Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W30: A little reminder

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From Myyona
Subject A little reminder
Date 114.02.01 12:56
Content Let me once again make a little reminder about the nature of ArekJaalan.

The project is an open group of scientists of all levels that share an interest in exchanging findings and knowledge on Sleepers, Talocans, Rogue drones and so on. Political affiliations and ethnic relations are irrelevant. It is neither a corporation nor an alliance with a centralized leadership that dictate goals and regulations. Division lead is only valid through activity and acknowledgement from your peers. Simply claiming the title brings no authority on its own. I am sure Dr. Tukoss sees his own position as primarily advisory and not as dictatorial leader.

As such, expelling people from the project for one reason or another is not something we wish to do, but more importantly, it is impossible to do. Likewise, division leads can write down massive lists of rulings but cannot enforce them through the project. Same goes for security measurements on critical information; it cannot be enforced. It is therefore important that people realize that all publications made within AJ are ultimately public and the responsibility for the information provided lies solely with the author and not the reader. It is therefore advised not to release information that could easily be used in harmful ways against other capsuleers as well as humanity in general.

Regarding the concrete issue of insufficient Republic Navy defense of Site One I will recommend that we propose the most cost efficient method for an upgrade and run it through Dr. Tukoss. While the loss of human lives always is an unfortunate incident the responsibility for civilian security at Site One lies officially with the Navy. Never the less, the capsuleers that spend their time trying to assist the Site One defence forces should be applauded. Remember again that AJ is not a capsuleer owned corporation or alliance and Site One is as such not a capsuleer owned entity either and thus not under the jurisdiction of CONCORD.

Anyhow, the harassment of civilian personnel at Site One will be no hinder for the progress of the project in general. Many new projects have been launched since the opening of Site One and many interesting theories brought into the light. Space is a hostile place. Anybody who lives here is aware of that.

Best regards

From Grideris
Subject A little reminder
Date 114.02.01 13:08
Content With regards to improvements to the security at Site One, Guthris and I already have several proposals for improving the security. If anyone else has any additional ideas, I would ask that you share them with us both personally via mail.

On a related note, has anyone seen Hilen around in the last two months? He didn't say anything about a long period of absence earlier, and I'm acutally starting to get worried that we haven't heard from him recently.

SEC Lead

From Gabrel tosh
Subject A little reminder
Date 114.02.01 22:55
Content There are several people who are on the comm channels and information networks who should be removed by policy for actions aginst site one.
From Gejaheline
Subject A little reminder
Date 114.02.06 18:35
Content As always, don't forget to follow basic operational security when on operations. Since the main neocom channel is entirely public, do not give out information that may compromise your safety, such as active locations or findings that may reveal your position to hostile entities. As much as we might want A'J to be all, welcoming, it is obvious that there are people out there who want to hurt us.

Stay safe out there.

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