Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W21: Report: Attack on Site One

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From Myrhial Arkenath
Subject Report: Attack on Site One
Date 113.11.30 19:45
Content Somewhere around 19:00, a capsuleer by the name of Kaitoh Aikoh (deceased), then member of the State War Academy opened fire upon the Arek'Jaalan security forces at Site One. I witnessed the attack first had, though it took me a while to catch on what was happening as I was taking camera drone shots for an MRID report.

The capsuleer managed to destroy one or two vessels -- one wreck is currently present, yet I registered more security vessels before -- and then appeared to activate a cloaking device. As I relayed information into the main Arek'Jaalan channel, the pilot jetissoned a can (contents unknown) and targetted me. I kept a steady distance, and after a while his ship cloaked once again. As reinforcements arrived, he eventually uncloaked and registred as free to fire upon. Moments after, his wreck and corpse were seen in space, and the one day old licensed -- suspected record fraud -- capsuleer registred as being deceased.

Some while after a pilot named Surento Anniki, also licensed for only just one day, appeared in a Crow named 'Cold Wind' near the Raven wreck. He left Ishukone Operational Reports behind.

It is important to note that neither CONCORD forces, nor Minmatar Republic forces, responded to the attack. This is even more curious as both pilots registered as -10.0 security status and should have been shot on sight. I'd also like to draw attention to the face that both capsuleers graduated from Caldari schools, which in light of the suspected record fraud may be either intended, or chosen to make the State look as to be behind this.

Lastly, as I was not expecting this, I was quite confused during the whole ordeal and tried to report live while keeping an eye on the situation, I apologize if there are factual errors in my report.

From Myyona
Subject Report: Attack on Site One
Date 113.11.30 19:51
Content The content of the can was 1 Arek'Jaalan: Mission Statement, 1 Arek'Jaalan: Site One Contributions Listing, 1 Medium Capacitor Booster I and 500 Minmatar Light Marines. All are being stored/detained in the ATAP corporation office in Eram V - Moon 2 for examination/questioning.


From Guillome Renard
Subject Report: Attack on Site One
Date 113.11.30 19:54
Content While I was not on site for the first attack, I did respond as quickly as possible. We observed several facts absent from Ms. Arkenath's otherwise excellent report. These facts have little to connect them as yet, but should be noted in the record.

Addendum Follows:

- Both pilots were flying advanced hardware for freshly licensed pilots. The Crow, in particular, had advanced missile and other modules fit to it.  The pilot records, including their affiliation, is likely forged or spoofed somehow.
- The Crow pilot appeared (though no one was in its proximity to confirm) to salvage the wreck of the Raven. Both ships were destroyed under mysterious circumstances.
- The raven wreck was discovered roughly 90,000-100,000 km from Site One, down the axis of travel one would expect from the Under Construction acceleration gate. It is unclear how it arrived there.
- Both corpses were recovered.


From Evil Incarn8
Subject Report: Attack on Site One
Date 113.11.30 21:25
Content I was alerted to the disturbance within the Site One facility, upon arrival I saw a Raven class battleship attacking the Minmatar security vessels, this was piloted by Kaitoh Aikoh.

The Raven was not targetted by any security forces Concord, Matari or otherwise, the Raven dissapeared from scanners briefly. Upon its return it was flagged as an outlaw with -10 security rating, immediately warping off to a location later identified as 90,000km along the axis of the locked acceleration gate.

An attempt was made to locate the pilot resulting in the discovery of the second pilot, a Crow piloted by Surento Anniki. It is believed this pilot salvaged the Ravens wreckage, then was destroyed itself, However the capsule remained long enough for myself as well as an FCORD Helios to secure a warp to point. upon arrival the capsule warped away, before shortly returning and self destructing.

I was able to loot both corpses as well as retrieve loot from the Crow, there was no salvage obtained from the wreck.

These items were dropped by the Crow;

1Mn Microwarpdrive II x1
Bloodclaw Light Missile x52
Standard Missile Launcher II x1
Ishukone Operational Reports x6

These items as well as both corpses were contracted to Dr Tukoss along with items collected from a container within the site one facility.

I hope this report serves to help identify the participents in this raid.

Evil Incarn8

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