CSM meeting minutes 2.011

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Council of Stellar Management

Meeting Minutes

Sunday 19th April 2009


Ankhesentepemkah, Darius JOHNSON, Issler Dainze, LaVista Vista, Omber Zombie, Tusko Hopkins, Vuk Lau, Sophie Dagneau, Extreme




Pattern Clarc


Multiple Quantity LP Rewards

Oz introduced the issue.
Ankhe brought up a duplicate issue she made with alternate suggestions. These were added to the original issue.
Vote: 7-0 pass

UI Font Issues

Ankhe introduced the issue
Oz pointed out that in the past CCP were against allowing custom fonts in EVE.
Vote: 6-1 pass (Issler said no)

Alliances & Factional Warfare pt.3

Ankhe informed the CSM that CCP Xhagen was asked if this can be re-raised and was given the affirmative. No need to vote.

Fuel Pellets

Oz questioned the original thread and it descending into people discussing why introducing this was a bad idea.
Vuk asked for Oz to elaborate.
In essence, people thought it was a good idea originally, the envisioned implementation of it seemed to not meet its intended goal.
Issler noted that the thread did seem to turn negative, but the worry was more due to it being too complicated.
Ankhe thought the CSM should deliver the message that POS fuel needs to be less complicated and let CCP deal with the details. The original intention was good.
Darius asked if this was part of the original Flogging the Dead Horse proposal.
Both Oz and LaVista answered that it was partially.
Vote: 9-0 pass

Hide Station Environment & Restoring Old Graphics Options

LaVista introduced the issue.
Issler wondered if it was possible to still play with older hardware.
LaVista answered yes.
Tusko wasn’t sure about antialiasing, but hiding station environment was a good thing. Maybe CSM should ask if it can be brought back as the movie makers seem to miss it.
Darius pointed out the Mac client would be brought in line with the current client, he had no problem with this as long as it wasn’t a technical limitation and CSM wasn’t asking for the old client.
It was decided to have 2 seperate votes, one for station environment, one for Anti Aliasing
Vote: 9-0 pass (both)

Cyno Effect

LaVista introduced the issue. No discussion was needed.
Vote: 6-2 pass (DJ, Sophie no, Extreme afk)

Charter Missions

issue deferred as Bunyip was not present to champion.

Epic Mission Standing Recovery

Ankhe introduced the issue.
Oz pointed out that as was mentioned in the thread discussing this, wouldn’t this system place the pirate standing missions in control of player alliances.
Ankhe said there were other options for pirate standings gain so it wouldn’t be a monopoly. (i think that’s what she said)
Oz thought it was a good idea for empire factions, not so good for pirate factions.
Issler agreed.
Tusko didn’t think there was a problem with territorial monopoly, you would need access to that territory to run those missions anyway.
Oz thought that was a great point.
Vuk pointed out that according to the proposal that these missions would be highly dispersed and perhaps randomly located.
Akhe raised the issue of recently acquiring space and not being able to run missions for the local pirate faction, there should be some way to raise standings.
Tusko pointed out that the issue proposes that the arcs would have no standing requirement.
Vote: 9-0 pass

Make Certain Factions More Valid For Mission Running

Ankhe introduced the issue.
Oz wondered if these were actual problems or game design decisions. He also wondered if this was an issue or a wishlist.
Ankhe thought it was an issue as it improves gameplay and some of them were urgent. She pointed out that mission hubs and lag were problems and there is a desire to make players spread out more. It was also a wishlist for when CCP touches those issues to get all the minor things integrated,
Issler thought it felt a lot like “ask CCP to make stuff better”
Ankhe asked if all issues were just that.
Isller elaborated that it felt very general and was just pointing out things that CCP were already looking at.
Vuk noted that he thought CCP wanted to have ‘unbalanced’ factions as it would not be logical to have all agents distributed evenly among all the factions. Some factions are better, some give better rewards, he was happy with the current imbalance.
Oz thought the point was that players had a choice who to run missions for and they coose to run those missions knowing their limits. He wanted to know why CSM was considering asking CCP to
spend time changing this when they are going to be looking at it in the future anyway. He reiterated his point that this wasn’t an issue, just a wishlist of things for them to change when they do that review.
Ankhe thought some of the points on the list were serious issues.
Tusko was not convinced this is an actual issue, it looked more like trying to make everything the same. He wasn’t sure it should be proposed in such a general way, it should be more focussed on the seriously bugged factions.
Oz & LaVista agreed.
Issue was deferred pending a rewrite

Smuggling for Pirate Standing

Tusko wanted to know if you could currently transport contraband in hisec at all.
Ankh end Oz explained that the risk was chance based and the worst risk was having your cargo removed and being fined.
Oz had an issue with the second part of the proposal, contraband is only contraband to the empire it is flagged for, he thought Faction Warfare members of that faction should be able to shoot you, not the general eve population.
Tusko thought everyone should be able to shoot at you, it gave more pvp opportunity. Only the most desperate people would be doing this anyway.
Ankhe agreed. Oz didn’t.
Vote: 7-1 pass (Oz said no)

Tag/Effect/LP Hand-Ins

Ankhe introduced the issue.
Oz pointed out that there was only a single vote agreeing with this proposal and it was from an alt. He wanted to know if Ankhe thought the community thinks this is a good idea.
Ankhe thought it was a good idea.
LaVista pointed out that CCP Dr. EyjoG stated that the current monetary inflation (isk faucets) are desirable, so describing the removal of isk faucets as a bonus is just making assumptions. Also, the question wasn’t whether Ankhe thought it was a good idea, but whether the community did.
Oz Agreed.
Vote: 2-6 fail (Ankhe & Tusko yes)

Medals Need Minor Fixes

Ankhe introduced the issue.
Omber thought this looked like a list of bugs and should be bugreported.
LaVista agreed.
Ankhe thought they were missing features and the system works as it is, it is just far from optimal. People had bugreported it and received replies of it working as intended.
Tusko thought the first 2 issues were clearly bugs and the reason behind the third one was to stop corps from changing medals once they were given. He thought they should be bug reported and issue 3 changed to say medals that weren’t already awarded. He was happy with being able to delete medals, but they shouldn’t be removed from people who were already given them.
Oz wanted to know why you would receive a deleted medal.
Ankhe explained that she accidentally deleted the wrong medal and thought she would just award it again, it got awarded but didn’t end up on the list, it just gave her 2 deleted medals.
Extreme petitioned this issue and received the reply that it was intended to work that way.
Tusko thought it was stupid that it was intended to work like that and should ask CCP to change it.
Vote: 2-5 fail (ankhe & Tusko yes)

POS Shield Effect

LaVista introduced the issue.
Tusko liked the new effect.
Darius and Vuk agreed.
Issler thought it was a matter of personal taste, she didn’t mind the new effect, and some people in her corp liked both the new and old. She wondered if this was worthy of escalation.
Vote: 1-6 fail (LaVista yes)

Other Business

  1. Issue priority for CSM/CCP Meeting 2.3 – due to a hard limit of 2 hours for the meeting CSM will prioritise issues in a similar fashion to meeting 2.1. A request for a date change was also to be done and if possible a longer time limit.
  2. CSM documentation for the next term. It was agreed to write up some formal guidelines of what has been done in previous CSM’s and how to format certain things (wiki, minutes etc.) to avoid some of the handover lag. Vuk, Oz and Ankhe agreed to be present for the first meeting of the next CSM to help with the handover.
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