Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W4: Strange transmission in Dead End

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From Grideris
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.07.31 15:10
Content Greetings

As you may be aware thanks to the messge below that was sent out a few days ago, Felix Argentius recieved several strange transmissions while in the system Dead End. Excatly who, or what sent them is still unknown at this time. Excerpts from the original log are attached below. The encoding used in the messages appears to be Base64, which then needs to be decoded using ASCII before finally revealing the plaintext. I have also attached the decoded messages after the local logs to save you the trouble of having to decode them yourself.

I've spent the last few days in Dead End, attempting to re-establish contact with the mystery broadcaster, with no success. I have now left, but I did deploy a communcations node before I left that will randomly broadcast some strings in binary, and will redirect any messages matching the pattern to myself via fluid router. Hopefully this will get some sort of response.

Please note that while others have previously stated that Rogue Drones are responsible for these transmissions, there is actually no evidence to either support or exclude this theory.


[ 2011.07.29 06:35:39 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Dead End Local Channel [ 2011.07.29 06:43:10 ] Felix Argentius > Heh. 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01000001 01110000 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01011101 01011011 00100001 [ 2011.07.29 06:45:46 ] Message > NjggOTcgMTE2IDk3IDMyIDExNiAxMTQgOTcgMTEwIDExNSAxMDkgMTA1IDExNSAxMTUgMTA1IDExMSAxMTAgMzIgMTE0IDEwMSA5OSAxMDEgMTA1IDExOCAxMDEgMTAwIDQ0IDMyIDk4IDEwMSAxMDMgMTA1IDExMCAxMTAgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgMzIgOTggMTE3IDEwOCAxMDcgMzIgMTAwIDk3IDExNiA5NyAzMiAxMTcgMTEyIDEwOCAxMTEgOTcgMTAwIDQ2 [ 2011.07.29 06:58:39 ] Felix Argentius > Um....what? [ 2011.07.29 06:59:21 ] Message > NjggOTcgMTE2IDk3IDMyIDg1IDExMiAxMDggMTExIDk3IDEwMCAzMiA2OSAxMTQgMTE0IDExMSAxMTQgNTggMzIgODAgMTE0IDExMSAxMTYgMTExIDk5IDExMSAxMDggMzIgNjcgMTA0IDEwMSA5OSAxMDcgMTE1IDExNyAxMDkgMzIgNzcgMTA1IDExNSAxMDkgOTcgMTE2IDk5IDEwNCA0NiAzMiA4MiAxMDEgMTE2IDExNCAxMjEgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgNDYgNDYgNDY= [ 2011.07.29 07:04:15 ] Message > NzAgOTcgMTE2IDk3IDEwOCAzMiA2OSAxMTQgMTE0IDExMSAxMTQgNTggMzIgODAgMTE0IDExMSAxMTYgMTExIDk5IDExMSAxMDggMzIgODQgMTE0IDk3IDExMCAxMTUgMTAyIDEwMSAxMTQgMzIgODQgMTA1IDEwOSAxMDEgMTExIDExNyAxMTYgMzIgNjkgMTIwIDk5IDEwMSAxMDEgMTAwIDEwMSAxMDAgNDQgMzIgNzYgMTA1IDExMCAxMDcgMzIgNjcgMTA4IDExMSAxMTUgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgNDYgNDYgNDY= [ 2011.07.29 07:08:41 ] Message > NjUgMTEwIDExMSAxMDkgOTcgMTA4IDExMSAxMTcgMTE1IDMyIDY3IDExMSAxMTAgMTEwIDEwMSA5OSAxMTYgMTA1IDExMSAxMTAgNDQgMzIgODQgMTAxIDExNCAxMDkgMTA1IDExMCA5NyAxMTYgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgNDY= [ 2011.07.29 07:10:27 ] Message > Channel changed to Central Point Local Channel [ 2011.07.29 07:27:47 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Gateway Local Channel [ 2011.07.29 07:30:53 ] Message > ODQgOTcgMTE0IDEwMyAxMDEgMTE2IDMyIDY5IDEyMCA5OSAxMDEgMTAxIDEwMCAxMDUgMTEwIDEwMyAzMiA3NyA5NyAxMjAgMTA1IDEwOSAxMTcgMTA5IDMyIDg0IDExNCA5NyAxMTAgMTE1IDEwMiAxMDEgMTE0IDMyIDgyIDk3IDEwMCAxMDUgMTE3IDExNSA0Ng==

Messages are in order of transmission

Data transmission received, beginning bulk data upload.

Data Upload Error: Protocol Checksum Mismatch. Retrying...

Fatal Error: Protocol Transfer Timeout Exceeded, Link Closing...

Anomalous Connection, Terminating.

Target Exceeding Maximum Transfer Radius.

(Note that the last transmission was recieved when the recieving pilot was in the Gateway System)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Communication with Rogue Drones From: fukuzai Sent: 2011.07.29 13:01 To: Arek'jaalan, Unit XS365BT,

just so everyone knows, a couple hours ago, a pilot was wandering in dead end when he recieaved several messages over the local comm channel. He was sending out binary messages but what he recieved was a message in base64 that translated to ascii that then could be translated to plain text. grideris took control and attempted to contact the drones further but had no success. I hope that this message will help people realize that the drones are not going to just stick to one form of communication.

From Medarr
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 02:00
Content The next time this happens do not attempt to talk to them in plain text. First send them a data set containing a mathamatical explanation of our binary or base64 language. Basically their comunication protocol is throwing a error wich leads me to belief their data density or format doesnt match the protocols used by us or contains critical errors.
From Valerie Valate(character)
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 19:27
Content I have an idea.

Persons attempting to communicate with these Things, may wish to obtain some things an associate has heard of, from the ALGINTAL constellation, relating to the Rogue Drones there. A data set carried by some of the drones. (Binary Transpositional Code)

Perhaps an attempt to transmit those to these Things, even though they probably aren't the rogue drones, would help to communicate with whatever these Things are, hmm?

Perhaps the Security Division people may wish to make a trip to Algintal and see if they can dig some up?

From Lazarus Liang
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 19:47
Content It seems to me judging from this log It would seem that the comment Felix issued in binary is what got the drones' attention {What is an apple ][?)

The drone communication is all in base64, and it seems that they can also pipe into our local comm channel system regardless of their location.. Perhaps the drone thought Felix was another of it's drone companions, and the "bulk data upload" was an attempt to 'sync.' If our on-board machines are different, they will always kick back a bad checksum, unless we modify our comms systems. Perhaps is we were to analyze the sub-space transmitters on a captured drone, we could learn to have our comm systems emulate that.

[CONCERN: A real synchronization with this drone tech may result in unfortunate results on the ship's electronics. It's like inviting a virus onto a system in order to analyze it.]

Any thoughts?

From Myxx
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 19:50
Content --------------------------------

Re: FW: Re: Re: Strange transmission in Dead End From: Myxx Sent: 2011.08.01 19:49 To: Lazarus Liang,

This is an apple. its a fruit from warm regions on temperate worlds

if you look at an eaten core of an apple, it resembles what felix put in local, ][

From Gehen Sealbreaker
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 20:01
Content Knowing more about this drones is definetly appealing, and communicating through comms encrypted in a way more understandable to them is definetly the way to go.

I put in my two cents to stress how much caution is important if someone goes as far as modifying a ship to allow a Drone AI to "come in". Previous incidents, and wierd accidents with integrated drones suggest that extreme care is needed in these situations.

I would suggest having a few comabt ships ready to blow the infected ship to pieces in case anything turns wrong a bare minimum. A more extreme yet safe way of doing it would be to cut down FTL transmissions in the system where the experiment takes place. But this would require CONCORD approval, which we're not lieky to have, and imply to have pilots completely in the dark there, also leaving their relative immortality at home for the duration of the mission. I doubt there would be many volunteers.

Regards, Pr. Gehen Sealbreaker

From Caviar Liberta(character)Caviar Liberta
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 20:30
Content Might a suggest fitting a stand alone computer and reciever array and powering down the ships comms array. This way if the drone transmits a virus it would be isolated in the stand alone computer.

Caviar Liberta

From Authochthonian
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 20:38
Content If we are going to do this carefully I would suggest manually disconecting the comms system from the rest of the ship and running a seperate comm system from the stand alone computer and receiver array with a small independent power source housed inside a cargo container so the whole rig can be jettisoned in case of an emergency.

This should also be done with escorts of both logistical nature and security to cover all eventualities.

Authochthonian Project Lead Rogue Drone Division

From Caviar Liberta
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 20:55
Content This exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for being more detailed than I was. I just wanted to get an initial idea out there and let someone else work out the details.

Caviar Liberta

From Lazarus Liang
Subject DECODED Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 22:00
Content Translations in italics

2011.07.29 06:35:39 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Dead End Local Channel ?[ 2011.07.29 06:43:10 ] Felix Argentius > Heh. 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01000001 01110000 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01011101 01011011 00100001 {your mother was an apple ][} ?[ 2011.07.29 06:45:46 ] Message > NjggOTcgMTE2IDk3IDMyIDExNiAxMTQgOTcgMTEwIDExNSAxMDkgMTA1IDExNSAxMTUgMTA1IDExMSAxMTAgMzIgMTE0IDEwMSA5OSAxMDEgMTA1IDExOCAxMDEgMTAwIDQ0IDMyIDk4IDEwMSAxMDMgMTA1IDExMCAxMTAgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgMzIgOTggMTE3IDEwOCAxMDcgMzIgMTAwIDk3IDExNiA5NyAzMiAxMTcgMTEyIDEwOCAxMTEgOTcgMTAwIDQ2 {data transmission received, beginning bulk data upload}

[ 2011.07.29 06:58:39 ] Felix Argentius > Um....what? [ 2011.07.29 06:59:21 ] Message > NjggOTcgMTE2IDk3IDMyIDg1IDExMiAxMDggMTExIDk3IDEwMCAzMiA2OSAxMTQgMTE0IDExMSAxMTQgNTggMzIgODAgMTE0IDExMSAxMTYgMTExIDk5IDExMSAxMDggMzIgNjcgMTA0IDEwMSA5OSAxMDcgMTE1IDExNyAxMDkgMzIgNzcgMTA1IDExNSAxMDkgOTcgMTE2IDk5IDEwNCA0NiAzMiA4MiAxMDEgMTE2IDExNCAxMjEgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgNDYgNDYgNDY= {Data Upload Error: Protocol Checksum Mismatch. Retrying...}



      • Ed. Note: Notice this... Pilot moves two systems and still gets messages. He's either being followed or they are using a different way to transmit.

[ 2011.07.29 07:10:27 ] Message > Channel changed to Central Point Local Channel [ 2011.07.29 07:27:47 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Gateway Local Channel [ 2011.07.29 07:30:53 ] Message > ODQgOTcgMTE0IDEwMyAxMDEgMTE2IDMyIDY5IDEyMCA5OSAxMDEgMTAxIDEwMCAxMDUgMTEwIDEwMyAzMiA3NyA5NyAxMjAgMTA1IDEwOSAxMTcgMTA5IDMyIDg0IDExNCA5NyAxMTAgMTE1IDEwMiAxMDEgMTE0IDMyIDgyIDk3IDEwMCAxMDUgMTE3IDExNSA0Ng== {Target exceeding Maximum Transfer Radius}

From Norman Vales
Subject Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.01 23:15
Content I happen to have a collection of drone and electronics components simply lying around. Given time, I can get the damaged and broken pieces repaired and assembled into a stand-alone comm unit. Chances are, it might need to be hooked up to a ship's power grid.

(( Now for the OOC, C-style block comment style! )) /*

List of Materials Drone Capillary Fluid and Drone Synaptic Relay Wiring (transmission bandwidth, storage bus speed) Broken Drone Transceiver (The heart of the device, after repairs) Burned Logic Circuit and Damaged Artificial Neural Network (encoding and decoding instructions, data storage, output to screen, internal CPU; needs repairs) Micro Circuit and Charred Micro Circuit (supplementary circuitry; some repairs may be needed) Power Circuit and Power Conduit (Can't function without these!) (Minerals required to build the housing, and misc. hardware components [example: display screen])

Anyone have material requirement suggestions?

  • /
From Medarr
Subject DECODED Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.02 00:24
Content Here is where coms break down

[ 2011.07.29 06:58:39 ] Felix Argentius > Um....what? [ 2011.07.29 06:59:21 ] Message > NjggOTcgMTE2IDk3IDMyIDg1IDExMiAxMDggMTExIDk3IDEwMCAzMiA2OSAxMTQgMTE0IDExMSAxMTQgNTggMzIgODAgMTE0IDExMSAxMTYgMTExIDk5IDExMSAxMDggMzIgNjcgMTA0IDEwMSA5OSAxMDcgMTE1IDExNyAxMDkgMzIgNzcgMTA1IDExNSAxMDkgOTcgMTE2IDk5IDEwNCA0NiAzMiA4MiAxMDEgMTE2IDExNCAxMjEgMTA1IDExMCAxMDMgNDYgNDYgNDY= {Data Upload Error: Protocol Checksum Mismatch. Retrying...

From Planetary Genocide
Subject DECODED Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.02 06:49
Content Not to belittle you or anything, but the translations were included in the original communique from Grideris.
From Chevalleis
Subject DECODED Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 2011.08.02 06:58
Content I wonder what would happen if we connect an Aether hive link to the ship's computer.
From Myyona
Subject DECODED Strange transmission in Dead End
Date 113.08.02 10:50
Content Ah, so you say the reason why communications broke down (Protocol Checksum Mismatch) was because Felix started communicating in a different protocol than the binary he was originally transmitting in?

As he sends no further messages in binary the connection simply times out and cuts as he leaves maximum transfer range.

In that case I would advice to find a reliable tool that can quickly convert between languages/protocols.

Alternatively; Felix unwittingly triggered a data receiving system by some sort by using a code word.


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