Demographics of the Caldari State
The Caldari State is the second least populous entity out of the four major empires in New Eden, compromising under 10% of the cluster’s population. It is a relatively homogenous nation, with lesser social and cultural diversity than elsewhere, and a single language enforced for the sake of popular unity. The State has the highest urban density of the four empires, leaving much of its population concentrated around urban and industrial centers on planets in and around the core systems, where corporate control is absolute. Rural populations are nearly non-existent, leaving large tracts of State space unclaimed by any megacorporation or uninhabited for the purposes of automated agriculture and hazardous environment mining operations. Where corporate control is weak and/or threatened by non-Caldari influences (such as colonial outposts in remote areas or space stations on major spacelanes), citizens are frequently rotated between locations, resulting in very few permanent residents in these places.
The Caldari are frequently cited as being the most efficient at keeping the best track of their citizens[1], as a requirement of citizenship is to be an employee of one of the megacorporations. However, the Caldari do not keep track of non-employees (including the disenfranchised), leaving inhabited areas of State space that aren't under the control of a megacorporation.
Before the founding of the State, the Caldari were not a singular entity. Like their Gallente neighbors, they were composed of different races on different continents across Caldari Prime, although the bulk of the population were located on the Tikiona continent. Tikiona was united between 17453AD and 20988AD under the Raata Empire[2], with whatever ethnicities existing at the time organized into political entities called houses.
The term Caldari only came about after first contact with the Gallente in 22517AD[2], as a planetary identifier used to distinguish the races of their homeworld from those of their newfound partners (that term also being used for the exact same purpose). By this point, each Caldari race were organized into their own fully-fledged nation on Caldari Prime, with minimal to no cross-ethnic mingling. The boundaries between these ethnicities were profound, not only in physical appearance, but culturally. The Caldari’s concept of a nation differed from the Gallente’s definition, the latter of which tended to be built around purpose or ideology, rather than race or culture.
Even when the megacorporations secretly colonized regions of space on behalf of their master nations, the Caldari would continue to identify by their original ethnicity. This practice continued way past the founding of the Federation in 23121AD[2], and it was only until the secession of the Caldari in 23154AD did matters change[2]. When the Chief Executive Panel usurped control of the homeworld from the indigenous nations, all who supported the secession were swept up in the social upheaval, their identities being uprooted and replaced by a new one where discipline and loyalty became the defining traits[3]. The Caldari psyche and society was shaped into something completely new, as the all-encompassing corporate state came into being. The largest Caldari ethnicities, the Deteis and Civire, were affected by these deep-rooted changes and molded to the norm. Other ethnicities, including Gallente who had long been residents of the Caldari homeworld, were brought into the fold where all now identified as one race.
Influenced by Sukuuvestaa, the Achura decided to join the Caldari in their secession as a client state. Their pre-industrial Achura Empire had been discovered by SuVee during the secret colonization many decades prior, and was uprooted and replaced by minority Caldari rule. This mostly affected major population centers, which were modernized to become full cities according to the Caldari standard. The rural areas were mostly ignored, dotted with thousands of Achura monasteries. Some were displaced for mining operations, but for the most part, Achura who had not been assimilated remained reclusive and introverted[4]. Only during the beginning of the capsuleer era would the Achura acquire interstellar recognition as many sought out pod pilot training.
Over the course of the Gallente-Caldari War, militant fringe groups of Intaki sympathized with the State and asked to join the Caldari Navy, particularly experienced military personnel[5]. Wary of the fact the Intaki had a very different culture to the Caldari, but still pragmatic enough to realize the military and political benefits of enlisting turncoat veterans, these sympathizers were placed in separate units. The most famous of these forces were commanded by Muryia Mordu, becoming one of the more revered units in the war.
When the war ended, many of these Intaki were offered cheap land and accommodation in Waschi City on Kamokor IV, though those who had since abandoned their cultural heritage and fully integrated into the Caldari lifestyle had long become full citizens elsewhere. Because these Intaki continued to maintain their separate identity and distinct ways, their presence caused tension with the native Caldari, especially xenophobic radicals who fed on the jingoistic tendencies of the State. The Intaki were driven out, and sought assistance from their former commander, Muryia Mordu[5]. Subsequent events would lead to the formation of Mordu’s Legion. In the end, the Intaki were able to resettle in Waschi City while retaining their identity and culture.
The rise of Tibus Heth and the Caldari Providence Directorate in YC110 would put emphasis on ethnic identity regardless of cultural compliance, the two being defined as synonymous with one another by the Provists. Hundreds of thousands of Federation expatriates were quarantined and unlawfully incarcerated/expulsed[6], while full State citizens of Gallente origin found themselves at the violent end of angry mobs[7]. Even Achura who were fully established as corporate citizens were targeted by radicals due to their distinct ethnic appearance, although this has since subsided following corporate action.
Today, the Civire and Deteis make up almost all of the Caldari State’s registered population, with Achura, ethnic Gallente, and Intaki as the largest minorities in that order. The integrated nature of New Eden’s interstellar economy has seen many listed Caldari space stations become notably cosmopolitan, as has occurred across all four empires. Space trade hubs such as Jita 4-4 see travellers and cultures from across the cluster[8]. However, these areas only make up a minute fraction of the State. On planets and elsewhere, the Caldari culture continues to dominate, though the Gallente economic and cultural influence established centuries ago (as well as its continuing efforts to permeate the State) never truly left.
The Caldari State is an ethnically homogeneous nation relatively speaking, with 95-99% of its accounted-for citizens originating from Caldari Prime. The majority of this figure is split between the Civire and Deteis almost equally, though it does include some Gallente, with the latter adopting the ways of the former groups. Although the Civire and Deteis are proud of their heritage and the subtle social distinction between the two, both of these groups consider them to be of one Caldari race[3]. The corporations emphasize this in their enculturation process, enforcing a single Caldari culture and identity for the purposes of unity and cohesion. The Caldari are monolingual for these reasons. Although dialects exist depending on location, the corporations ensure that these linguistic variations do not prevent all Caldari citizens from being capable of fully understanding one another.
The remaining 1-5% of the registered State population is primarily made up of the Achura, with a handful of Intaki and Khanid. They are expected to either shed all previous hallmarks of their identity (both publically and privately) and adapt to the Caldari way, or keep to themselves in small client communities isolated from the wider State.
Similar to the Gallente, the Caldari tend to place minimal emphasis on ethnicity. They identify as Caldari first, their birth corporation second, and infrequently their ethnic heritage third[3]. However, because ethnicity is so frequently tied to culture in New Eden, the Caldari are often mistaken to be racist, as they are extremely intolerant of individuals practicing non-Caldari customs in the State, commonly foreigners and expatriates[9]. Caldari society is not pluralistic, meaning any individual who wishes to become a full citizen (even ethnic Caldari born in the Federation) must abandon all previous marks of identity and adapt to the State’s meticulous standard. There are few individuals who manage to pull this off as it is, and even fewer willing to do so in the first place. Combined with megacorporate policy that makes it near-impossible for an outsider to penetrate the system, migration into the State outside of expatriates and starship captains is negligible.
The Caldari make up over 95-99% of the Caldari State’s registered citizenry. Although technically composed of multiple ethnicities that have descended from Caldari Prime (the Civire and Deteis being the largest by far), all Caldari are identified to be of one race, as per both popular tradition and the dictat of the megacorporations[3].
Because of the megacorporations defining their subjects’ identities, the differences between the Deteis and Civire lay more in social habits, formal interactions, and philosophical approaches to being Caldari. They can not be considered distinct ethnicities like the other groups in New Eden. Their characterizing social habits and mores are instead a product of their familial upbringing, emphasized as a constituent heritage of the wider Caldari identity, but otherwise not an important aspect of a citizen’s life. Those outside the State generally do not make a distinction (which the Caldari are more than happy to encourage).
Despite identifying as one collective Caldari unit, inter-marriages between the Deteis and Civire are rare[3]. The corporate-controlled marriage system of the State groups members of opposing genders (and only opposing genders) based on similarities in physical appearance, alongside other considerations such as personality compatibility and socioeconomic standing. Maintaining consistency in physical appearance over the generations is seen as just one of the many necessities in the preservation of the history and tradition of the Caldari people.
Even though the Caldari generally put little emphasis on racial origin when it comes interacting with an individual, they consider inter-marriage between members of different ethnicities (be it Civire or Deteis) to be an aberration. It is seen as a threat to the survival of Caldari tradition and culture, something that will dilute two heritages until both become indistinguishable. These prejudices are levied against non-Caldari who intermix as well, these individuals perceived as having no respect for whatever heritage or traditions they were born into. Cultural purity is thus intrinsically tied to racial purity amongst the Caldari. Individuals with parents of differing ethnicities are dubbed ‘halfbreeds’, and are victim of enormous social and institutional persecution in the State[10][11].
The Achura are a client state of the Caldari. The vast majority of Achura can be found on their homeworld as corporate subjects of the Sukuuvestaa corporation. While there is an autonomous Achura government known as the Elder Visionaries, they mostly control the monasteries in the rural areas of the homeworld. The Elder Visionaries are as reclusive and introverted[4] as an entity can be whilst still participating in cluster affairs, primarily in the areas of interstellar religion.
The Achura only become recognized and known to the rest of the cluster during the capsuleer era. Drawn to the philosophical implications of the hydrostatic capsule, many would seek to become pod pilots in large numbers. As the capsuleer training process is ostensibly Caldari in the State, their Achura identities and culture would be removed and replaced by the Caldari way. Because the wider Caldari put more emphasis on cultural compliance over ethnic origin, these encultured Achura are considered full citizens in equal standing. However, the independence granted to capsuleers means that many Achura after graduation choose to revert back to their original culture.
Ethnic Gallente
State citizens of ethnic Gallente origin tend to have some Civire or Deteis ancestry, and either identify with one of these groups. The majority of these citizens were residents of Caldari Prime who took part in the evacuation to the newly-formed State. These ethnic Gallente may also be Intaki, Mannar, or another Federation ethnicity, or at least have some ancestry from these groups. The vast majority no longer identify as Gallente and are widely considered by both themselves and others to be of the Caldari race.
Radical Caldari who emphasize ethnic origin as being intrinsically tied to the Caldari identity often target these groups, though this applies to any citizen not descended from Caldari Prime. One of the more notable instances of this occurring was on Urlen II following Tibus Heth’s reclamation of Caldari Prime in YC110, where almost a thousand State citizens of Gallente origin were killed by an angry mob[7]. There were conflicting reports as to whether their deaths came as retribution for attempting to incite violence in response to the State invasion of Luminaire.
The Intaki minority in the State either no longer have any trappings of their Intaki background and are considered full Caldari, or they retain their unique identity and culture in client communities across the State. The largest of these communities is in Waschi City on Kamokor IV[5]. The ruling authorities of these latter Intaki groups must constantly act to ensure they are not victims of persecution by Caldari citizens or subject to exploitation by megacorporations.
Fringe Intaki who sympathize with the Caldari can also be found in the State. Those with valuable skills, such as military or corporate turncoats, are brought into the fold and sheltered by the megacorporations. There are some Intaki immigrants, but the majority of these fail to notice the stark differences between their own culture and that of the Caldari, falling into the fringes of State society. Many are picked up by Aliastra for employment, who have numerous operations in the State.
The shared cultural emphasis in martial and mercantile ability[12] has seen many Khanid make themselves a home in the State. They exist as somewhat of an anomaly. While all of the very few immigrants who come to the State are expected to abandon their previous identities and cultures, the Khanid are free to continue identifying as such due to the mutual respect shared with the Caldari. They are nonetheless expected to abide by the rules as with all foreigners, but persecution for failing to do so is lax. Their religion can be practiced in private (where the Caldari typically do not make a distinction between public and private spheres), though more extreme elements such as slavery are unsurprisingly not tolerated.
As per the requirements of the New Eden interstellar economy, the Caldari State is home to expatriates from other empires, the majority of which are from the Gallente Federation, followed somewhat behind by the Khanid Kingdom. These expatriates are typically under the employ of non-Caldari corporations that operate in State space. Like their non-native employers, expatriates have very restricted freedoms (unless a member of the Quafe corporation, which has full domestic sovereignty in the State[13][14]). Freedom of movement is limited, and they are watched closely by local authorities, often treated far more harshly than the natives.
The majority of expatriates are of a well-off background inhabiting high-paying jobs with the support of their families back home. Several Federation expatriates fill in occupations the Caldari generally do not bother themselves with (though are nonetheless somewhat necessary), such as chefs and entertainers in the visual or auditory fields. There are also plenty of wealthy and established businesspeople from across New Eden who seek greater riches within the ultracapitalistic corporate melee.
Occupying an ambiguous area are former Caldari citizens who became employed by non-State corporations. The relationship between the State-recognized expatriates who work for these corporations and the non-entities that they employ is closely watched.
Indigenous races
Like with every interstellar empire in New Eden, there are numerous minor races and civilizations that exist in Caldari borders. Unless they choose to enter a client agreement with a State megacorporation, which very few do, these groups are treated as non-entities and are not accounted for in the system. They have no rights or protections, meaning they are frequently displaced or otherwise removed should a megacorporation require it. As the Caldari code of honor typically only applies to fellow Caldari, these incidents are not regarded as an ethical consideration in the State. The utilitarian outlook of the Caldari megacorporations means that they will not sacrifice majority gain for the rights of an obscure non-Caldari minority.
Because Caldari authorities do not record these groups in any medium, their treatment at the hands of megacorporations is relatively unknown, though Gallente journalists do strive to uncover what occurs in these areas. Atrocity and apathy towards indigenous communities in State territory seem to exist in equal measure, with no clear indication as to which is more frequent.
The Caldari State is ranked second for average quality of living when compared with other empires on an absolute basis. This is mostly measured in access to services rather than personal wealth or comfort. The ubiquitousness of State authorities means that all corporate-controlled territories have the same levels of infrastructure. Though the size of Caldari residences are on par with slave quarters in the Amarr Empire (with unmarried individuals living in dormitories) and similarly bare of any luxuries, they do not have any discomforting elements that would undermine human health. Although some citizens may very well earn as much or even more than their counterparts in the Gallente Federation, the ascetic qualities of Caldari culture combined with cultural stigmas against luxurious purchases keeps living conditions modulated. Moreover, disposable income is mostly invested into gambling, rather than put into material indulgence.
Individual happiness is split between two extremes in the State. As the corporations do not measure popular contentment on a citizen-by-citizen basis, independent studies are the ones that attempt to document levels of individual happiness. On one end, State citizen-employees are amongst the most emotionally fulfilled individuals in the cluster, but how much of this is a result of corporate indoctrination is unclear. In direct contrast, depression and suicide rates are noticeably higher in Caldari territories than anywhere else, attributed to the pressures of State society. Corporate authorities accuse these independent studies of bias, but the latter hit back at the former’s refusal to measure these statistics, even cover them up in some cases.
Standard ladder
The standard socioeconomic ladder is made up of five castes of occupation. These castes are not necessarily correlative with income; a factory foreman is likely to earn more than a starting worker in the executive caste. The chief executive caste is traditionally considered impenetrable, with three executive, technician, and laborer castes constituting the bulk of Caldari society. The non-entity caste are ignored by the State.
The core of this ‘caste system’ is meritocratic, where merit is defined and measured by the Caldari to be hard work that benefits the good of the citizen’s birth corporation. For advancement, proven leadership ability is the core virtue. The meritocracy has a very practical outlook on life, focusing on employment that has a tangible outcome for the profit of the corporation (and thus the profit of the social unit). Esoteric fields such as the arts and social sciences are looked down upon, these pursuits seen as self-serving and time-wasting, as well as potentially provocative to the established order. A special talent or unique set of abilities is not considered meritorious. It is not believed that individual uniqueness grants a citizen any sort of entitlement that allows them to ascend above the masses by default. Instead, each and every Caldari must start at the bottom rung of their assigned occupational field and work their way up. If their supposed talent does indeed amount to anything, the citizen in question will land themselves a well-paid position quickly.
The use of the word caste descends from two points of origin. It refers to the ancient Raata Empire, which used a meritocratic caste system to impose strict order over its subjects. The second point of origin is that children born in the modern State can expect to carry on the occupations of their parents, due to the emphasis on family tradition and heritage. The corporations dictate what jobs each citizen will enter depending on the needs of the State measured against the skills of the individual, and frequently find that children often learn and inherit traits from their parents, keeping them within that ‘caste’. However, the use of the term caste system fails when considering mobility between castes is possible. In exceptional cases, a child may be transferred to a completely different career field altogether depending on the results of their aptitude screening. Those with outstanding physical dispositions might be drafted into the military, while children with a high intelligence potential are put into a field which would value that trait in the long-term.
Chief executive
The chief executive caste is composed of the CEOs of the Big Eight, the CEOs of their largest subsidiaries, and their relatives, standing at around <1% of the total population. Most notably, it includes the ruling elite of Caldari society, known as the great families, who are the largest and/or most influential shareholders of a megacorporation (such as Osmon of Hyasyoda or Seituoda of Wiyrkomi), or alternatively wield significant influence outside the corporate halls.
Each great family maintains their own personal army to protect their private interests from other families[15], though unlike the relatively more well-known conflicts between the Big Eight, such confrontations occur behind-the-scenes of Caldari society. In many ways, these great families are significantly disconnected from the Caldari masses while still exhibiting massive influence over them. It is commonly the case that the great families will be the ones who influence a megacorporate board’s decision as to who they appoint next. Often when attempting to place their kin in position of CEO, internecine feuds and disputes will erupt between these great families[16][17], independent of the cross-corporate conflicts.
Critics of the State and other dissenting forces point to the existence of these great families as a clear sign of nepotism and elitism in the Caldari meritocracy. The influence and position of the great families has never been displaced in State history, while those born into the chief executive class are often exempt from having to start at the bottom of the employment ladder, instead given expensive educations in both State and non-State institutions that set them ahead. However, the reality of the matter is that many great families are so well-respected (many of which played a key role in the Gallente-Caldari War) that the majority of the Caldari populace do not see their position as nepotic in the least.
The smallest of the three core classes at 10% of the population, the executive caste is as per its namesake, covering the bureaucrats, administrators, and office workers of the State. Nearly all shareholders of a megacorporation who fall outside the influence of the great families can be found in this caste. Though nominally of a higher income bracket, the emphasis on hard work and discipline means that a child born into a wealthy executive family will still be expected to start at the very bottom of their field, where they may very well earn less than a factory foreman. The child may fail to reach as high as their parents were able to achieve, meaning that a family who was well-off one generation ago may be at the bottom of the ladder (or worse) the next. A low-paid worker may boast about how their great-grandparents were powerful and well-respected corporate executives.
Outside of corporate management and administration, the executive caste is also composed of those employed in finance. This is one area in particular made famous by Caldari ruthless efficiency. Those of the executive caste in this area battle ferociously amongst one another for dominance, seeking to advance themselves often at the expense of others. These highly competitive traditions is what has kept the Caldari banking scene so bold and active in recent times, but it is equally susceptible to failure as it is success.
Members of the executive caste hold very practical qualifications, typical of the Caldari education system[18]. While bureaucrats and managers in other empires (particularly the Gallente Federation or Amarr Empire) will have degrees in a liberal art or social science, these are only offered at a minute number of corporate educational institutes in the State, as all citizens are taught what they need to know in these areas from an early age (especially in history and politics). While this has led to the administrators of the State being considered as cold and detached from human concerns, it has not stopped them from being extremely efficient and effective.
The technician caste is composed of skilled laborers, from electricians all the way up to engineers. They are the second-largest caste at 25% of the population, and amongst the most technically able individuals in the cluster, charged with maintaining the technology of the State, be it stations, starships, or factories. Non-military starship captains and crew are also accounted for as a part of the technician caste.
Members of this caste have the potential to become managers of one of the countless subsidiaries tasked with technical affairs. Though more than possible to advance to the executive level, the majority prefer to remain in this caste, as they can earn just as much without having to undergo completely new training for entrance into the corporate world. They may also prefer to remain doing hands-on work in the field rather than ascending into an arena which is far removed from everyday industrial operations. It is this attitude which has kept the occupational structure in place for so long.
The largest registered caste at 50% of the population, the laborers of the State are employed in a wide array of low-level occupations that keep society functioning. From workers in the great industrial plants to street cleaners and service assistants, this caste is considered the lifeblood of the State. These individuals characterize the popular image of the hard-working Caldari to the rest of New Eden.
Like technicians, laborers can become managers of subsidiaries relevant to their field. Many ascend to the technician caste itself, especially industrial workers, as the training hop is a small one. Laborers in the service or retail industry may ascend to the executive caste, although this is a small number as this field is mostly automated. Many laborers are disgraced executives who were relegated down to base work. As executives will tend to not have experience in hands-on work, they are rarely downgraded into the technician caste.
The meritocratic and ultracompetitive nature of the State means there are just as many winners as there are losers. The non-entity caste are the disenfranchised individuals of the State, having lost absolutely everything (including their citizenship) due to their failure to keep up with what many call a social form of natural selection[9]. The State has the largest ratio of its population considered impoverished, although authorities do not account for these groups in census reports. As social inequality and poverty is morally justified according to Caldari meritocracy, the wider State is not held back by having to concern itself with taking care of what society dub as failures and effectively non-Caldari. Many are expected to undertake a form of ritual suicide rather than live in the shame and dishonor of being non-entity.
Non-entities inhabit fringe communities outside of corporate-controlled territory within Caldari space. As rural areas on planets tend to be void of any corporate presence outside of automated facilities, non-entity communities can be found here. The Guristas frequently use these locations as a staging area for organized crime or military operations against the State. In other cases, entire worlds are inhabited by these non-entities. Because Caldari authorities do not consider non-entities to have any rights or protections, they will displace or otherwise eradicate communities deemed to be a threat to the order. Some of the Practical-leaning corporations may employ non-entities on a very minute wage in industries that are illegal or otherwise questionable.
Many critics of the State feel that the treatment of the non-entity caste is not justified at all. It is very common in the State for citizens to give it their all and fail nonetheless, or are punished by a scaled grading system as a result of the outstanding performance of just a few exceptional individuals. In addition, trends show that firstborn children are far less likely to fail than their siblings, while individuals born with physical or mental debilitations are traditionally abandoned in non-entity communities. Various structural inequalities may also prevent advancement and off-handedly result in forcing citizens off of the bottom rung. Though there are always active efforts to eradicate institutional corruption, the Caldari State has the issues of any interstellar empire in trying to ensure all of its territories abide by its core principles, meaning this battle is a continuous one.
Non-standard ladder
The following are castes considered to fall outside the standard five tiers, but are nonetheless fundamental to the State’s framework.
Enlisted military personnel make up a significant 5% of the State’s citizenry, the largest ratio of any empire, and it can grow even larger in times of full-scale war. Anyone employed full-time by the Caldari Navy, Army, or any of the eight corporate forces, are accounted for in this figure. The large size of this caste relatively speaking is in half part due to the highly militarized nature of Caldari society, where all citizens must complete compulsory basic military training during adolescence, allowing the State to mobilize extremely rapidly during times of national crisis. The other contributing factor to this caste’s size is that the military serves as the enforcement arm of a corporation’s government. They have a propagandistic role charged with carrying forth the image of their parent corporation to its citizens, as well as ensure compliance amongst them[19].
There is much diversity in this caste due to its size. Conscripts with no technical skills find themselves employed in the Caldari Army or other ground forces, which are notorious for being badly-trained and -equipped[20]. Similarly, as there is no civilian law enforcement in the State, those serving as general security for the corporate forces suffer a stigma as being unfit for true military service[19]. These individuals are often criticized for their gruff and uncaring demeanor, propensity for unnecessary violence, and lack of response time (particularly to non-acute, non-violent crimes). Nonetheless, they are highly efficient in responding swiftly and decisively towards ending unrest, even if this commonly results in a large number of death or injury[19].
At the opposite end of this spectrum, members of space forces are highly-skilled and professional, having to operate and maintain the advanced technology that Caldari starships are known for. These are the career soldiers who frequently remain in the military for life from an early age, respected and honored highly by the masses. A famed few (including Ishukone CEO Mens Reppola) from this caste go on to leadership positions elsewhere in the State.
Like most elements of Caldari society, it is not possible to ascend to management position immediately by virtue of a higher education. There are generally only two ways to become an officer; either training from adolescence where the strong are weeded out from the weak, or having ascended from the rank-and-file. Even children of high-ranking admirals will be expected to start as an entry-level crewperson.
The professional gladiators, gamers, and gamblers of the State make up the entertainment caste of the Caldari[9]. This group is widely considered the most diverse in the State, being made up of citizens from a wide array of backgrounds, particularly ordinary Caldari who broke into the professional scene through luck or skill. At the bottom, competitors engage in daily battles to ascend up the ranks, a labor grind in itself. At the top, prestiged warriors are honored highly by the Caldari masses, and are among the most wealthy State citizens. The dynamics of this particular brand of entertainment means it is very easy to plummet to become a nobody, even from an esteemed position. The non-meritocratic nature regarding games of chance is mostly overlooked by the Caldari.
A slight majority of the members of this caste are from the NOH corporation, though they are nonetheless found in all corporations. Entertainers in the commercial arts (such as music and visual media) are few and far between, as this is not considered an aspect of typical Caldari entertainment. This niche is filled in by the Gallente instead.
There is a niche in Caldari entertainment for the classical arts, consumed by the chief executive and executive castes. Citizens who have already well-established themselves in one of the more standard fields can earn respect by the production of classical artwork in the ascetic and minimalist Caldari style. Wealthy traditionalists pay a large cash sum to these individuals. It is considered bad form for a citizen to earn a living purely from making art, as their art must be representative of everyday Caldari living, and not the product of a detached citizen who does not commit to the same hard work as everyone else.
The anti-intellectual tendencies of the State never overrides the need to remain militarily and economically competitive. As a compromise, scientists are kept in their own bubble to serve the needs of their megacorporation. Children born into this caste will carry on the work of their parents. It is very difficult for an outsider to penetrate this bubble, which is small but nonetheless key to the State.
Worked tirelessly but rewarded generously, the discoveries of Caldari scientists are never their own, instead the property of their megacorporation. While this frequently may result in dissent, by and large the science caste are disciplined to be amongst the most loyal Caldari subjects, trusted with making cutting-edge discoveries that will ensure the dominance of their megacorporation.
The disassociated of the State are composed of two distinct groups. Their notoriety descends from their anomalous nature, even if this ‘caste’ is extremely small.
The first group is composed of those who've fallen off the bottom rung of the ladder but, through some personal ingenuity or circumstance, have been able to retain their citizenship rather than losing it to become a non-entity. Those from this group tend to take part on some level in the criminal underworld, perhaps by retaining employment in front businesses for pirate factions.
The second group includes those who've found themselves moving between two or three different corporations and who have in the process come to consider how thoroughly indoctrinated the average employee is. These individuals end up doing very well in non-standard careers or in unlikely places within the corporate structure, united solely by their lack of adherence to the standard caste ladder.
See Also
- Caldari
- Chronicle: Enemies Closer
- Chronicle: Jita 4-4
- Chronicle: Masks of Authority
- Chronicle: Mordu's Legion
- Chronicle: New Horizons
- Chronicle: Quafe
- Chronicle: The Better Part of Valor
- ↑ News:
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Timeline:
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Chronicle: New Horizons:
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Bloodline Description: Achura
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Chronicle: Mordu's Legion:
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 News: Partisan violence erupts inside State borders:
- ↑ Chronicle: Jita 4-4:
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Caldari Introduction:
- ↑ Chronicle: Enemies Closer:
- ↑ Chronicle: The Better Part of Valor:
- ↑ Faction Description: Khanid Kingdom
- ↑ News: Provists call for Quafe to lose State corporation status
- ↑ Chronicle: Quafe:
- ↑ Corporation Description: Osmon Surveillance
- ↑ Corporation Description: Seituoda Taskforce Command
- ↑ Corporation Description: Zumari Force Projection
- ↑ Corporation Description: Science and Trade Institute
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Chronicle: Masks of Authority:
- ↑ News: Caldari Providence Directorate submits military reform proposal: