Talk:Average Spodumain, Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit
found in lonetrek low sec
initatial spawn : 10 rouge drones after 30 sec another single drone spawns after starting mining 2x guristas silencer cruiser spawns.
to be continued
detailed analysis of site "Average S,C,DO"
dateStamp: 05/28/11 18:34:43 coreMaxRange: 0.54% combatMaxRange: 0.30% deepMaxRange 0.08% distanceFromSun: 4.0AU nearestCelestial: 3.3AU Signature: Gravimetric SiteName: "Average Spodumain, Crokite and Dark Ochre Deposit" Warped to zero, nothing nearby to decloak ship. Handful of rogue drone destroyers and frigates orbiting the drone bunker "snowflake". Uncloaked, no aggression.
50 asteroids in long chain allows central point mining with max roid distance at 24km Orca with survey scanner II (135km range) gave these results: Asteroid Ore Units Crokite Total 3525 Crokite, Sharp Total 978 Crokite, Crystalline Total 249 Ochre, Dark Total 10338 Ochre, Obsidian Total 4865 Ochre, Onyx Total 3516 Spodumain Total 2874 Spodumain, Bright Total 427 Spodumain, Gleaming Total 702
27,299 Units Of Tritanium - Value 88,721.75 ISK (3.25 ISK/u) 1,995 Units Of Pyerite - Value 8,977.50 ISK (4.50 ISK/u) 28,978 Units Of Nocxium - Value 14,460,022.00 ISK (499.00 ISK/u) 23,016 Units Of Zydrine - Value 20,690,463.36 ISK (898.96 ISK/u) 1,995 Units Of Megacyte - Value 4,688,250.00 ISK (2,350.00 ISK/u) Total Isk : $39,936,434.61