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I was planning to make a redirect to Category:Rules_and_Policies until I saw it was removed because of "annoyance". But I think most pages that link to here shouldn't anyway, so shouldn't those pages be edited instead of removing this redirect? -- Che Biko 00:10, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

You can edit them out, but the autolinker will add them back in unless you use nowiki tags, which is a huge hassle. Terms is a very frequently used word, and due to this will result in a lot of unnecessary autolinking. We could add the word to the excluded list, but we're not supposed to do that unless it is absolutely necessary. The page formerly occupying this place wasn't really very relevant or needed. In my opinion, neither is your redirect idea. For now, I think it's best to leave this space empty unless a fitting and useful/needed/relevant article can be placed here. --ISD Salpsan 00:28, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
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