Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W21: A Clarification

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From Calathea Sata
Subject A Clarification
Date 113.12.01 00:04
Content Dear Dr. Tukoss and the rest of Arek’Jaalan,

I am writing on behave of myself and the other State War Academy in-service pilots to clarify some misunderstandings that might have arisen from the recent attack on Site One by some alleged SWA pilots.

The State War Academy is absolutely not involved in this attack. The pilots carried out the attack were of unknown origin and their identities are of forgery and thus promptly removed. Any data gathered from the wrecks are suggested to be in a similar nature designed to distract and mislead and should be promptly discarded in the same fashion.

We the proud members of the reputable SWA have a long proven history of gifting the stars with our fine pilots with their wonderful abilities and achievements; for example, many of our talented pilots are active contributors and followers of the esteemed A'J project itself. We have absolutely no reason to perform such an attack on Site One. We seek to clarify that we remain in friendly terms with the A'J project, and hope that the mutual trust among us A'J capsuleers to be undamaged.

Fly safe,

C. Sata 113.11.30

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