Drafted Index

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Drafted is an attempt at a short story. All in all it's about 100 pages long (A4). It is written from the perspective of 'you'. That means you can identify with the person about whom the story revolves. Or, you cannot relate and name the 'basterd' him / herself. Whatever you want.

The story starts here:

Chapter 1: Drafted

Chapter 2: Training

Chapter 3: Skills

Chapter 4: Skillplan

Chapter 5: Different training

Chapter 6: Ancients Section

Chapter 7: Discovery

Chapter 8: Inside the station

Chapter 9: Stuck

Chapter 10: Keeping busy

Chapter 11: Exploring

Chapter 12: Entertainment

Chapter 13: Getting out

I hope you enjoy this story. If you do, send me an evemail, if you don't.......... oh well, send me an evemail as well. Never too old to learn, right?

--Grojar Flesp 20:48, 18 February 2013 (GMT)

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