CSM meeting minutes 2.004

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Council of Stellar Management

Meeting Minutes

Saturday 20th December 2008


Ankhesentepemkah, Bunyip, Darius JOHNSON, Extreme, Issler Dainze, LaVista Vista, Meissa Anunthiel, Omber Zombie, Scagga Laebetrovo, Vily, Vuk Lau


Pattern Clarc, Tusko Hopkins

Announcements / Elections


Popular Issue



Ore Distribution – Bunyip

Bunyip raised the issue of a new ore distribution system in an effort to make all ores available in all areas of space. After a lot of discussion regarding this proposal, it was decided to postpone the issue to the next session due to concerns from various members regarding the inclusion of high end ores being available in empire space. The issue will be re-written to be more broad in that the CSM would like to discuss the ore distribution system with CCP, but without a specific proposal.
Vote: Deferred to next meeting

Suicide Ganking 2 – Ankhesentekempah (Ankhe)

Ankhe raised this issue with no solutions as a discussion point – the general gist is that CCP promised to look at removing insurance from ships destroyed by CONCORD and CSM would like an update on that. The other part of the issue raised the point that while it has become more difficult to suicide gank in empire space, a loophole has been found and Ankhe considers the loophole to remove meaningful consequences for the actions of the suicide gankers. The CSM agreed that should be discussed with CCP.
Vote: 9-0 for

Any Other Business

CCP's Policy of Not Naming People Banned
CSM discussed the current policy and while undecided as to regards of whether naming should occur, believed that it should be discussed with CCP to clarify their stance on the issue and possibly explore changing it. Vote: 9-0 For
CCP Producing A Regular Report Regarding Bans, Petitions and other GM related Items
An idea that was raised by Darius JOHNSON in the previous CSM/CCP meeting, CSM felt it was something worth discussing with CCP to see if it was feasible to produce a regular report (fortnightly, monthly, etc.) regarding GM activities eg. Amount of account banned, petitions answered, exploits removed etc. Vote 9-0 For

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