CSM meeting minutes 2.002

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Council of Stellar Management

Meeting Minutes

Saturday 6th December 2008


Ankhesentapemkah (Vice-Chair), Omber Zombie (Secretary), Darius JOHNSON, Tusko Hopkins (Vice-Secretary), LaVista Vista, Pattern Clarc, Issler Dainze, Scagga Laebetrovo (alternate), Sophie Daigmeau (alternate), Extreme (alternate)


Vuk Lau (Chairman), Bunyip

Announcements / Elections


Popular Issue

UI Import/Export Overview Settings
No need for introduction as the documentation was clear. Darius pointed out that this was actually possible to do already, but is technical in nature and supports an easier way to do it. Issler noted it was similar to the Ship Fitting issue and could have the same system implemented to fix both. Tusko pointed out this was an easier fix. A small discussion regarding local scripting occurred. Omber pointed out that things were getting too technical again.
Vote: 9-0 pass


Additions to Decorations – Raised by Omber Zombie & Tusko Hopkins

Omber introduced the issue and possible solutions, Scagga raised the issue of possibly adding player avatars as possible decorations for medals, and that the issue be raised as low priority. Omber agreed on the low priority. Extreme raised a seprate issue regarding the ability to delete mis-created medals – this issue will be raised separately as it’s not part of this one. Tusko commented that the player avatar as decorations was interesting, but wouldn’t be all that nice to look at.
Vote: 9-0 pass

Drone Improvements – Raised by Ankhesentapemkah

Ankhe introduced the issue and possible solutions. Pattern commented that the intentions are on the right path, but new mods should all be high slots. Tusko noted that while the damage of drone ships at the moment is high, introducing new modules/implants/ships would need CCP to look at overall drone damage to stop them being overpowered. He also agreed that utility drones definitely need looking at as they are underpowered and underused currently. Drone damage/ROF implants were also suggested to be used in the same place as drone ship users currently use implants. Omber suggested that adding more drone ships was unlikely due to CCP’s prior stance to adding new faction ships, and that assuming the T3 modular hulls grant inherent bonii, there will more than likely be drone bonus hulls. Ankhe agreed that ships are not high priority in this issue. Pattern commented that giving drone bandwidth implants would upset balancing on existing ships, he would rather give options for specialized drone ships. A small discussion over what drone rigs were available on the market was followed by Omber’s statement that most drone ship users ignore the drone rigs as they have a CPU drawback which makes fitting drone ships
difficult. LaVista noted that we aren’t here to balance the game, we should stop delving into the minutiae.
Vote: 9-0 pass

Ship Fitting Made Easy – Raised by Tusko Hopkins & Scagga Laebetrovo

Scagga introduced the issue and possible solutions. Extreme agreed with the solution but only if the sheet cannot be traded, he also noted that the fitting sheet would become outdated with skill advances, and that people would just create cookie cutter setups with them. Scagga responded that half of the idea was to make them tradeable and that skill advances would have no effect on the sheets as they are purely to fit a ship and it was a moot point. He also noted that most people post their setups to forums, so these sheets would have no impact on that area. Issler liked the general idea but thought the solution was a bit impractical. Omber agreed with the idea in principle as well, but thought it would be far easier for CCP to implement it as an import/export system rather than spend time creating a new interface and artwork for it. Scagga believes that the time required to do as suggested was minimal. Darius noted that we were getting into too much detail again. Ankhe suggested fitting template codes which could be exchanged. LaVista noted we were still being technical and supposed to just provide high level issues and solutions, not minutiae. Ankhe showed an example of how guildwars does templates. Tusko likes the general idea, just has issues with the suggested implementation. Issler agreed we should just send CCP the idea and let them sort out the details. Extreme thought that considering the large amount of important issues out there, this shouldn’t be sent to CCP to waste their time.
Vote: Passed 6-3, No’s were Extreme, LaVista (believes too much confusion from CSM side), Pattern Clarc (abstained)

Removing T1 meta-0 loot

Postponed to next meeting

UI New Context Menu

LaVista introduced the topic and showed us this nice picture by Entity
Issler pointed out that CCP were already working on new UI for the next expansion. LaVista noted that we should help them by showing them what we want.Tusko wanted to add other context menus that could also be fixed in similar ways. LaVista wants this one sorted out first, others can be done at a later date. Darius thinks that this solution is way too detailed and he wouldn’t support anything with that much detail. LaVista responded by way of saying this was a suggestion rather than a high-level proposal. Darius thinks we should stick to high-level issues only. Ankhe thinks the item positioning is personal preference and while she liked the layout, if submitted like this, chances are people will whine. LaVista pointed out that concern was listed in the Cons of the solution. Tusko thinks the issue is that the current context menu’s suck and the image was just an example of how it could be done better. Omber pointed out that CCP are already changing the UI for the next expansion so there was no loss adding this to their options.
Vote: 6-3 pass, No’s were Darius JOHNSON, Ankhesentepemkah, Pattern Clarc

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