User talk:Kracnee Raboteus

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About stats grids

They are quite nice but consider changing the headlines to something like this to save space and being more informative. Also is there reason for the whitespace after headlines or why write down that some ship has zero turret &/ launcher slots? Those spots could simple be left empty if no weapons can be bolted. Same if no drones can be used, simply leave the colum away or mark with 'none'.

Name H (T&L) M L m/sec Cap/Recharge Range (MLT) S/A/H tf MW Mbit/sec/DB m³ TNoSLN (L5SN)

Depeding if YARR is intrested, these tables could be autogenerated from itemDB too. BlackSmith Sisunautti 10:48, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

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