CSM meeting minutes 2.012
Council of Stellar Management
Meeting Minutes
Saturday 25th April 2009
Ankhesentepemkah, Bunyip, Darius JOHNSON, Issler Dainze, LaVista Vista, Omber Zombie, Tusko Hopkins, Vuk Lau
Medals for Ingame Accomplishments
Ankhe introduced the issue.
LaVista noted that this was very similar to ‘achievements’ similar to Xbox live and would like everyone to consider if this is a good thing to recommend as people would just grind medals for e-peen.
Ankhe doesn’t play console games so would like to know what is wrong with an achievement system.
LaVista said it was hard to explain and needed to be experienced.
Ankhe thought it might be worth adding a caution to the proposal stating that medals shouldn’t be for ganking x amount of ships and similar things.
LaVista thought adding this type of thing is a slippery slope.
Bunyip pointed out that anytime you try to reward pvp it becomes exploitable. He caould see the point of some medals, but he couldn’t agree to the proposal if pvp was included.
Ankhe said that is why it should be based on victory points, not numbers of kills.
Oz would rather leave the handing out of medals to CCP rather than giving them out automatically – it devalues them. He also noted that thread had only a single support, and even that support was conditional. He wanted to know if this was a community issue.
Vuk agreed with Oz.
Ankhe noted there was a topic in the missions forum where CCP asked what people wanted as a reward for the epic mission arc and medals were listed as an option.
Oz thought this proposal goes way beyond that thread.
Ankhe continued that this was something Faction Warfare players had been asking for.
Oz pointed out that none of those people voted for this.
Ankhe responded that most people don’t go to the forums.
Vuk wanted to know how they can ask for medals on the forum if they don’t go there.
Ankhe thought it was because they might read that area but not the Assembly Hall and assured the CSM it was a big issue in the Roleplay and Faction Warfare community.
Issler thought handing medals out to everyone would make them meaningless.
Ankhe responded that it would depend on what you gave them out for; they should not be handed out casually.
Tusko agreed with Issler, medals should be special not handed out for grinding. Furthermore he thought people should be working for serious things, not shiny pieces of metal on a character screen that have no use and are of little sense.
Ankhe responded that they are significant to some players.
Vote: 5-2 fail (Ankhe and Bunyip said yes)
Lag In Factional Warfare
Ankhe introduced the issue.
Bunyip noted that CCP said they were already looking into this, so this discussion was somewhat pointless. LaVista agreed.
Ankhe pointed out that CCP said it would be fixed in Apocrypha.
Bunyip replied that they are probably working on it.
Ankhe responded that the Faction Warfare community wanted to know what was happening.
Bunyip noted that once the question sessions started, this could be asked, it wasn’t worth wasting dev time with this since they already knew about it.
Ankhe pointed out that this was the #1 issue in Faction Warfare.
Tusko wasn’t sure this was the type of issue to be raised to CCP; CSM could simply send them an email asking them to comment on progress on the forums.
Ankhe thought this was a serious issue that needed raising.
Vuk pointed out that CCP already knew this was an issue and is working on it.
Ankhe countered that CCP said it would be fixed by March 10.
Vuk pointed out that they broke the deadline; not the first nor the last time it would happen.
Small discussion about what other things are broken and deadlines missed occurred.
Vote: 1-6 fail (Ankhe said yes)
Charter Missions
Bunyip introduced the issue
Oz wanted to know what the rewards would be.
Bunyip thought there should be little material rewards, only standings gain.
Oz thought the standings gains should be to the corp issuing the missions, not the faction hat corp belonged to. Ankhe agreed.
Bunyip pointed out that if your faction standing was below -2.0 then you still couldn’t run missions for the factions, this was intended as a workaround.
Oz thought it shouldn’t be a workaround.
Vuk thought maybe have the faction standing increase with ‘important storyline’ missions like normal missions.
Tusko didn’t understand what was being asked for, was this a new type of mission or just a new mission with the same mechanics as existing ones.
Bunyip and Oz explained they would be a new type of NPC generated courier mission, which players can accept without agents handing them out.
Oz reiterated that he would like the standing gain to happen to the corp rather than the faction.
Bunyip thought that should be up to CCP to decide.
Oz thought that since CSM is asking for an entirely new standings gain mechanic it should be up to CSM to recommend how it would work.
A small discussion about who players would be running missions for was had. With the general idea of having every x numbers of missions a ‘special’ mission that gave faction standing.
Vote: 8-0 pass
Pirate Mining Crystals
Bunyip introduced the issue.
Issler liked the idea but questioned its importance in the grand scheme of things.
Bunyip thought that lowsec profitability was very important.
Ankhe thought the issue with lowesec had more to do with the ore than the yield and didn’t think a yield increase would help.
Vuk didn’t think having this would make more people mine in lowsec.
Darius thought that lowsec profitability was a major issue, but in the opposite direction. There was no way he was supporting anything that intended to make low risk gains more rewardable.
A discussion about whether low sec was high risk or low risk ensued.
Oz pointed out that pirates shoot people, not asteroids.
Issler opined that she would rather increase the ore in low sec.
Vote: 2-5 fail (Bunyip and Tusko said yes, Oz crashed out of game)
Supercapitals Revised
Vuk raised the issue with the proviso that this was just a proposal and that he didn’t expect CCP to listen to every idea presented.
Bunyip liked the idea of most things, he just needed to look over the motherships section.
Issler wanted to know how many players this actually effected as it seemed like a pretty elite group,
Oz pointed out this effects anyone involved in fleet fights, not just the people flying these ships. Tusko added that it affected everyone in 0.0
Vote: 8-0 pass
Mac Stability Issues
LaVista introduced the issue.
Bunyip thought this was a hardware/driver issue, raising this would be futile.
Darius pointed out that on a Mac there should be no hardware/driver issues, they are all the same for the most part. He also noted that CCP is already working on updating the client to match the PC client and wasn’t sure how that wasn’t moving the Mac client towards the future.
LaVista thought it would be nice to hear from CCP about what is going on.
Issler thought this was a non-issue, if there were enough mac users CCP would be motivated to resolve this, if not then resources should be allocated elsewhere.
LaVista pointed out that CCP has committed to a Mac platform.
Oz wanted to know if the issue was due to the new client not supporting older hardware.
LaVista answered no.
Issler pointed out that CCP committed to Linux and then killed that support, so it was all about the numbers.
LaVista responded that CCP would keep supporting the Mac client as it had a large enough growth to justify it.
Ankhe wondered if this could be resolved by sending in bug reports.
Most people agreed.
Vote: 2-6 fail (LaVista and Ankhe said yes)
Other Business
- CSM meeting attendance. People wanted to know where Pattern Clarc was. Basically, CSM should send it’s attendance records to CCP as a guideline as to whether candidates should be invited to Iceland or not as well as to help decisions on removing delegates for inactivity.
- Prioritising issues for CSM/CCP 2.3 – Oz will mail out the issue list.