Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W32: AJ Media Channels Update

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From Guthris
Subject AJ - Media Channels Update
Date 114.02.13 21:28
Content Apologies for a very long overdue update on these mails from a couple months ago.

With all divisions finalised their wiki and channels. Here's the updated list of it.

Channel name    - Division
AJ: AQ          - Acquisition
AJ: AR          - Ancient Races
AJ: EC          - Ethics
AJ: MD          - Multidisciplinary
AJ: MRID        - Media Relations & Information Dissemination
AJ: RD          - Rogue Drones
AJ: SEC         - Security
AJ: SH          - Sleeper History
AJ: ST          - Sleeper Technology
AJ: TH          - Talocan History
AJ: TT          - Talocan Technology

Misc channels:
AJ: OOC         - Out of Character
Epsilon Lounge  - The lounge rented in the Eifyr & Co. Station in Eram. A place to relax and grab a bite.

List edited slightly to look a little nicer. -Morwen
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