CSM Meeting Minutes 4.008 raw log

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CSM Meeting Minutes 4.008

[ 2010.03.28 18:08:25 ] ElvenLord > ===================================8th meting of the CSM 4
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:27 ] ElvenLord > .0
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:31 ] ElvenLord > is starting
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:34 ] Mrs Trzzbk > whereas you typify the JABBER ELITE the goons have grown to hate
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:37 ] TeaDaze > X up if you are awake
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:41 ] ElvenLord > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:42 ] TeaDaze > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:44 ] Mrs Trzzbk > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:45 ] Sokratesz > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:08:49 ] Zastrow > yea thats me
[ 2010.03.28 18:09:20 ] Helen Highwater > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:09:32 ] Z0D > back
[ 2010.03.28 18:10:29 ] ElvenLord > well we know Korvin is here too and t'Amber :P
[ 2010.03.28 18:10:35 ] ElvenLord > prolly afk atm
[ 2010.03.28 18:10:51 ] TeaDaze > Song Li excused as stated after last meeting
[ 2010.03.28 18:11:23 ] ElvenLord > Items on agenda:1.Improve POS missile batteries2. AFK Button3. Allow reactivation of accidentally deactivated modules4. Distinguish between afterburners and microwarpdrives with different icons5. Eve font changes - Progress requested
[ 2010.03.28 18:11:32 ] ElvenLord > 6. Sound issues7. Issue when Copying and pasting links in Chat8. Development Assessment List
[ 2010.03.28 18:12:18 ] ElvenLord > First on agenda: 1.Improve POS missile batteries
[ 2010.03.28 18:12:20 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Improve_POS_missile_batteries_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:12:51 ] ElvenLord > simple matter of adding Citadel cruise missile batteries as a POS module
[ 2010.03.28 18:13:02 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:13:11 ] ElvenLord > go  TeaDaze
[ 2010.03.28 18:13:42 ] TeaDaze > I don't think there is much to add to the proposal. Currently missiles on pos are terrible due to CPU requirement and the lack of citidel cruise [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:14:09 ] T'Amber > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:14:16 ] Z0D > x
[ 2010.03.28 18:14:42 ] ElvenLord > yup, as I said Caldari POSs lack long range XL size batteries among other things
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:03 ] ElvenLord > and reducing CPU usage of those batteries would be nice
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:18 ] ElvenLord > anyone want to add anything or can we move on to vote?
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:19 ] Mrs Trzzbk > make CPU 0 or they will forever be useless
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:39 ] Sokratesz > Agreed.
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:52 ] T'Amber > +1
[ 2010.03.28 18:15:59 ] TeaDaze > agreed
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:04 ] ElvenLord > OK lets vote, Y or N pls
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:05 ] ElvenLord > =====================
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:07 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:07 ] ElvenLord > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:09 ] T'Amber > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:09 ] Z0D > reinforce and defenses become useless
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:10 ] Z0D > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:14 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:16 ] Helen Highwater > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:22 ] Sokratesz > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:43 ] ElvenLord > Zastrow and Korvin missing
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:56 ] Korvin > here
[ 2010.03.28 18:16:59 ] Korvin > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:17:22 ] TeaDaze > Passed 8 for, waiting on Zas though
[ 2010.03.28 18:18:52 ] T'Amber > <cough>Zastroq > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:18:57 ] T'Amber > damnit typos
[ 2010.03.28 18:18:59 ] Z0D > :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:19:13 ] ElvenLord > Asher slap zastrov
[ 2010.03.28 18:19:39 ] T'Amber > <cough>Zastow > yes sure, i'd love to vote
[ 2010.03.28 18:19:42 ] Z0D > /emote passes a Cricket bat to Asher
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:09 ] Mrs Trzzbk > he'd say yes
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:13 ] Zastrow > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:14 ] TeaDaze > Passed 9 for
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:19 ] ElvenLord > =====================
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:23 ] ElvenLord > NEXT: 2. AFK Button
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:24 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/AFK_Button_%28csm%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:42 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:20:46 ] ElvenLord > Sok go
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:11 ] Sokratesz > as long as it's optional and automatically voided when you perform an action in the game window it shouldn't see any abuse
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:19 ] T'Amber > ! can we just vote. :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:24 ] Sokratesz > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:24 ] Korvin > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:28 ] ElvenLord > Korvin go
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:31 ] Z0D > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:42 ] Korvin > this proposal was rised before
[ 2010.03.28 18:21:46 ] Korvin > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/AFK/Busy/Available_Indicator_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:03 ] Korvin > and afaik ccp thinking of something like this in eve-gate
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:03 ] Sokratesz > derp
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:09 ] ElvenLord > sec
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:19 ] ElvenLord > ah, its in the backlog
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:21 ] Sokratesz > i did check the list but didn't notice it lol
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:24 ] Sokratesz > ><
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:24 ] ElvenLord > then no need to vote
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:30 ] ElvenLord > ========================
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:33 ] T'Amber > :(
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:41 ] ElvenLord > NEXT: 3. Allow reactivation of accidentally deactivated modules
[ 2010.03.28 18:22:42 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Allow_reactivation_of_accidentally_deactivated_modules_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:09 ] Sokratesz > ~
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:12 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:18 ] ElvenLord > Sokratesz go
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:29 ] Sokratesz > agreed but there's alsosome minor display glitches with activated mods ans timers that also needs fixing
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:35 ] Sokratesz > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:41 ] Korvin > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:47 ] ElvenLord > Korvin go
[ 2010.03.28 18:23:58 ] Korvin > i think this can be the issue in fleet fights
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:05 ] Korvin > when the guns stuck
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:21 ] T'Amber > @
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:29 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:41 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber go
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:56 ] T'Amber > Would this in any way save server queries?
[ 2010.03.28 18:24:58 ] T'Amber > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:25:12 ] Helen Highwater > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:25:14 ] Z0D > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:25:18 ] ElvenLord > Helen Highwater go
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:02 ] Helen Highwater > I see problems (as noted) with target changing for stuff like Ewar. Guns and other fire-then-cooldown stuff shouldn't be affected, only stuff that has a continuous effect
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:13 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:23 ] Helen Highwater > How do you suggest preventing a target change for say a jammer between deactivating and reactivating
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:27 ] Helen Highwater > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:40 ] ElvenLord > Z0D go
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:41 ] Z0D > this could problems in lag if button is pressed multiple times with no reactions, but other wise i like the idea of being able to cancell it before the module(s) finish its current cycle. [/end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:47 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:26:54 ] Helen Highwater > Eta, ber in mind the current lag bug where you can turn somethign on and it styays on permanently with no cap use
[ 2010.03.28 18:27:24 ] TeaDaze > Needs to ensure there is no way to exploit it to change targets etc, but considering the cycle remains on the target (in the case of aggressive modules) I don't see a problem with implementation [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:27:29 ] ElvenLord > that should be fixed soon" acoarding to CCP @ Helen
[ 2010.03.28 18:27:47 ] Z0D > get CCP to front-log it...
[ 2010.03.28 18:27:58 ] Korvin > well, it would be wise to wait till that day
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:20 ] ElvenLord > ok, lets vote on this, Y or N pls
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:20 ] Korvin > before this proposal
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:22 ] ElvenLord > ========================
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:25 ] Korvin > N
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:28 ] T'Amber > N
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:28 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:31 ] ElvenLord > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:32 ] Z0D > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:33 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:38 ] Helen Highwater > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:28:55 ] Sokratesz > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:29:23 ] ElvenLord > Zas?
[ 2010.03.28 18:29:34 ] Z0D > /emote passes a pen to Zastrow.
[ 2010.03.28 18:29:52 ] TeaDaze > Passes 6 for, 2 against - Zas afk?
[ 2010.03.28 18:29:54 ] T'Amber > /emote gets out a slab of meat
[ 2010.03.28 18:30:12 ] Z0D > ahh thats mean T'Amber.....
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:18 ] Zastrow > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:22 ] ElvenLord > \o/
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:25 ] TeaDaze > Passed 7 for, 2 against
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:26 ] Z0D > :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:30 ] ElvenLord > ============================
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:42 ] ElvenLord > NEXT: 4. Distinguish between afterburners and microwarpdrives with different icons
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:44 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Distinguish_between_afterburners_and_microwarpdrives_with_different_icons
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:46 ] Zastrow > im reading everything really im just in a fleet battle
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:57 ] Mrs Trzzbk > heh
[ 2010.03.28 18:31:59 ] ElvenLord > I know :P thats why I convo you for voting
[ 2010.03.28 18:32:22 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:32:25 ] ElvenLord > Sokratesz go
[ 2010.03.28 18:32:48 ] Sokratesz > again pretty straightforward, their icons are identical. either a different colour or different icon would make them easier to tell apart in your hangar or on crazy dual fits
[ 2010.03.28 18:32:51 ] Sokratesz > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:00 ] ElvenLord > btw, there is a diference but its a slight diference in colour and shape
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:07 ] Sokratesz > there is ?
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:14 ] Sokratesz > i need new glasses then i suppose
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:31 ] ElvenLord > yes, scremblers are a but lighter green and have like a blur on the edges
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:31 ] TeaDaze > 1MN MicroWarpdrive II  1MN Afterburner II
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:38 ] Z0D > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:38 ] Korvin > yeah, red falme for mwd :D and different for the size, and decorated for amarr navy :D
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:48 ] Sokratesz > theyre identical elf
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:48 ] ElvenLord > ah
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:49 ] Sokratesz > Oo
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:53 ] ElvenLord > mwd and ab
[ 2010.03.28 18:33:55 ] ElvenLord > nvm
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:00 ] T'Amber > er.
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:06 ] Helen Highwater > This should also extend to jammers and scramblers
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:11 ] Sokratesz > yeah
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:18 ] ElvenLord > I was in dysruptors and scremblers :P
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:19 ] Sokratesz > there is am smallllll difference there but hell
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:24 ] Sokratesz > fail =p but yea
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:30 ] TeaDaze > Jammers do have different colours
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:36 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:42 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber go
[ 2010.03.28 18:34:45 ] T'Amber > I suggest a vote. [/end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:35:03 ] ElvenLord > erm Asher is no more it seems
[ 2010.03.28 18:35:14 ] T'Amber > I hope there not some really weird reason why they can't do this.
[ 2010.03.28 18:35:17 ] Sokratesz > + addition of increasing the visual difference between scrams and disruptors?  (helen: jammers?)
[ 2010.03.28 18:35:25 ] Helen Highwater > yeah]
[ 2010.03.28 18:35:54 ] Helen Highwater > the colour difference isn't really visble when it's just an ocon on the overview
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:00 ] Helen Highwater > icon
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:05 ] Sokratesz > true
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:08 ] ElvenLord > ok then lets extend this proposal to warp scremblers and dysruptors and jammers?
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:20 ] Z0D > surely CCP can spend time of an artist designer to do it in 30 min or so... and make them visually different modify some pixels etc.
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:35 ] TeaDaze > Warp Scrambler II  Warp Disruptor II
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:48 ] Sokratesz > tbh
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:49 ] T'Amber > it may be like the bpo / bpc issue
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:52 ] TeaDaze > They are different already, but less subtle will be fine with me
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:59 ] Sokratesz > if i pull out my monitor cable slightly, the entire screen looks like a scrmabler
[ 2010.03.28 18:36:59 ] T'Amber > which is why i'm thinking they havent already done it
[ 2010.03.28 18:37:22 ] T'Amber > isnt that coming in 2009?
[ 2010.03.28 18:37:30 ] T'Amber > the overlaid gfx dx9 effects X)
[ 2010.03.28 18:37:45 ] Z0D > DX11 is out now... :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:37:51 ] T'Amber > ....
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:00 ] TeaDaze > Off topic :P
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:08 ] T'Amber > my kitten is watching you, pawing his face
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:15 ] ElvenLord > ok, lets vote on extended proposal to make more diference not just AB and MWD, but to include jammers and scremblers and dysruptors (Sok will need to update the wiki)
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:17 ] Sokratesz > lets extend it as elf said, and vote
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:17 ] ElvenLord > ============================
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:23 ] T'Amber > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:27 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:27 ] Sokratesz > Y                        MCA
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:28 ] Korvin > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:31 ] ElvenLord > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:32 ] Z0D > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:43 ] ElvenLord > we lost now zastrow too :S
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:51 ] Sokratesz > power autage in the us
[ 2010.03.28 18:38:54 ] Helen Highwater > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:00 ] Korvin > logoffsky )
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:04 ] TeaDaze > Passed 7 for - min voters
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:22 ] TeaDaze > Zas and Trzz mia
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:30 ] ElvenLord > ==================================
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:43 ] Z0D > here he is back
[ 2010.03.28 18:39:48 ] ElvenLord > ah here is zas
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:02 ] Zastrow > my client broke i couldnt do anything
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:04 ] Zastrow > hello
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:19 ] ElvenLord > we are voting on: ElvenLord > ok, lets vote on extended proposal to make more diference not just AB and MWD, but to include jammers and scremblers and dysruptors (Sok will need to update the wiki)
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:22 ] Helen Highwater > Say Y zas
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:42 ] Zastrow > y !
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:48 ] Z0D > yes is the new no anyway :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:50 ] TeaDaze > Passed 8 for, trzz mia
[ 2010.03.28 18:40:59 ] Zastrow > im a careful deliberater
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:03 ] ElvenLord > ==============================
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:14 ] ElvenLord > NEXT: 5. Eve font changes - Progress requested
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:15 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Eve_font_changes_-_Progress_requested_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:21 ] ElvenLord > this is in the pipeline
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:26 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:32 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:32 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:41:45 ] TeaDaze > Understand this is in the pipeline, hence requesting progress from CCP [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:16 ] ElvenLord > OK, I will send a mail asking on progress of it and inform you next meeting
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:24 ] Korvin > they will make cyrillic client for you lol
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:28 ] T'Amber > Can we get scalable, skinable and completely modular gui while we're at it. [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:35 ] ElvenLord > so we can move to next topic
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:37 ] ElvenLord > =================================
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:44 ] ElvenLord > 6. Sound issues
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:45 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Sound_Issues_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:50 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:54 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:42:54 ] Helen Highwater > eve has sound?
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:01 ] T'Amber > Eve has sound? [/end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:02 ] T'Amber > :|DAMNNIT
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:03 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:08 ] Zastrow > where's my dramatic cyno sound :mad:
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:14 ] Sokratesz > yea
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:27 ] TeaDaze > As stated this is pretty much a bug but apparently people are getting nowhere with the bug reporting system and thus want us to hassle CCP [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:43:58 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber go
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:02 ] Korvin > ! yes for "fix all bugs" proposal
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:10 ] Helen Highwater > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:15 ] ElvenLord > btw, this is also in pipeline, or at least a part of it
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:25 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:31 ] T'Amber > i already talked. :|
[ 2010.03.28 18:44:44 ] ElvenLord > Helen Highwater go
[ 2010.03.28 18:45:17 ] Helen Highwater > I've found CCPs bug handling system in general to be quite poor. I've reported several bugs (the process for which isn't obvious) and had them returned as CND despite the fact that I can duplicate them 100% on different machines and with different insta
[ 2010.03.28 18:45:18 ] Z0D > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:45:21 ] Helen Highwater > installs
[ 2010.03.28 18:45:27 ] Helen Highwater > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:45:31 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:46:04 ] TeaDaze > Some of this was raised by CSM3, still getting nowhere and it is a pretty large list of issues that CCP have said they were going to fix - again we need to apply some pressure to find out where it has got to [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:46:19 ] ElvenLord > Z0D go
[ 2010.03.28 18:46:41 ] Z0D > for me Jukebox stops after each song, i guess they don't want player to listen to EVE music... [/end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:46:56 ] Zastrow > holy shit speaking of sound my armageddon just died and the "structure damage" sound is squaling constantly aaaaaaaaaa
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:11 ] Sokratesz > good then you can pay full attention now :D
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:30 ] Zastrow > yea i guess there's that
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:30 ] ElvenLord > OK, lets vote on this + I will ask for progress update, Y or N
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:33 ] ElvenLord > ===============================
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:34 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:34 ] ElvenLord > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:37 ] Zastrow > yes
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:38 ] Korvin > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:38 ] Z0D > YY
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:42 ] Helen Highwater > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:47:44 ] T'Amber > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:07 ] ElvenLord > Sok?
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:16 ] Sokratesz > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:17 ] TeaDaze > Passed 8 for
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:28 ] ElvenLord > ===================
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:35 ] ElvenLord > 7. Issue when Copying and pasting links in Chat
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:36 ] TeaDaze > http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Issue_when_Copying_and_pasting_links_in_Chat_%28CSM%29
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:40 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:45 ] ElvenLord > go TD
[ 2010.03.28 18:48:58 ] TeaDaze > Straightforward issue, cutting and pasting from one channel to another farks up
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:07 ] TeaDaze > [18:45:31] ElvenLord > <b><url=showinfo:1379//899490472>TeaDaze</url></b> go
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:09 ] TeaDaze > eg
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:11 ] TeaDaze > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:25 ] ElvenLord > I dont see a point in discussion on this
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:33 ] ElvenLord > so lets vote, Y or N pls
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:35 ] ElvenLord > ========================
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:36 ] ElvenLord > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:36 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:36 ] Helen Highwater > Surely this should be raised as a bug?
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:38 ] T'Amber > I spahm this moar than all of you probably.
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:39 ] Korvin > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:40 ] T'Amber > N
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:43 ] Helen Highwater > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:49:45 ] Z0D > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:06 ] Sokratesz > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:13 ] T'Amber > I would have like to talk about this first. but ok. :)
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:29 ] T'Amber > It stops people spahming for one.
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:48 ] TeaDaze > Passed 6 for, 1 against - waiting on Zas and Trzz
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:50 ] Zastrow > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:50 ] Mrs Trzzbk > sorry, Canadian internet, what did i miss
[ 2010.03.28 18:50:58 ] ElvenLord > 2 topics
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:02 ] ElvenLord > well 3
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:09 ] ElvenLord > 4. Distinguish between afterburners and microwarpdrives with different icons
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:12 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:15 ] ElvenLord > 6. Sound issues
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:16 ] T'Amber > lols elven
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:21 ] ElvenLord > 7. Issue when Copying and pasting links in Chat
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:28 ] ElvenLord > last one
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:35 ] Mrs Trzzbk > is the issue how html markup pops in and shit?
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:39 ] TeaDaze > Yes
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:42 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:42 ] Helen Highwater > yes
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:46 ] TeaDaze > Passed 8 for, 1 against
[ 2010.03.28 18:51:57 ] TeaDaze > back voting on the previous topics?
[ 2010.03.28 18:52:34 ] ElvenLord > we can if you want, but its just Ashers voting that is missing
[ 2010.03.28 18:52:48 ] TeaDaze > Won;t change the results anyway
[ 2010.03.28 18:52:53 ] ElvenLord > yup
[ 2010.03.28 18:52:58 ] ElvenLord > =========================
[ 2010.03.28 18:53:02 ] Mrs Trzzbk > i vote y to the MWD/AB icon thing
[ 2010.03.28 18:53:09 ] Mrs Trzzbk > and whatever to the sound one
[ 2010.03.28 18:53:18 ] ElvenLord > LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT: 8. Development Assessment List
[ 2010.03.28 18:53:30 ] TeaDaze > <No links>
[ 2010.03.28 18:53:58 ] ElvenLord > Development assessment list:1.    Docking games fix2.    Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system3.    Shared Corporation Bookmarks4.    Station services HP reduction to improve small gang warefare5.    Reintroduction of low-sec ...
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:08 ] ElvenLord > 6.    Directscan improvement7.    FW Complex NPCs and Standings8.    Black Ops Improvements9.    Destroyer Improvements10.    Boost warfare links and revisit information warfare11.    Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:21 ] ElvenLord > 12.    Alliance action confirmation windows13.    T3 refitting subsystems at pos / carrier14.    Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager profession(1.2)15.    Scan probes of all types - an addable option to overview profiles16. ...
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:29 ] Helen Highwater > reintroduction of lowsec what?
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:29 ] ElvenLord > 16.    Battle recorder17.    Tracking for fighters lost in combat18.    Mining crystals change color of mining laser beam19.    Ingame Events Menu (eve gate iteration)
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:33 ] ElvenLord > DD
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:35 ] Mrs Trzzbk > what is the full text of 5?
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:36 ] Mrs Trzzbk > oh
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:55 ] ElvenLord > I'll send you the mail also
[ 2010.03.28 18:54:59 ] Zastrow > looks good to me
[ 2010.03.28 18:55:13 ] Mrs Trzzbk > yeah
[ 2010.03.28 18:55:25 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:55:51 ] T'Amber > Elven - is that order taking everyones preferences into consideration and considered the final compliation?
[ 2010.03.28 18:55:57 ] T'Amber > or is the original list you posted?
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:00 ] ElvenLord > this is just for assesment
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:01 ] T'Amber > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:12 ] ElvenLord > and a in some way a priority list
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:21 ] T'Amber > put 19 first. and anything else is fine. ;)
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:31 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:34 ] ElvenLord > when taking all opinions from forums into matter
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:40 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:56:50 ] TeaDaze > As a first list to send to CCP for development estimation that is fine [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:00 ] Mrs Trzzbk > maybe move 15 up?
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:01 ] Korvin > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:03 ] T'Amber > +1
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:08 ] ElvenLord > this is for estimation
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:10 ] Z0D > agreed there
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:12 ] ElvenLord > Korvin go
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:39 ] Korvin > i think the simply modifications, that can be easily done, should be moved higher
[ 2010.03.28 18:57:52 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:04 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze go
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:17 ] Korvin > for example the black ops improvement is only the numbers to change
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:20 ] Korvin > [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:20 ] TeaDaze > We'll know what are the simple things to implement once CCP give us development estimates. We can do a better priority list for development then [end]
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:39 ] ElvenLord > true :D
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:44 ] Sokratesz > yer
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:46 ] ElvenLord > this is just a preliminary list
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:48 ] Sokratesz > set em to work on this
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:57 ] TeaDaze > (even though I agree on BO and others being higher :P)
[ 2010.03.28 18:58:58 ] Sokratesz > and we will re-do the list once they have made an estimate of the efforts
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:04 ] TeaDaze > +1
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:11 ] T'Amber > +1
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:12 ] Z0D > then we can prioritise are wishes more efficiently
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:13 ] ElvenLord > I also pondered on maybe adding few new stuff in here on the list
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:21 ] ElvenLord > but I need to poke Petur first
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:31 ] ElvenLord > so for now this is it
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:48 ] ElvenLord > so if you are all OK with the list I will send it in the morning to meet the deadline
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:54 ] ElvenLord > so pls vote Y or N
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:55 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:56 ] Helen Highwater > sounds good
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:56 ] ElvenLord > =====================
[ 2010.03.28 18:59:59 ] ElvenLord > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:00 ] Mrs Trzzbk > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:01 ] Helen Highwater > Y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:02 ] TeaDaze > Y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:05 ] Z0D > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:09 ] T'Amber > Y
[ 2010.03.28 19:00:56 ] TeaDaze > Passed 6 for, wating on Sok, Korvin, Zas
[ 2010.03.28 19:01:41 ] Mrs Trzzbk > ok if that's the last issue, I need to go
[ 2010.03.28 19:01:41 ] Zastrow > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:01:56 ] TeaDaze > o/ Trzz
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:06 ] Sokratesz > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:10 ] Korvin > y
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:14 ] TeaDaze > Passed 9 for
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:18 ] ElvenLord > coolio
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:20 ] ElvenLord > =======================
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:23 ] ElvenLord > next meeting to be on 11th April @ 17:00 eve time
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:29 ] ElvenLord > if OK with all
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:38 ] TeaDaze > Fine
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:39 ] Z0D > ok with that
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:42 ] Helen Highwater > Next sunday is my birthday, Send me Isk or cap shiop skill books
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:48 ] ElvenLord > :D
[ 2010.03.28 19:02:54 ] Z0D > :)
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:04 ] TeaDaze > Nobody sent me isk for my birthday so no :P
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:11 ] Z0D > birthday how many SP you getting next sunday :)
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:19 ] ElvenLord > OK NEXT MEETING IS ON SUNDAY 11th APRIL @17:00 EVE TIME
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:22 ] T'Amber > isnt this time hard for some people?
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:25 ] ElvenLord > MEETING IS OVER SPAM AWAY
[ 2010.03.28 19:03:29 ] ElvenLord > ==================================
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