Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W4: Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 3

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From The Antiquarian
Subject Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Week 3
Date 113.08.04 11:00
Content Greetings,

We would like to start this message with a huge "thank you" to all the capsuleers who have made selfless contributions in materials and artifacts for the advancement of the Arek'Jaalan's cause. Amid all the controversies that have been surrounding last week, we express our sincere gratitude to those who dedicated themselves in researches and items acquisition, regardless of all the politics involved.

It has been another productive week in terms of items acquisition. Thanks to the Arek'Jaalan community, we are able to stockpile additional "Artifacts & Lores" items of various Ancient Races. Furthermore, we have built quite a collection of "Miscellaneous Commidities," once again, thanks to generous donors. Various items have been supplied for the advancement of several ongoing projects including Project Wyr Alternative and our controversial, but prospectively fruitful Macaper's Eye.

Our goal is being able to have significant reserves of materials in order to flawlessly and fluidly provide necessary materials to various Arek'Jaalan researches. In order to do so, we still need your help. Please kindly take a look at the Acquisition Inventory Listing and see how you can contribute. Even items in multiples of quantities are much appreciated. We are still in need of Artifacts of various Ancient Races and Drones/Rogue Drones. If you have not visited our intranet yet, please feel free to take a look. You can also refer to the specified intranet for the most up to date Inventory Listing.

Lastly. we wanted to convey a request of one of prominent members of the Arek'Jaalan Project. It is his (and we assume, everyone's) belief that the finding of Isogen-5 would yield a significant breakthrough in wormholes. It has't been documented as to whether any capsuleers have acquired it and it isn't been itemized in the database, but nevertheless, please keep a close eye on it. More information about Isogen-5 can be found here. On a related note, please also keep an eye on Modified Isotope Solution. Perhaps it has no association with the specified Isogen, but nevertheless, we believe that every possiblity should be examined.

Warmest regards,
Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division

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