Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W6: Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 5

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From The Antiquarian
Subject Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 5
Date 113.08.15 13:03
Content Greetings,

It seems as if the past week has been somewhat of a tumultuous week for the Arek'Jaalan Community. Despite so, we admire and respect those who never digress from our true aim of the Project. We also express our sincere gratitude to those who have continually supported the Division in terms of artifacts acquisition. Your contributions matter and make significant impact on various on-going projects.

As noted on the Acquisition Listing, we are still severely lacking in inventory, especially so, in Rogue Drones and "Miscellaneous" departments. If time permits, please kindly take a look at the Listing and see what you can do to contribute. We differentiated the items by labeling with varying “priorities” based on the result of the Project Dutch Gun and the foreseeable demands from various projects. Any help is much appreciated.

Mr. Julianus Soter (Moira) has been kind enough to share the analysis of the Trinary Data and has expressed his willingness to work with the Wyr Alternative Project. It is our hope that much can be achieved from the collaboration. We also like to give an update on the Project Theta. All the materials requested by the Rogue Division has been requisitioned and contracted for the development of new capsuleer-driven technologies that will allow us to get a better understanding of the Rogue Drones/Sleepers. Please keep an eye on the progress of the project contact the necessary personel to see what you can do to help!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Despite the political upheaval that the Arek'Jaalan project is currently facing, lets not forget our goals.

Warmest regards,
Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division

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