Daakar Vish Ashtadu (Character)

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It was the slave Meuren, who had helped raise him since birth, who had finally revealed the terrible secret to him. The bed of his “father” had been scarcely cold, his spirit still felt within the halls, when she had come to him, saying that she could keep quiet no longer. The man to whom he had just paid his final respects was not, in fact, his father. Daakar had been delivered to the family having just been born, the family having agreed to raise him as their own. Meuren wasn’t privy to all of the details, but over the years she had heard enough of hushed conversations to piece together a fair amount. Daakar’s true family was a devout one. They were well off, making a good living in finding and researching religious artifacts, which they then sold to the upper echelons of Amarr society. Such was as close as they would ever get to mingling with royalty, however much they would aspire otherwise. At least, so it seemed until they brought home their latest discovery.

The whispers were that they had uncovered an artifact that, if authentic, could re-write a large portion of history for a good number of Amarr houses, and in so doing help the ascension of the family. While they did their best to keep it quiet until the contents could be verified, a find such as this could not be contained for long. Meuren did not know the name, but whispered that there was one prominent family in particular that learned of the find and feared what it could mean for their own position.

The assault came swiftly, and the point was clear – to eradicate Daakar’s family and recover the threatening artifact. Daakar escaped only by his true father’s quick thinking and survived only because, since he had scarcely been born, no one knew that he had even existed. By the time he had arrived to Meuren’s arms, his entire bloodline had ceased to exist.

Daakar stood silent as Meuren finished her tale, her eyes full of tears. He then embraced her, whispered his thanks for raising him and her continued faithful years of service, before slitting her throat with a mercifully swift and sharp cut of his blade. As grateful as he was for the information, she should not have spoken of it, and could not be trusted further. As he watched a second life leave his house in as many hours, he decided on his course of action. He would change his family name to Vish Ashtadu and become a capsuleer. The immortality would give him the time he needed to gather the skills, resources, and information that he would need to exact his revenge…

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