Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W21: Mysterious Shuttle Test Battery Report

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From Aechpee
Subject Mysterious Shuttle Test Battery Report
Date 113.12.01 05:23

Early this morning a group of Arek’jaalan-affiliated capsuleers traveled to the Geztic system to investigate the known Mysterious Shuttle in that system and collected observations on its behavior. The shuttle was found to follow ships that jammed it, and had speed, sensor strength, and power grid capacity outside the normal range for a Caldari Shuttle.

At 0227 on 113.12.01 Mark726 reported on the Arek’jaalan channel he had encountered the Mysterious Shuttle in Geztic and that it appeared to be damaged. As this was an unprecendented observation, two capsuleers departed their stations (Aechpee and Borascus) and traveled to the Geztic system at best possible speed. The two Talos-class battlecruisers arrived at approximately 0300 and began running a battery of tests.

The initial damage reported proved to be a miscalibration of Mark726’s ship’s sensors; the Mysterious Shuttle appeared in the same state it had always been in to both Aechpee and Borascus. Given that the two well-equipped ships had already made the voyage out, however, the ships ran a battery of stimulus tests on the Shuttle. The shuttle reacted not at all to sustained railgun, blaster, and drone attack, with the two battlecruisers expending an estimated 800 rounds of munitions into the target.

The remaining tests were standard salvager, remote armor repairer, ship scan, cargo scan, and ECM tests. Mark726 reported attempting Hacking and Analyzer modules with no success while Aechpee and Borascus were en route. The salvager and remote armor repairer met with no reaction. The cargo scan revealed no cargo aboard the shuttle. The ship scan, however, revealed a powergrid of 625Gj, well above the standard Caldari shuttle’s 25Gj output.

ECM tests also revealed behavior that contradicted some earlier observations. Instead of maintaining course when jammed, the shuttle turned and approached the jamming ship. Aechpee was able to experimentally verify this behavior, and captured video demonstrating it. Just prior to this test, Borascus departed the system. At approximately 0356, Patrick Moon and Gabrel tosh arrived in-system. Patrick brought a Scorpion-class Battleship better equipped to continuously jam the shuttle. After a considerable amount more testing, we confirmed observation in the archive that the shuttle would be pushed away rather than pulled toward the jamming vessel when the jamming ship interposed itself between the shuttle and the star.

Aechpee departed the system at 0434.

Although this exercise ended up being largely confirmatory, we did make three observations not readily available on the shuttle’s archive page. First, the powergrid of the shuttle is enormous -- 625Gj -- and is not being used at all. Second, the shuttle’s apparent top speed is 180 m/s, a far cry from a standard Caldari shuttle’s 500 m/s. Finally, we estimated the sensor strength of shuttle’s Gravimetric Array to be 10.

Salvager I: Unusable (Not a wreck)
Medium Remote Armor Repair System I: Successfully engaged. No reaction from subject.
Prototype Freight Sensors: No Cargo Found
Ship Scanner I: 625/625Gj Powergrid, No Modules Found
FZ-3a Disruptive Spatial Destabilizer ECM: (Effective Gravimetric Jamming 3.3) 14 successful jams, 28 failures (33% success rate)

Shuttle Parameters:
Maximum Observed Velocity: 180 m/s
Powergrid: 625Gj
Cargo: None
Modules: None
Sensor Strength (Gravimetric): ~10 (estimated value)

Filed by Aechpee, 113.12.01

From Rhavas
Subject Mysterious Shuttle Test Battery Report
Date 113.12.01 18:15
Content Excellent report. Can an archivist please update the Mysterious Shuttle entry with this information? The "following" behavior was something I saw in my tests this summer as well. In addition, by being between the shuttle and the star I was able to "push" instead of pull. My tests were done in a Griffin with four gravimetric jammers.
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