Can Baiting

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What is Can Baiting

Can baiting is the act of jettisoning a cargo container into space, typically in a highly visible location, such as a gate or station undock, for the purpose of tricking players into gaining aggression against the owner of the container. The bait can typically is labelled along the lines of "FREE AMMO," and may contain seemingly high value goods. Once the victim has flipped the bait can, the owner (and/or owning corporation) will proceed to attack and attempt to kill the victim.

It is important to note that can baiting rookies in rookie systems is considered griefing.

Differences between Can Baiting and Can Flipping

Can baiting is the act of jettisoning a can in order to lure in unsuspecting victims to a trap under false pretenses, such as free loot. In doing so, the victim gains an aggression flag towards the owner (and the owner's corporation, if the owner is in a player corporation) of the cargo container. Once the victim "turns red," they are attacked and typically killed.

Can flipping, however, is the act of stealing from a cargo container (or a wreck) belonging to another individual in order to gain aggression towards the owner (and their player corporation) of the container. In this instance, the goal is to get the owner to attack the thief, so that the thief may legally attack the owner of the cargo container, and kill them without CONCORD interference. In some instances, the loot stolen from the original cargo container or wreck will be jettisoned into a new cargo container, owned by the thief, in the hope that the original owner will steal the loot back, thus gaining aggression towards the thief.

It is important to note that cans are often jettisoned onto undocks for the purpose of soliciting consensual fights. These cans are often labelled, "1v1," or something similar, and are NOT the same as can baiting.

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