CSM meeting minutes 2.001

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Council of Stellar Management

Meeting Minutes

Saturday 29th November 2008


Vuk Lau (Chairman), Ankhesentakempah, Omber Zombie, Tusko Hopkins, LaVista Vista, Issler Dainze, Pattern Clarc, CCP Diagoras, CCP Dr. Eyejog, Serenity Steele (1st CSM), Inanna Zuni (1st CSM), Scagga Laebetrovo (alternate), Sophie Daigmeau (alternate), Extreme (alternate)


Darius JOHNSON, Bunyip

Announcements / Elections

New positions were voted on with the following results: Vice Chairman – Ankhesentakempah Secretary – Omber Zombie
Vice-Secretary – Tusko Hopkins


Internal CSM communication channels, e.g. mailing list, forums, wiki, etc.

Lack of access to the internal CSM forums on the eve website was noted, CCP Diagoras will make it a priority to get access sorted on Monday. Ankhe. raised the issue of CSM still waiting on CCP to organise official email addresses and integration of CSM updates on the official eve wiki. CCP Diagoras noted that work on the emails is underway and will be implemented shortly. The CSM wiki will be made part of the eve wiki, but a finite date for when that is finished is currently unavailable (soon™). Vuk strongly suggested that CCP gets this stuff gets sorted out ASAP.

Date, time and frequency of online CSM meetings

Ankhe suggested weekly meetings for the start due to time constraints before the live meeting in Iceland, alternating Saturday and Sunday nights. This was generally agreed upon.

Process of meeting and meeting result announcements on eve-online.com

Ankhe suggested having a separate system to publish results due to the amount of time it takes for CCP to review the minutes, as well as a better way for people to see the minutes rather than clicking in multiple locations. Omber Zombie suggested a sticky thread in Jita Park linking the minutes/log/agenda thread all together with simple results so people can see at a glance what occurred in one place. Minutes can be entered into the CCP wiki when it becomes live.
Extreme questioned why complete chat logs were needed, it was pointed out by Akhe and Inanna Zuni that it was for transparency reasons.
Dr. Eyejog commented on attempting to plan firm dates for CSM/CCP meetings so that regular meetings can be organized efficiently.
Ankhe questioned why it took so long for CCP to post CSM 1 minutes and bemoaned the fact that those minutes were continually ‘lost’ or not received. Ankhe also mentioned that we should use her wiki until the official one arrives. Dr. Eyejog commented that the CSM/CCP minutes do need vetting by CCP for NDA reasons, but would aim for a 24 hour max limit on how long they should take to appear online, CSM internal minutes should be posted ASAP by CSM, it is a technical issue that they are attempting to resolve.
Scagga asked if it were possible for CCP devs to look over the Assembly Hall to see what was being discussed and let CSM know if something they were going to raise is already known and being worked on, or impractical, to lessen the log of items going through which would waste CCP’s time. Eva suggested they could use the wiki for that. Tusko asked if
Eva thinks we should use the wiki for everything. Answer was yes. Vuk decided that until CCP wiki is live, CSM wil use Ankhe’s.

Execution, moderation and signalling during meetings (!, [/end], stuff like that)

It was decided to use the same system as previous CSM during meetings.

Form and deadline of issue submissions to the agendas

It was decided that issues to be discussed need to be added to the agenda by no later than 23:59 on the Wednesday evening prior to the meeting.
Dr. Eyejog mentioned that CSM needs to look at the volume of topics they are submitting and to think about whether they can actively follow up on so many issues. Serenity mentioned that issues should be prioritized for CCP when submitted. Inanna noted that while there is a large amount of issues, they are brought up by the community and the CSM is representing the community. Dr. Eyejog agreed on prioritization as being very helpful.
Pattern Clarc wants the CSM to be more 2 way communicative; Dr. Eyejog agreed and pointed to recent efforts from CCP to include CSM (which cannot be mentioned due to NDA) and thinks that is starting to happen more.

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