From Backstage Lore Wiki
- P&P
- (abbr.) People & Places
- Painter
- (abbr.) Target Painters and variations.
- Party Ship
- (slang) Any ship fitted with a cynosaural field generator used to lure other players into shooting it.
- (initial) Power Diagnostic Systems.
- (initial, historical) Power Diagnostic Systems.
- PE
- 1. (initial) Production Efficiency. A skill or Production Efficiency of a blueprint, depending on context.
- 2. (initial) Productivity Level.
- Perfect Refining
- Having a high enough refining skill, ore specific processing skill, and corporation standing such that refining produces no waste and no materials are withheld as taxes.
- Personal Slot
- An activity slot provided by the current ship.
- Pest
- (abbr.) A Tempest battleship.
- Pew Pew
- (slang) The act of PvP.
- Phoon
- (abbr.) A Typhoon battleship.
- PI
- (initial) Planetary Interaction.
- Pirate
- (slang) A group or individual that makes a living attacking and stealing from lawful spacefarers.
- Plag
- (abbr.) Plagioclase ore.
- Plagio
- (abbr.) Plagioclase.
- Plate
- (abbr.) Armor Plate.
- 1. (abbr.) 30-Day Pilot's License Extension
- 2. (abbr.) Pirate Complex. A Cosmic Anomaly or Deadspace filled with rats.
- Plexing
- The continual running of pirate complexes.
- Pod Jump
- (slang) The act of purposefully jumping to the location of a medical clone by deliberately being podded.
- Point
- 1. (slang) Warp Disruptors and variations.
- 2. (slang) Warp Scramblers and variations.
- 3. (slang) The act of warp jamming a ship.
- Police
- (slang) CONCORD.
- Polymers
- A highly advanced material manufactured from fullerenes and utilized in the manufacturing of subsystem components.
- 1. (initial) A Player Owned Starbase.
- 2. (initial) Pod On Sight.
- Power Relay
- (abbr.) Shield Power Relay and variations.
- Processed Materials
- 1. An intermediate moon material obtained through the refining of raw materials and utilized in the manufacturing of advanced materials.
- 2. An intermediate planetary interaction material obtained through the refining of raw materials and utilized in the manufacturing of refined commodities.
- Prod
- (abbr.) Production.
- Public Slot
- An activity slot provided by a station or outpost that is available to the public.
- Pulses
- (abbr.) Pulse Lasers.
- PvE
- (initial) Player vs EVE or Player vs Environment. Combat vs NPCs.
- PvP
- (initial) Player vs Player. Combat or competition vs other players.
- 1. (initial) Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron (A type of Target Painter).
- 2. (slang) Getting "owned" by someone or "owning" someone.
- Pye
- (abbr.) Pyerite ore.
- Pyro
- (abbr.) Pyroxeres ore.
- Pyrox
- (abbr.) Pyroxes ore.