DED CORPS briefing Y111.09.05/Y111.09.18
CONCORD Outer Region Political Summary (CORPS) Briefing
>>DED CORPS BRIEFING Y111.09.05/Y111.09.18
Steady fighting persists in Cloud Ring as Northern Coalition members Mostly Harmless and TauCeti Federation continue to battle against Ev0ke and Sons of Tangra. Nearly every system within a few jumps of the Mostly Harmless held station in 9-4RP2 has seen sustained action of the past two weeks. There are still no territorial shifts, only battles over valuable moons and it remains to be seen what the result of this conflict will be.
The region of Detroid and the surrounding area has now become the focal point of more than a dozen alliances. On one side is the Red Alliance faction, backed by Razor Alliance and Morsus Mihi of the Northern Coalition. On the other is Atlas Alliance, backed by Against ALL Authorities and the rest of the South Central bloc of alliances.
The weekend of the 12th through the 14th saw a series of major fights, one of which culminated in the near destruction of a Minor Threat titan which set off its doomsday device at the wrong moment, inadvertently killing the Morsus Mihi fleet struggling to save it from destruction. Such has been the pace and scale of the battles raging that it is hard to pin down anything that might be considered a turning point engagement. Within the last few days, however, an Against ALL Authorities-led blitz regained control of several high end moons in the area.
Political tensions as a result of nearly three months of constant fighting are running high, as can be witnessed by the expulsion of Minor Threat from the Red Alliance faction of ‘Eastern Coalition’ alliances a few days ago. The ramifications from this event are too recent to be gauged and will be followed up on in our next report.
Capsuleer Outpost Construction Report
06 Sep 2009 – Vale of the Silent / 0MV-4W / Majesta Empire / Amarr Factory Outpost
09 Sep 2009 – Cache / TPG-DD / SOLAR FLEET / Amarr Factory Outpost
12 Sep 2009 – Catch / HY-RWO / Against ALL Authorities / Caldari Research Outpost
>> END