Dewy Nebula

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On warp in there are two groups on each gas cloud respectively.

Mercenary Overlord: "Intruders! Defend the harvester base!"

Group 1:

4x (Frigate) Mercenary Wingman (stasis webs)

4x (Cruiser) Mercenary Lieutenant

3x (Battleship) Mercenary Overlord

Group 2:

4x (Cruiser) Mercenary Commander

3x (Battleship) Mercanary Overlord

2x (Sentry) Siege Autocannon Battery

  • please note that while the autocannon batteries do not hit particularly hard, they do have a significant amount of hp.

Upon beginning mining of either cloud, a last group of rogue drones will spawn.

Group 3:

4x (Battlecruiser) Defeater Alvatis.

4x (Battleship) Matriarch Alvus.

This site contains two Amber Cytoserocin clouds. The cloud near the Infested Station contains 1000 units. The cloud next to the Serpentine Rock cluster contains 2000 units.

Media:Dewy Nebula.png

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