Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W5: CI Official Response to Yesterday's Events

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From Cmdr Baxter
Subject [CI] Official Response to Yesterday's Events
Date 113.08.12 19:16
Content Good morning,

In response to yesterday's unprovoked wardec by Arson Industries, a member of Arek'Jalaan, against Celestial Imperative (also a member, especially through the SYNE executor corp), I have directed a freeze on information-sharing, interaction, and coordination by SYNE with Arek'Jalaan. Until we see measures that ensure our operations will not be threatened by rogue members operating under the A'J banner, this freeze will remain in effect.

I take note of the fact that Drake Arson appears to have unilaterally taken back and torn up a previous spirit of detente which existed between SYNE and Arson Industries. This cooperation was established several weeks ago when he contacted me regarding whether SYNE pilots would fire on Nation loyalists during Arek'Jalaan operations. My answer at the time was that it would be taken under advisement.

I would have thought that the lack of hostile encounters during the intervening timeframe, and the general civility that has existed in dialogue via this list, would have indicated my agreement with what he proposed. Evidently I was mistaken.

Therefore SYNE will, as previously hinted at, be limiting our contact with Arek'Jalaan. Our approved points-of-contact will be Ollie Rundle (a channel moderator approved by Dr. Tukuoss himself), Jinx (a noted archivist), and myself. All SYNE employees not covered by the aforementioned list have already been informed that contact with the Project is to be terminated with immediate effect.

I am nevertheless prepared to rescind this ban, should measures or action be taken to demonstrate that the Project does not endorse unprovoked wardec's by one participant corporation against another.

We have no quarrel with the Project, despite certain reservations which have surfaced from time-to-time, but yesterday's actions are simply intolerable and clearly crossed a line. I trust that Dr. Tukuoss will take necessary action, that will reinstate our confidence in the Project's ability to contribute to the scientific understanding of the Anoikis.

Commander S. Baxter (CN)
CEO, The Synenose Accord
Executor, Celestial Imperative Alliance

From Celeste Tamirov
Subject [CI] Official Response to Yesterday's Events
Date 113.08.12 19:27
Content To whom it may concern,

Arek'Jaalan representatives have already been forthcoming in informing SYNE, through Commander Baxter himself, that this issue was being taken seriously and routed through the appropriate divisions for a decision.

Instant gratification is not something achievable when so many parties are involved. Patience is something we should all show a little more of. I'm not certain what else is expected of us other than to go through the established, correct, methods of assessment set in place.

Celeste Tamirova

From Cmdr Baxter
Subject [CI] Official Response to Yesterday's Events
Date 113.08.12 19:40
Content Captain Tamirova,

You are correct. I was informed last night that this issue is under consideration. But I am one pilot, responsible for leading an alliance. In stating the official response on behalf of Celestial Imperative, policy has now been formulated, and we can all move forward on the same page knowing full well where everyone else stands.

Commander S. Baxter (CN)
CEO, The Synenose Accord
Executor, Celestial Imperative Alliance

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