Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W16: New transmission from a Quarantine Area

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From jonnykefka
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.10.27 00:33
Content My corp-mate, Blast GoDon, encountered a transmission while clearing sleepers from a Quarantine Area site in a C5. A log of this transmission is linked below, with sensitive corp information censored.

[ Attached Image ]

Quote: "For those of you who can hear this, this is the end. May we be granted mercy."

A few points of note:
1. The transmission was received immediately following the destruction of the last battleship-class Sleeper drone in the site.

2. While there were many of us present in the site, only Blast received the transmission. We are unsure why.

Has anyone else encountered this transmission, or new transmissions like it? We've never seen anything like it before.


From Wyke Mossari
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 13:08
Content I'm disturbed that this plea for mercy has failed to elicit any discussion, never mind action.

I move that this revelation is discussed forthwith by the AJ Ethics Committee and they decide on the following motion.

That AJ members will refrain from offensive operations against Sleepers in Anoikis and commit themselves to defensive actions only.

Wyke Mossari

From Literia
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 14:54
Content Mr. Mossari,

There is a ROE for this kind of purposes, unless someone has changed all Sleepers to a effective Red status we are still NRDS. If they are no non offensive I see no reason why a Arek'Jaalan group should be engaging them after a request for Mercy or leinancy.

The ROE Guides us through these types of situatios, so why do we need to discuss it? When it is already covered.

I am open to discussion, I am just curious that is all.

Literia Khammael
Lead of Ethic's Committee

From Julianus Soter
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 15:00
Content Nearly every operation that has been conducted to further the study and research of the Sleepers is of a 'offensive' nature, if couched in the terms Wyke Mossari provides us. Simply by entering the space of this 'species', we are committing an act of aggression. Now, if we term the Sleeper Drones as an entity similar to Rogue Drones, then why all the fuss about engaging them?

I've replied to Mr. Mossari directly about this matter, but the "New" transmission from the Quarantine Areas are not 'new' at all. They were brought up in the First Seyllin conference two years ago, although most of us that attended had forgotten, myself included.

Moira of course will continue to pursue scientific data for Project Trinity and extract resources from w-space in order to fund its participation in the Arek'Jaalan project. This necessitates combat reconnaissance with and constant threat by Sleeper drones, and combat is a daily occurence.

Perhaps we should question our so-called neutral standings with the Sleepers, considering that the first mission of science and peace to their territory, that of CreoDron Lianda Burreau, ended up with her being abducted by the Sleepers and she and her fleet of ships destroyed, without any clone backups activating?

So much for diplomacy.


From Utremi Fasolasi
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 16:57
Content It's probably just a pre-recorded message anyway, possibly centuries old, like the broken warnings when those areas are entered. It doesn't sound like a distress call, more like resignation, and "may we be granted mercy" refers to their own mistakes, whatever it was those Talocan did that brought down their civilization.

A final message in a bottle.

From Wyke Mossari
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 22:15
Content I concure with Ms Literia interpretation that the ROE are clear on this mater.  However this topic is worth of investigation by the Ethics Commitee, even if it only underlines that position.  It is clear some do not agree.

In particular Mr Soter's response and his own words desmonstrate a willingness, even eargerness to flout these based vague and unsubstantiated justifications.  There is no evidence to justify the assertion that Professor Burreau was 'abduted' by Sleepers.  In fact the limited reports evidence available to us suggest her own ships and escort were intact until destroyed by a Capsuleer after being discovered abandoned & undamaged.

Mr Soter did indeed send me a private message in which he accused me of 'foolishness'.  It would be foolish to accept Mr Soter assetion that there is no distinction between Offensive and Defensive actions.

Mr Fasolasi your hypothesis is plausible.  However if we see a message in bottle what sense does it make to smash the bottle with rocks?


From Julianus Soter
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 22:39
Content This is absurd. Clearly you've not done much in w-space lately, Mr. Mossari, but the Sleepers don't like us digging around. If we have any intention on uncovering their secrets, and honoring the memory of LIanda Burreau by completing her work, then we must take aggressive action on occassion to acquire research materials.
From Taqai
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.12 23:32
Content Hrrmmm???....

I have been able to obtain research data from sleeper facilities in W-space.

Last year, flying an unarmed covops boat running cloaked until the last possible moment, my crew boarded a sleeper facility and ontained datacores as well as sleeper components including neural network analyzers and data libraries. We also took onboard chemical residual samples to research the atmosphere sleepers reside in. The sleepers were inactive, we did not locate any stasis or cold chambers, however for all intents and purposes they were sleeping.

Only after the active presence of empire fleets with combat vessels began arriving in considerable numbers did the sleepers begin to garrison their facilities, and inactive or "sleeping" sleeper facilities are much more difficult to locate.


From Wyke Mossari
Subject New transmission from a Quarantine Area
Date 113.11.14 00:17
Content While my personal time in Anoikis is indeed limited since the my focus has been collecting and anylsing data. I do have a well funded network of subordinates and operatives with many hours logged in Anoikis operating solely on my behalf.

It should be no surprised that sleepers resist agressive invaders. The history of New Eden is cluttered with examples of indigenous people subsumed by colonisation. The little we know about the history of the Sleepers and other ancient races suggest they are entirely familiar with this situation.

However the History of your people and mine point the way to a better approach, a brighter future a meeting based on respect and equal rights, that result is stength greater than the sum of the parts.

It would be a mistake to assume the pleas for mercy is a sign of weakness. I'm reminded of an Old Intaki proveb were as similar pleas was test of morality.

It could prove to be a grave mistake to under-estimating the sleepers, all the evidence suggests a civilisation that commands technology far in advanced of our own. if we anger them sufficiently they could easily turn the full force of that advanced technology on New Eden.

Tech 4 is right about one thing, arogance on the part of capsuleers could visit carnage on New Eden.

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