CSM Meeting Minutes 4.001 raw log

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CSM Meeting Minutes 4.001 raw log

See CSM Meeting Minutes 4.001 for a summary

[ 2009.12.05 15:30:39 ] CCP Xhagen > ********
[ 2009.12.05 15:30:44 ] CCP Xhagen > let us start this
[ 2009.12.05 15:30:46 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD changed to "Welcome to the Council of Stellar Management. For continuity, all past, present and future csm and alts are invited to "eve-csm" channel.Damn goons, always late" by Omber Zombie
[ 2009.12.05 15:31:06 ] CCP Xhagen > Good day all
[ 2009.12.05 15:31:12 ] CCP Xhagen > welcome to the first CSM4 meeting
[ 2009.12.05 15:31:40 ] CCP Xhagen > today we have to elect people to the vice-chairman position, the secretary and the vice-secretary.
[ 2009.12.05 15:31:56 ] CCP Xhagen > Furthermore, I'd like to remind you of the speaking protocol in here
[ 2009.12.05 15:32:03 ] CCP Xhagen > to get the word, just type !
[ 2009.12.05 15:32:15 ] CCP Xhagen > and you will get to speak when it is your turn
[ 2009.12.05 15:32:21 ] CCP Xhagen > type [end] when you are done
[ 2009.12.05 15:32:40 ] CCP Xhagen > this makes the meeting manageble and easy to read/follow
[ 2009.12.05 15:33:19 ] CCP Xhagen > Additionally, I want to reiterate the point I made in the email about us wanting to emphazise more on 'larger' issues and less on the 'smaller' topics.
[ 2009.12.05 15:33:42 ] CCP Xhagen > keep that in mind when you are thinking about issues and discussing amongst yourselfs
[ 2009.12.05 15:34:00 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:34:11 ] CCP Xhagen > Aleks
[ 2009.12.05 15:34:13 ] CCP Xhagen > go ahead
[ 2009.12.05 15:34:39 ] Alekseyev Karrde > my understanding of the mail was that small issues were OK, but that we would filter them too you further in advance so they could be dealt with quick if possible, leaving time for the bigger issues to be discussed thoroughly [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:35:02 ] CCP Xhagen > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:35:05 ] CCP Xhagen > me, go ahead
[ 2009.12.05 15:35:33 ] Zastrow > hey dingdongs
[ 2009.12.05 15:35:35 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ah, was that a correct understanding y/n?
[ 2009.12.05 15:35:59 ] CCP Xhagen > Aleks: they are perfectly valid as topics - it is just the matter of putting them on an agenda just so the answer can be 'this is now in the backlog' to be the answer is counter-productive in our opinion
[ 2009.12.05 15:36:07 ] ElvenLord > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:36:15 ] CCP Xhagen > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:36:24 ] CCP Xhagen > Elvenlord
[ 2009.12.05 15:36:30 ] CCP Xhagen > (heya Zastrow)
[ 2009.12.05 15:37:12 ] ElvenLord > All "small" issues can be put in packages and delivered to CCP, if as mentioned they are in the lines of "put that button there"
[ 2009.12.05 15:37:29 ] Zastrow > hi petur i wrote a response to our csm blog that is kinda mean. sorry i still love you
[ 2009.12.05 15:37:48 ] ElvenLord > for bigger issues we could get the same principle if they are related
[ 2009.12.05 15:37:51 ] ElvenLord > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:01 ] CCP Xhagen > Elvenlord: indeed
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:05 ] CCP Xhagen > now
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:14 ] CCP Xhagen > Elvenlord - as the chairman I would like to hand over the meeting to you
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:28 ] CCP Xhagen > you have to call out for candidates for the open positions and get them filled
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:29 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:33 ] CCP Xhagen > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:38:45 ] CCP Xhagen > Z0d, go ahead and then Elvenlord takes over
[ 2009.12.05 15:39:28 ] Z0D > what does each position entail exactly, Vice, Secretary and Vice scretary [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:39:40 ] CCP Xhagen > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:39:52 ] ElvenLord > go Xhagen
[ 2009.12.05 15:40:56 ] CCP Xhagen > Vice-chairman is a stepin and the right hand of the chairman.The secretary handles all the meeting minutes and the act of posting them (for CCP - CSM meetings the minutes go through us before they are posted)
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:05 ] CCP Xhagen > the Vice-secretary is the right hand of the secretary
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:29 ] CCP Xhagen > it has been said that the secretary is the busiest of them all CSMs... just so you are warned
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:31 ] CCP Xhagen > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:33 ] Helen Highwater > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:37 ] Omber Zombie > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:39 ] Meissa Anunthiel > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:42 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:41:45 ] ElvenLord > Helen
[ 2009.12.05 15:42:15 ] ElvenLord > /emote : then Meissa then Omber
[ 2009.12.05 15:42:17 ] Helen Highwater > for thesecretary/vice secreaty positions are Alternates allowed to perform those roles as they aren't involved in running the CSM per se
[ 2009.12.05 15:42:20 ] Helen Highwater > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:42:41 ] CCP Xhagen > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:42:57 ] ElvenLord > OK Meissa go, then Xhagen
[ 2009.12.05 15:43:30 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (omber, go first)
[ 2009.12.05 15:43:40 ] Omber Zombie > just a bit further on the secretary job - you're looking at roughly 4-6hours of work each meeting purely typing up minutes and formating from publication (I used to do a pdf as well as forum/wiki), but essentially it's up to the csm to get that info out
[ 2009.12.05 15:44:09 ] Omber Zombie > to the playerbase - the only requirements are that the meeting logs (chatlog) and basic summary are needed, but the playerbase tends to prefer easy to read tl;dr's (end)
[ 2009.12.05 15:44:19 ] Zastrow > the secretary is our main line of communication with the populace of eve, so they need to be on the ball with taking minutes and posting them.
[ 2009.12.05 15:45:05 ] ElvenLord > Meissa you have the floor
[ 2009.12.05 15:45:19 ] Meissa Anunthiel > I was secretary on CSM 3, I tried to follow in Omber's steps (he did a great job). I did so with mixed success for various reasons. When OZ says 4-6 hours, I managed to shrink that a bit through a small formatting program I'm more than happy to share.
[ 2009.12.05 15:46:09 ] Meissa Anunthiel > It's still a very ungratifying job, although very necessary. So far, the posting of minutes is the only real venue the CSM has to communicate with the whole playerbase (direct voter contact side), so it's very important, and tedious... [/end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:46:37 ] ElvenLord > Xhagen go
[ 2009.12.05 15:46:50 ] CCP Xhagen > Alekseyev?
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:04 ] ElvenLord > well there was a specific question directed to you
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:09 ] CCP Xhagen > righto
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:16 ] ElvenLord > So would be nice to hear the answer first
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:16 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ty.  Stand-in is self explanitory, but "right hand" is not so much.  Could you clarify that?
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:22 ] Alekseyev Karrde > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:28 ] ElvenLord > and this one to
[ 2009.12.05 15:47:46 ] CCP Xhagen > Helen: no, alternates cannot serve as secretaries or vices. Those positions have to be filled by delegates [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:48:04 ] Serenity Steele > thx
[ 2009.12.05 15:48:15 ] CCP Xhagen > Aleks: right-hand meaning 'assistants' or you know, dividing work amongst themselves
[ 2009.12.05 15:48:18 ] CCP Xhagen > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:48:39 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (or standing up when the secretary isn't there)
[ 2009.12.05 15:48:52 ] CCP Xhagen > (what Meissa said)
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:09 ] ElvenLord > OK, if we dont have any more questions, there are 3 positions to fill
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:22 ] ElvenLord > let me hear your suggestions
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:26 ] ElvenLord > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:40 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:41 ] ElvenLord > /emote : or any volontiers :P
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:44 ] ElvenLord > go Aleks
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:49 ] Omber Zombie > (might want to call out each position in turn)
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:52 ] Alekseyev Karrde > we nominate one another or our selves or....
[ 2009.12.05 15:49:56 ] Alekseyev Karrde > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:02 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:08 ] Zastrow > nominating myself for vice-chair, i'm our only imcumbant and i'm a pr0
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:15 ] ElvenLord > Sok
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:25 ] Helen Highwater > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:31 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:39 ] ElvenLord > Sok go
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:49 ] Sokratesz > how often are meetings called on average, because i wouldn't mind doing the reports, but i'm very busy with my masters programme
[ 2009.12.05 15:50:54 ] Sokratesz > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:02 ] ElvenLord > Helen go
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:04 ] Helen Highwater > As Trzzbk isn't here and I am first alternate do I have his vote here?[end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:21 ] ElvenLord > Aleks go
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:24 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (yep)
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:25 ] Zastrow > yea helen
[ 2009.12.05 15:51:51 ] Dierdra Vaal > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:15 ] Alekseyev Karrde > I'd like to follow up on Sok's Q and ask if meetings go till the adgenda is done or do they have a time limit.  Also, Zas is not "!'ing which doesnt bother me but it could if people follow his example ;p
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:18 ] Alekseyev Karrde > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:38 ] ElvenLord > Dierdra pls speak
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:40 ] Zastrow > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:42 ] Dierdra Vaal > as a reply to sok - we had meetings once every 2 weeks. You will have to decide how often you want to do your meetings, but less than once every 2 weeks would really not be advisable.
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:57 ] Dierdra Vaal > as for alekseyev's question, we just did the entire agenda in our meetings
[ 2009.12.05 15:52:58 ] Dierdra Vaal > end
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:10 ] ElvenLord > Zastrow go ahead
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:15 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:25 ] Zastrow > the very first motion i ever made as a csm last time was to do away with the ! thing because this is a chat room, we're not using voices, so its not like we're talking over each other.  i think it slows meetings down to an absolute crawl
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:40 ] Zastrow > end
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:47 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze
[ 2009.12.05 15:53:56 ] ElvenLord > @ Zas: we can change that :P
[ 2009.12.05 15:54:09 ] Dierdra Vaal > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:54:28 ] TeaDaze > It strikes me that the Secratary role is more important than vice chair and thus we should put the more experienced person there - I.e. Zas [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:54:58 ] ElvenLord > Dierdra Vaal
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:00 ] Dierdra Vaal > just about the ! issue - I recommend not chaging it. it will make your chat a nightmare once people start randomly replying to various comments and suddenly you have 3 arguments going simultaneously. end
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:11 ] Serenity Steele > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:17 ] ElvenLord > Serenity
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:20 ] T'Amber > ! agree
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:23 ] Zastrow > i think we're all pretty good at chat rooms by now
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:23 ] Serenity Steele > Google Wave would resolve the issue Diedra refers to
[ 2009.12.05 15:55:41 ] Zastrow > there's all of 9 of us its not like its a huge mess
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:04 ] Alekseyev Karrde > 19
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:07 ] Omber Zombie > (and 5 alternates) and csm
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:13 ] Omber Zombie > *ccp
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:14 ] Korvin > !o! its a mess for a secretairy
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:14 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:20 ] Zastrow > yea but those second-class citizens dont count
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:20 ] Serenity Steele > Seriously consider wave. Thre can be input from 14 people, and the whole ! and sequential issue is resolved. [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:38 ] Zastrow > i'd be down with wave
[ 2009.12.05 15:56:59 ] ElvenLord > @ Serenity, I believe CCP would like to keep it controlable enviroment for them
[ 2009.12.05 15:57:20 ] Meissa Anunthiel > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:57:46 ] ElvenLord > as google wave is not a fully controlable enviroment and thus confidentiality is at stake
[ 2009.12.05 15:57:50 ] ElvenLord > Song Li go
[ 2009.12.05 15:57:50 ] Zastrow > lets stop and think about this for a minute, a controllable enviornment?  if the csm GOES ROGUE ON GOOGLE WAVE they can still just ban us all
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:16 ] CCP Xhagen > !
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:25 ] ElvenLord > I dont think its us @ Zas
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:34 ] ElvenLord > Song Li pls speak
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:39 ] Song Li > We're vering massively off topic. If we want to discuss alternate comms and stuff that's for another time. Can we please return to the agenda to get it out of the way [end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:55 ] ElvenLord > ./signed
[ 2009.12.05 15:58:59 ] ElvenLord > Meissa Anunthiel go
[ 2009.12.05 15:59:08 ] Meissa Anunthiel > Also would make the minutes making practically impossible, unless you want to publish the wave, but that'd require the eve populace the minutes are meant for to have wave access, which is not possible for everyone as it's not "public" yet. But dis[/end]
[ 2009.12.05 15:59:12 ] Meissa Anunthiel > discuss that next meeting
[ 2009.12.05 15:59:17 ] Meissa Anunthiel > [/end] (again)
[ 2009.12.05 15:59:33 ] ElvenLord > CCP Xhagen pls :D
[ 2009.12.05 16:00:09 ] CCP Xhagen > Song Li just stole my line. I'd suggest getting the positions filled and then safe this discussion for later. You CAN change the speaking method if you wish - just remember that you have to work under the method [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:01:05 ] ElvenLord > OK, can we move on from this topic and form CSM 4 pls
[ 2009.12.05 16:01:28 ] Z0D > !agree
[ 2009.12.05 16:01:35 ] Zastrow > you're the captain make it happen
[ 2009.12.05 16:01:41 ] Zastrow > SIEZE THIS MEETING BY THE BALLS
[ 2009.12.05 16:02:12 ] ElvenLord > We have a vice-chairman, secretary and his deputy to elect. Lets go with vice-charman first
[ 2009.12.05 16:02:33 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:02:34 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:02:41 ] ElvenLord > Aleks go
[ 2009.12.05 16:03:22 ] Alekseyev Karrde > I'm not disinterested in the position but i have too much class to nominate myself heh.  I nominate z0D, cause his initiative making the meeting 2 agenda thread impressed me [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:03:51 ] T'Amber > ! although i can't vote i agree with alek :)
[ 2009.12.05 16:03:59 ] TeaDaze > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:04:04 ] ElvenLord > Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:04:46 ] Song Li > I have less class ;-), but a solid background in running boards and meetings so I'd like to nominate myself.
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:08 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:32 ] ElvenLord > @ Song Li (I'd rather consider you for secretary)
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:34 ] Song Li > Also, while being a bit stodgy, typical ways of operating discussions like this would, be to first open for nominations, then open for discussion, then voting
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:40 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:50 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:05:59 ] TeaDaze > I nominate Aleks as he got the second highest public vote and thus is makes some sense [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:06 ] TeaDaze > it*
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:19 ] ElvenLord > Aleks go
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:28 ] Korvin > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:53 ] Alekseyev Karrde > While a bit cumbersume i agree with Song Li about the break down.  easier to manage.  Accept nom too since it came up [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:54 ] Zastrow > by ONE VOTE :argh:
[ 2009.12.05 16:06:59 ] Alekseyev Karrde > XD
[ 2009.12.05 16:07:08 ] ElvenLord > Korvin
[ 2009.12.05 16:07:54 ] Korvin > i'd like to see Z0D on a secretairy position, he have a good posting skill on forums, so i support Sonf Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:08:00 ] Korvin > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:08:19 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:08:25 ] ElvenLord > ZOD go
[ 2009.12.05 16:09:24 ] Z0D > i'd like if possible to avoid secretary as said it takes a lot of time and don't always have the time in such large stretch to do that part {end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:09:33 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:09:52 ] Z0D > but this is something that can be as well shared [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:10:02 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:10:02 ] ElvenLord > 1
[ 2009.12.05 16:10:04 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:10:58 ] ElvenLord > OK I'll go first then rest. As far as I'm concerned I would like to se Zastrow as vice-chairman, has nothing to do with him being a goon and all, but he was a member in CSM 3
[ 2009.12.05 16:11:10 ] ElvenLord > and we could use some consistency in CSM
[ 2009.12.05 16:11:14 ] ElvenLord > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:11:18 ] ElvenLord > Sok go
[ 2009.12.05 16:11:52 ] Sokratesz > I'll take vice secretary if no one else wants it, as I said my time may be limited but I'd like to be involved. [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:06 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber go
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:11 ] T'Amber > Can I suggest everyone that is able and willing to fill a role post [The ROLE] and then their name, and then everyone vote after you see which ones are open for the role- To negate voting for someone who can't do it.
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:15 ] T'Amber > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:27 ] Zastrow > ill dooooo ittt
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:46 ] Meissa Anunthiel > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:12:49 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:13:00 ] ElvenLord > OK, WHO nominates himself for the role of vice-charman (put x)?
[ 2009.12.05 16:13:13 ] Z0D > x
[ 2009.12.05 16:13:20 ] Alekseyev Karrde > x
[ 2009.12.05 16:13:22 ] Song Li > X
[ 2009.12.05 16:14:35 ] ElvenLord > Then we have 3 guys, ZOD, Aleks and Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:14:45 ] Zastrow > wat
[ 2009.12.05 16:14:47 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (wait a sec, zastrow was held up)
[ 2009.12.05 16:14:54 ] ElvenLord > waiting ...
[ 2009.12.05 16:14:55 ] Zastrow > lol i was nominated twice why do i have to nominate myself
[ 2009.12.05 16:15:03 ] Zastrow > YOUR DOING IT WRONG
[ 2009.12.05 16:15:12 ] Zastrow > ok i nominate myself lets vote
[ 2009.12.05 16:15:13 ] ElvenLord > cause I said so :P
[ 2009.12.05 16:16:10 ] ElvenLord > OK 4 nominated for vice-chairman ZOD, Aleks, zastrow and Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:16:32 ] ElvenLord > Can we vote on those 4 by putting ![name] pls?
[ 2009.12.05 16:16:54 ] Helen Highwater > ! Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:16:59 ] TeaDaze > ! Aleks
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:00 ] Vuk Lau > oh the joy of voting secretary :D
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:03 ] Zastrow > !zastrowned
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:04 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ! Z0D
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:08 ] Sokratesz > ! z0d
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:08 ] Z0D > ![Z0D]
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:10 ] Korvin > !Z0D
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:21 ] ElvenLord > ! Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:33 ] Song Li > ![song]
[ 2009.12.05 16:17:58 ] ElvenLord > 4 votes go to ZOD, 3 to Zastrow, 1 to Song Li, 1 to Aleks
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:07 ] ElvenLord > Can we say ZOD is CSM 4 vice charman (Y or N)?
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:16 ] Zastrow > yes
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:20 ] Helen Highwater > you just did
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:24 ] T'Amber > \o/
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:24 ] Alekseyev Karrde > yes
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:28 ] TeaDaze > 9 voted, he polled top - we need to discuss the result further?
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:39 ] Dierdra Vaal > no you dont, move on to secretary
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:45 ] TeaDaze > Exactly
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:47 ] ElvenLord > just as a confirmation
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:54 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:19:56 ] Zastrow > we can do runoffs if you want a majority instead of a plurality but it means longer voting process
[ 2009.12.05 16:20:12 ] Zastrow > and i really dont care
[ 2009.12.05 16:20:14 ] ElvenLord > OK, WHO nominates for position of secretary (X up)?
[ 2009.12.05 16:20:26 ] TeaDaze > x
[ 2009.12.05 16:20:42 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:21:05 ] ElvenLord > yes ZOD?
[ 2009.12.05 16:21:24 ] Z0D > lets not forget secretary can get helped also[end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:21:48 ] Dierdra Vaal > by vice sec :)
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:05 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:05 ] Alekseyev Karrde > "helping" the secretary huh?  oo0o baby
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:14 ] ElvenLord > We have just one guy nominated for position of secretary and its  TeaDaze . Pls vote on it by putting Y or N
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:20 ] Zastrow > under the desk, you know the drill
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:21 ] Song Li > !!!!
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:26 ] ElvenLord > go Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:32 ] Zastrow > yo nominate me
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:34 ] Zastrow > DO IT
[ 2009.12.05 16:22:50 ] Zastrow > hugs and kisses
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:00 ] Song Li > Thanks, my first one got missed. I was asking for clarification. Does the secretary take notes for in person meetings as well
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:13 ] Omber Zombie > yes
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:16 ] TeaDaze > I nominated Zas but Elven asked people to x up so...
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:23 ] Meissa Anunthiel > yes
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:37 ] Song Li > For which there is only 1 correct?
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:40 ] Alekseyev Karrde > TD is sec, move on
[ 2009.12.05 16:23:48 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (for reference, done by hand, there were 45 pages of notes)
[ 2009.12.05 16:24:23 ] Meissa Anunthiel > (so get a laptop)
[ 2009.12.05 16:24:32 ] ElvenLord > anyone besides  TeaDaze and  Zastrow want to add a nomination for secretary position?
[ 2009.12.05 16:24:35 ] Song Li > [end[
[ 2009.12.05 16:25:37 ] ElvenLord > Then lets pick up a secretary. 2 Options  TeaDaze and  Zastrow so put ElvenLord > Then we have 3 guys, ZOD, Aleks and Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:25:43 ] ElvenLord > !Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:25:49 ] Zastrow > vote for me.  i'm voting for me
[ 2009.12.05 16:25:58 ] Sokratesz > !teadaze
[ 2009.12.05 16:25:59 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ! TeaDaze
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:01 ] Song Li > !TD
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:06 ] Z0D > !TD
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:14 ] TeaDaze > ! Me
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:19 ] Helen Highwater > ! Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:26 ] Korvin > !td - anyway won
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:29 ] Serenity Steele > Gratz TD.
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:34 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:42 ] ElvenLord > TeaDaze is the CSM4 secretary
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:45 ] ElvenLord > grats
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:52 ] T'Amber > \o/
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:59 ] Dierdra Vaal > (you'll need to make minutes of this meeting too, fyi)
[ 2009.12.05 16:26:59 ] Serenity Steele > Well . Gratz & Consolences ;)
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:00 ] TeaDaze > /emote makes a note
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:09 ] T'Amber > lols
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:11 ] Z0D > :)
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:37 ] ElvenLord > Now the position of vice-secretary, put x for nomination or x
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:40 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !!!
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:41 ] Sokratesz > x
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:50 ] Alekseyev Karrde > bah nvm
[ 2009.12.05 16:27:53 ] Song Li > x
[ 2009.12.05 16:28:09 ] ElvenLord > Zastrow?
[ 2009.12.05 16:28:11 ] ElvenLord > :P
[ 2009.12.05 16:28:16 ] Helen Highwater > X nominating Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:28:26 ] ElvenLord > :D
[ 2009.12.05 16:29:28 ] ElvenLord > 3 candidates for position of vice-secretary, ZOD, Song Li and Zastrow, vote by putting ![name] now
[ 2009.12.05 16:29:31 ] ElvenLord > !zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:29:35 ] Sokratesz > err x ?
[ 2009.12.05 16:29:44 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:29:50 ] ElvenLord > ah sorry
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:01 ] ElvenLord > Sok instead of SOD
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:07 ] ElvenLord > *ZOD
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:11 ] Zastrow > i always vote for me because im the best
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:22 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ! song li
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:24 ] Z0D > ![Zastrow]
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:25 ] TeaDaze > ! zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:26 ] Helen Highwater > ! Zastrow
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:29 ] Song Li > !song li
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:34 ] Korvin > ! song li
[ 2009.12.05 16:30:53 ] Sokratesz > !song
[ 2009.12.05 16:31:39 ] ElvenLord > with 5 votes Zastrow is CSM4 vice-secretary
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:09 ] ElvenLord > any questions?
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:15 ] Zastrow > i am doing my end-zone dance irl
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:18 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:21 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:25 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber go
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:41 ] T'Amber > Just a suggestion, when doing votes like this if they happen again, use another symbol other that !
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:52 ] Korvin > #
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:53 ] T'Amber > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:32:55 ] ElvenLord > will do
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:00 ] ElvenLord > ZOD go
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:24 ] Z0D > Dierdra the software you spoke about earlier what was it[end[
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:32 ] Dierdra Vaal > hm?
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:37 ] Omber Zombie > it was meissa
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:43 ] Dierdra Vaal > yeah probably :)
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:45 ] Omber Zombie > it converts text to wiki format
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:46 ] Zastrow > i propose we use the following symbol for votes 8===D
[ 2009.12.05 16:33:46 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:34:21 ] T'Amber > #Zastrow 4 Court Jester
[ 2009.12.05 16:34:37 ] Sokratesz > only if he has to do it in a gimp suit
[ 2009.12.05 16:34:54 ] ElvenLord > Just to confirm  Z0D is the new vice-chairmen,  TeaDaze the new secretary and  Zastrow new vice-secretary of CSM 4
[ 2009.12.05 16:34:58 ] ElvenLord > grats guys
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:02 ] ElvenLord > Go Sok
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:19 ] Sokratesz > anything else important to go over because i gotta run soon(tm) [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:30 ] ElvenLord > /emote looks at  CCP Xhagen
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:36 ] Alekseyev Karrde > nxt meeting
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:38 ] CCP Xhagen > not this time around
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:39 ] Dierdra Vaal > you need to schedule the next meeting
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:45 ] CCP Xhagen > what Dierdra said
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:55 ] Omber Zombie > and someone needs to sort out channel permissions
[ 2009.12.05 16:35:58 ] CCP Xhagen > and don't be shy asking the former CSM members, they are more than willing the help
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:04 ] Vuk Lau > i will do the channel permission
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:09 ] Vuk Lau > as I am the owner of the channel
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:12 ] Zastrow > except they're all butts
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:13 ] Z0D > !think of the ones in pacific timezones
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:22 ] Zastrow > im never asking you anything vik lu
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:23 ] Zastrow > k
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:29 ] Helen Highwater > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:30 ] Omber Zombie > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you need me on msn
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:34 ] Vuk Lau > btw CSM3 did all meeting @16:00
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:41 ] Dierdra Vaal > on sundays*
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:46 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:47 ] Vuk Lau > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is my msn
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:52 ] Zastrow > which means every american does their csm meetings with a hangover
[ 2009.12.05 16:36:57 ] Zastrow > or at least i had one at every meeting
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:16 ] Omber Zombie > and on that note, i'm outta here. Good luck and try not to smash your head through any monitors
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:18 ] Zastrow > do we have any anzacs this time around
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:25 ] Helen Highwater > Can we get a rollcall of timezones to help with scheduling meetings
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:36 ] Zastrow > ! central time USA
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:39 ] Z0D > [GMT]
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:47 ] Zastrow > gmt -6
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:50 ] Sokratesz > gmt+1
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:58 ] Helen Highwater > GMT+1
[ 2009.12.05 16:37:59 ] Zastrow > trzzbk is gmt -5
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:07 ] Korvin > gmt+3
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:11 ] ElvenLord > I'm gmt +1
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:11 ] Song Li > gmt -8
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:12 ] Alekseyev Karrde > GMT-5 (EST i think yes?)
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:14 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:19 ] TeaDaze > gmt
[ 2009.12.05 16:38:20 ] ElvenLord > Song Li go
[ 2009.12.05 16:39:13 ] Song Li > For new business: Can we get a list of all main IM contacts, and emails.
[ 2009.12.05 16:39:37 ] Song Li > Best to send them to the Secretary for compilation
[ 2009.12.05 16:39:39 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:39:49 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:39:50 ] Zastrow > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx feel free to send me love letters and sweet nothings, i also use gtalk
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:00 ] ElvenLord > ZOD go
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:04 ] Zastrow > and wear gstrings
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:14 ] Serenity Steele > Yep. Task for secretary. BTW TeaDaze - you should remove all email addresses/MSN from the minutes.
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:30 ] TeaDaze > Will do
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:43 ] Korvin > icq xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:43 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:43 ] Z0D > i have compiled a maling list which i gave strict access only to CSM 4 and alternates, called "CSM4" anyone else need to be on that list (alts etc)
[ 2009.12.05 16:40:54 ] T'Amber > yes please
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:04 ] Dierdra Vaal > you get a special CSM email address
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:08 ] Dierdra Vaal > fyi
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:15 ] Alekseyev Karrde > :S
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:17 ] ElvenLord > mine msn is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so knock yourself out
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:17 ] Serenity Steele > Take that contact admin stuff off-line from the meeting. Keep focus.
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:20 ] Dierdra Vaal > unless ccp drags their feet again
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:21 ] Alekseyev Karrde > more email accounts to manage
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:21 ] Dierdra Vaal > ;)
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:38 ] T'Amber > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:42 ] Serenity Steele > ElvenLord .. AOB then close?
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:55 ] Zastrow > we need to schedule next meeting
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:55 ] ElvenLord > T'Amber
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:56 ] Z0D > (in game i meant) and as well if anyone wants to add their means of external reachability MSN, SKYPE etc[end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:41:57 ] Zastrow > unless i missed that
[ 2009.12.05 16:42:17 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:42:38 ] ElvenLord > @ Zastrow, we got NDA 30 min before this meeting, no one of the new CSM members even have access to CSM forums
[ 2009.12.05 16:42:40 ] T'Amber > Elvenlord - I suggest getting some concrete call signs and symbols for various reasons to speed stuff up. [/end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:42:52 ] Zastrow > we never used the secret csm forum for anything
[ 2009.12.05 16:42:58 ] T'Amber > ! , * , [ ] etc whatever
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:05 ] Zastrow > i mean, im down to use it just saying we never used it before
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:09 ] T'Amber > and a symbol for zastrow spanking
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:14 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:16 ] ElvenLord > ZOD go
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:19 ] Z0D > What is the earliest you can (want to do do meetings at) Song LI[end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:30 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:36 ] ElvenLord > Aleks go
[ 2009.12.05 16:43:39 ] Sokratesz > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:44:10 ] Alekseyev Karrde > Propose we establish the next meeting now. We have a mailing list to notify people so a forum is not a requisite to schedueling [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:44:21 ] Vuk Lau > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:44:33 ] ElvenLord > Song Li go
[ 2009.12.05 16:44:54 ] ElvenLord > then Sok (after Song puts [end])
[ 2009.12.05 16:45:09 ] Song Li > alek covered mine [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:45:15 ] Serenity Steele > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:45:18 ] ElvenLord > Sok go
[ 2009.12.05 16:45:45 ] Sokratesz > i gotta run now my preferred time for meetings would be between 1300 and 2000 eve time on sundays or 1800-2200 on fridays but ill suit whenever [end]  also ciao ciao
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:16 ] ElvenLord > Vuk go
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:18 ] Vuk Lau > also dont wait on the CSM forum and CSM emails cause you will proly get them at the end of your term. Just use your personal emails.
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:30 ] Vuk Lau > and set up google docs if needed
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:33 ] Vuk Lau > end
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:39 ] ElvenLord > Serenity go
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:41 ] Serenity Steele > On the next meeting: Good practice for Chairman to edit the MOD message in this channel to show the date/time and linkage to the agenda. [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:46:57 ] Serenity Steele > .. PS. and type ahead to make it faster ;) [P.S. end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:10 ] T'Amber > ./signed Serenity
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:31 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:43 ] ElvenLord > ok, can we make next official meeting on Sunday 20th at 18:00 eve time (I do hope you all sign NDA by then and we get everything sorted)?
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:49 ] ElvenLord > Song Li go
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:50 ] Zastrow > voted yes
[ 2009.12.05 16:47:55 ] Zastrow > ok man i really gott poop afk
[ 2009.12.05 16:48:02 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:48:42 ] Alekseyev Karrde > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:48:47 ] ElvenLord > Aleks go
[ 2009.12.05 16:49:10 ] Alekseyev Karrde > Saturdays would be tons better for me.  Any chgance we can switch that up?
[ 2009.12.05 16:49:12 ] Alekseyev Karrde > end
[ 2009.12.05 16:49:44 ] Z0D > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:04 ] ElvenLord > Saturdays are kinda shit for me as I'm usually either at work or in studio
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:08 ] ElvenLord > ZOD go
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:12 ] Alekseyev Karrde > np then
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:23 ] CCP Xhagen > (I take my leave now. Don't be shy of sending us an email - Cheers.)
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:26 ] Korvin > ! i work on Saturdays sometimes, so plaese no [end] #no
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:31 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:39 ] Z0D > 18:00 sat or 18:00 sun what is best for all [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:51 ] ElvenLord > Song Li
[ 2009.12.05 16:50:53 ] ElvenLord > go
[ 2009.12.05 16:51:24 ] Alekseyev Karrde > ! is cool, i can make adjustments more easily than it seems everyone else can just keep it as is
[ 2009.12.05 16:51:49 ] Song Li > I'd like to move it slightly earlier. Actually if it is to be weekends the time we had out meeting today is better for me. With 2 kids and wife and all if hte meeting will take 2-3 hours
[ 2009.12.05 16:51:53 ] Song Li > [nd]
[ 2009.12.05 16:52:35 ] ElvenLord > yea but we have ppl that are gmt -8 and so on, can we stick to next meeting be at 18:00, we can change that for rest
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:01 ] Helen Highwater > Song Li was GMT-8
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:13 ] Helen Highwater > so if it;'s not a problem for him....
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:18 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:22 ] ElvenLord > go song
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:23 ] Zastrow > ok  i am back
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:44 ] Zastrow > what's that, about noon here in the land of the free?  thats a good time
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:52 ] Song Li > I'm the GMT -8. And as much as I dispise mornings, I'm probably better off being up early
[ 2009.12.05 16:53:56 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:54:17 ] T'Amber > !Elvenlord - I run channels with voting and alot more people, if you want some ideas how to keep things moving convo me some time.
[ 2009.12.05 16:54:25 ] ElvenLord > np
[ 2009.12.05 16:54:58 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:54:59 ] ElvenLord > lets leave next meeting for 18:00 on 20th dec and we will move it to earlier after that
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:03 ] ElvenLord > Song go
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:12 ] Dierdra Vaal > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:35 ] Song Li > I was just going to ammend the motion to have it at 15:00, but I'll work it out with the wife
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:38 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:42 ] Zastrow > happy chaunakah ot all our jewish friends
[ 2009.12.05 16:55:45 ] Zastrow > no way the later the better
[ 2009.12.05 16:56:25 ] T'Amber > ! Everyone should evemail Elvenlord with the general times they are available, and then work from that.
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:04 ] Song Li > !
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:23 ] ElvenLord > Song go
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:30 ] Dierdra Vaal > what about my ! :(
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:39 ] ElvenLord > ah sorry
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:44 ] ElvenLord > go Dierdra
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:47 ] Song Li > 1) Diedra is up
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:50 ] Dierdra Vaal > With other business concluded, as former chairman I'd like to officially hand ElvenLord the  key to the universe
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:57 ] Dierdra Vaal > please treat it well, it has all my stuff in it.
[ 2009.12.05 16:57:58 ] Dierdra Vaal > end
[ 2009.12.05 16:58:06 ] ElvenLord > ok go SOng
[ 2009.12.05 16:58:47 ] Song Li > Just set the next meeting and we'll all deal.
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:04 ] ElvenLord > Then lets vote and finish this. Next meeting is on 20th December at 18:00 eve-time (vote with # symbol pls) + since 1 member is off Helen as first alt will vote.
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:16 ] Song Li > Sending gernal available times may not work for people with complex schedules. I have to look at mine on a day per day basis
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:18 ] Song Li > [end]
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:25 ] Zastrow > we dont really have to vote on meeting times
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:30 ] Zastrow > we just reach consensus
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:34 ] Meissa Anunthiel > yeah
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:40 ] ElvenLord > ok then thats that
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:43 ] Alekseyev Karrde > i'm fine with it
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:44 ] Zastrow > any objections to 12/20 1800 ?
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:53 ] TeaDaze > 20/12 is fine
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:55 ] Alekseyev Karrde > we use this channel for anything besides meetings?
[ 2009.12.05 16:59:55 ] TeaDaze > ;)
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:03 ] Meissa Anunthiel > yeah, chatter :p
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:04 ] Alekseyev Karrde > and the odd quip about how vuk smells funny
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:09 ] Song Li > Anything NDA
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:17 ] Z0D > !Agreed
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:18 ] Zastrow > 2012 is THE END OF THE WORLD
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:23 ] ElvenLord > :P
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:28 ] Vuk Lau > [16:59:56] Alekseyev Karrde > and the odd quip about how vuk smells funny - when did u smell my groins?
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:37 ] Alekseyev Karrde > last night, while you slept
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:40 ] Vuk Lau > or armpits
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:40 ] Zastrow > i can smell them from here
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:48 ] Alekseyev Karrde > after months of stalking, i was underwhelmed tbh
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:52 ] Vuk Lau > Alek I will send Maru Kage on your ass if u dont behave!
[ 2009.12.05 17:00:54 ] ElvenLord > ok then this meeting is over and I can go take some drugs for my headeach
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