Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W7: Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 6

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From The Antiquarian
Subject Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 6
Date 113.08.25 12:57
Content Greetings,

We hope that you've been having a terrific week. It has been another productive week for the Acquisition Division. Due to the selfless munificence from the capsuleers including Calen Davrissus, Aeb Revan, and etc, we were able to acquire a significant number of Rogue Drone related commodities and near the completion of the archival of talocan artifacts. We express our sincere gratitude for your continous patronage.

We are still in the process of accepting contributions for the Project Rho of the Rogue Drone Division. We still got long way to go from making a full archival of the Rogue Drone related materials including drones and Augmented/Integrated Drone BPCs. Your help is much appreciated, as the delay in the compilation of these materials is causing significant bottleneck against the successful completion of the Projects.

We humbly ask you to take a look at the Acquisition Inventory Listing and see what you can do to help! Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.

Enjoy your weekend,
Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division

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