Talk:Tibus Heth

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Tibus Heth, is he Deteis or Civire?

On the right, at his personal characteristics: "Bloodline Civire". At the bottom, according to a dossier in the Empyrean Age novel: "Tibus Heth, Deteis male". - Agreed; if the two are in conflict, shouldn't EA take precedence? --Dex Nederland 07:18, 26 December 2011 (UTC)


There are a number of articles and chronicles about Tibus Heth in the YC111 timeframe, post EA.

Heth is the effective CEO of KK [1] and the CEO of Ytiri [2] in addition to Caldari Constructions.

A World Where No Such Road will Run describes the death of Heth's second in command, followed by [[Wild_Earth_(Chronicle)|Wild Earth], in which he visits the deposed CEO of KK.

Slow Disease describes Tibus Heth as being terminally ill and that he has a full-time doctor.

--Dex Nederland 07:18, 26 December 2011 (UTC)

We're aware that the Heth article is out of date. It's on our list of things to revamp, but considering the nearness of Templar One, it's not likely to be fully updated until after we all get a good look at the novel.--ISD Caleb Kang 00
52, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
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