Drone rigs and implants (CSM)

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  • Title: Drone rigs and implants
  • Raised by: Sokratesz
  • Submission Date: January 18th, 2010
  • Issue ID: ???


Currently there exist no implants with bonuses to drones, and the rig selection is very limited. All other weapon systems have a wide range of rigs and implants. I would like to request CCP to introduce a line of implants with bonuses to drones, and increase the line of available drone rigs.

It will be beyond the scope of this proposal to suggest complete stats for all the implants and rigs, however there are several posts with helpful suggestions in the assembly hall thread. (see below)

The vote should be about 'Please CCP, introduce new drone implants and expand drone rig line Y/N'. Specifics like stats, balancing etc. would have to be done by CCP itself in all its wisdom.

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