigue sets in.
The laws of the Federation government (Federal Law) take supremacy over those made by member states. It is divided into primary and secondary legislation. Primary Federal Law is composed of the articles of the Charter and the Constitution, and forms the basis for all Federation government action. It is altered by the use of amendments. Secondary Federal Law includes regulations, directives, resolutions and decisions. They are derived from the principles and objectives set out in the Charter and Constitution.
An amendment is legislation passed that alters any articles present in the Federation Charter or Constitution. Amendments can be proposed by the President or Senate, and must have the approval of two-thirds of all district parliaments. Once this has happened, all amendments are required to be voted on publically via Federation-wide referendum.
Amendments are proposed when elements of the Federation’s core structure and/or ideologue are perceived to have become outdated. The last Federal amendment to be passed was increasing the Federation President’s term limit from one to two[11].
A regulation is immediately enforceable and self-executing as law in all member states simultaneously, and does not require any implementing measures. They are passed only by the Senate. The vast majority of regulations concern the political and economic conduct of Federation member states, such as within the areas of interstellar trade and travel, as well as communication. Very few regulations dictate the conduct of individuals, as this is not considered as something within Federation remit. Regulations concerning individual citizens mostly cover crimes against Federal officers, or space crimes such as piracy or interstellar trafficking.
Regulations are typically implemented when a new technology or trend (or any sort of development in particular), if left unchecked, would threaten to violate the articles outlined in the Constitution and Charter.
A directive requires member states to achieve a particular result without the Federation dictating the means of achieving that result. They are passed only by the Senate. Directives leave member states a significant amount of freedom as to how they will adopt the exact law. Typically, a member state will pass its own local law that fits the criteria of the Federal directive.
Directives are the most common type of laws legislated by the Federation, as they are seen as not infringing on the rights of its members while still pursuing a common good through cooperation. The majority of directives concern matters such as the implementing of a new technology across the Federation, or adjusting industrial policy in the face of changes in New Eden’s interstellar economy.
Other directives may concern living or working standards. Regulations are not used in such instances, as the Federation is often aware of the complex nuances at the local level which prevent blanket laws from being effective. Typically, directives are used in the pursuit of a new ideal, whereas regulations are implemented to prevent already established ideals from being broken.
Resolutions are legislative acts that are non-binding, and can only be passed by the Senate. They are designed to function as a symbolic gesture, taking a libertarian approach in encouraging the individual member states to carry forward the principles of the resolution themselves on a voluntary basis, without central involvement. Resolutions are traditionally passed regarding issues that may require decisive action, but where direct intervention by the Federation government would do more harm than good. Member states who do not abide by a resolution may be punished by other member states, but only through legal means (mostly economic sanction). Citizens who feel their member state governments should be following a resolution are by tradition expected to utilize the local democratic process in carrying this forward.
Resolutions can be very common, passed as frequently as directives. Their popularity is derived from a resolution's libertarian nature, which gives member states a significant amount of freedom within the system in being able to decide whether or not participation will benefit them. Incentives, be it respect or capital, may encourage participation in a resolution.
Resolutions may be decided on by public vote. Since the outbreak of the Empyrean War, the number of resolutions passed has dropped somewhat, especially in areas affected by the conflict.
Decisions only apply to particular issues, and can be passed by any three of the Federation’s government branches. Decisions are never subject to public vote.
Bills passed by the Senate as decisions are known as instructions, and fall within two areas. The first type of instruction may concern itself with a specific issue or flashpoint that emerges within the Federation and cannot be resolved by member state authorities, such as a planetary disaster or political conflict. The second type of instruction concerns areas directly pertaining to the Federation as a central entity. This includes matters such as foreign, defense, and budgetary matters. The majority of decisions fall under this latter category.
Many decisions are passed by the Supreme Court, where they are known as rulings. Supreme Court rulings are typically made when a member state or individual is found violating Constitution or Charter Law. The Supreme Court has the power to penalize or sanction member states who are in Federal violation. After making a decision, their ruling becomes applicable for the indefinite future as Federal Law.
If a decision is passed by the President, it is known as an order or executive order, typically suffixed with a five-digit number[2]. Typically, executive orders are either concerned with very small issues that are of no real concern to the wider Federation, such as prisoner bureaucracy, or come in response to a major flashpoint that requires immediate action by the central government or military. The latter is extremely risky to the popularity of a President, as the wrong decision could be perceived as a single individual trying to wrestle his or her tyrannical influence over the Federation, or otherwise undermining citizen or member freedoms.
The last decision made by a President was Executive Order 81402, or better known as the Hueromont Act[32], which was a failed attempt by Souro Foiritan to nationalize the arms industry in the wake of Caldari military victories. This gross miscalculation on his part effectively ended his Presidency.
Initiatives are not technically laws, but nonetheless fall within the Federation’s legislative remit. The Senate or President can propose an initiative to Federation member states, who have the option of accepting or refusing participation. Members who choose to participate in an initiative must abide by the protocols dictated by the Federation, on the agreement that it will benefit their territories once the initiative is implemented.
Initiatives primarily concern education, healthcare, the development of infrastructure, and other social or economic matters. Often times, initiatives are criticized as the Federation exploiting gullibility of its member states at the expense of the latter’s freedoms, only for the former to leverage influence over local autonomy.
An example was with the Protein Delicacies fiasco, which was a Federation initiative to supply the artificial food product across all Gallente schools[33], unaware that the food actually stunted mental growth. Though many attribute the act to the Caldari, others felt that the incident demonstrated how the Federation should not involve itself in relatively mundane affairs such as school catering.
By law, a petition that is presented before the Federation government with a backing of a certain number of citizens is required to become a formal topic within the Senate. Petitions can be written to either the President or a Senator. A petition that originates from two or more districts requires at least one billion supporters for the document to become a formal issue. A petition from a single district requires 51% of the local constituents for the document to become a formal issue.
Petitions typically concern a specific social or technological development that the Federation government may not be aware of. As the Federation's primary remit is to pass wide-sweeping laws rather than concern itself with minute details, petitions are taken very seriously, as they demonstrate that the government's hands-off methods is not being as effective as it should be. Thus, a petition will almost always become law in one of the four previous forms, although how much they address absolutely all grievances may vary.
All of the above is considered empty and meaningless without democratic participation by the citizenry. Voting by universal suffrage is the official exercise of a citizen's political power, whether this is via a general election or a legal referendum. Third parties constitute the civil society, a key role in a democracy that bridges the gap between the government and the people. These civil society groups may include activist blocs, charities, and many other non-governmental organizations. Technology also plays a key role, either being informed of the effects of government actions by independent news providers or discussing politics with fellow citizens over GalNet and FTL. There are many vehicles and mediums of democracy in the Federation, and may very well be limitless as new forms of political participation are discovered every day.
The participation of citizens regardless of background or standing is to ensure that the Federation's governments are prevented from unnecessarily interfering with the lives of individuals. The reality of the matter is that too much or too little popular participation can turn a democracy into either a tyranny of the majority or an oligarchy of the minority. Though a rare occurrence (and extremely short-lived at the Federal level at least, however damaging), the justice system and civil society remains ever watchful for such instances, but the vast size of the union combined with its state of constantly being in flux means that the battle to destroy government oppression in all its forms is a constant one.
See Also
- Gallente government
- Democracy in the Gallente Federation
- Gallente franchise system
- Gallente
- Chronicle: The Human Painting
- Chronicle: Stairway to Heaven
- Chronicle: Three Pillars of Power
- Chronicle: Power Politics
- Chronicle: Blind Auction
- Chronicle: Black Eagles
- Chronicle: Xenocracy
- ↑ Chronicle: Stairway to Heaven:
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Chronicle: The Humain Painting:
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Gallente Timeline:
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Timeline:
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Gallente Government:
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Chronicle: Three Pillars of Power:
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Chronicle: Power Politics:
- ↑ News: It's election time in the Federation - public gets to decide:
- ↑ Chronicle: Blind Auction:
- ↑ News: The Scope Profile: Souro Foiritan:
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 News: Results just in for elections. Foiritan prevails!:
- ↑ News: Federal Navy turned back at Intaki stargate:
- ↑ News: FedMart intervention in Jin-Mei agriculture:
- ↑ Chronicle: Xenocracy:
- ↑ News: Federation seeks solutions to immigrant influx:
- ↑ News: Citizens lash out at Federation military leadership:
- ↑ News: Federation seeks answers to terrorist atrocity - entertainment industry in shambles:
- ↑ Ship Description: Algos
- ↑ News: FIO strike rises civil liberty fears:
- ↑ Corporation Description: Federal Intelligence Office
- ↑ NPC Corporation Description: President
- ↑ News: Aulmont Meis named Head of Senate:
- ↑ NPC Corporation Description: Senate
- ↑ Chronicle: Black Eagles:
- ↑ News: Senator proposes ban on public execution:
- ↑ News: Senate to hold a vote of no confidence on the President!:
- ↑ News: Breaking news: Federation corporations refute nationalization mandate; Senate approves impeachment hearings for President Foiritan:
- ↑ NPC Corporation Description: Supreme Court
- ↑ NPC Corporation Description: Federal Administration
- ↑ NPC Corporation Description: Federal Administration
- ↑ News: Federation population divided over Amarr slave releases:
- ↑ News: Foiritan to invoke wartime powers act to nationalize Federation arms manufacturers; Senate calls emergency session:
- ↑ News: Protein Delicacies in all Federal schools within the next few days: