Little more than armed shuttles, corvettes are the basic tech I frigates that new pilots start with, and that are given free of charge to any pilot who docks their pod at a station they have no ships at.
Rookie ships spawn with a civilian mining laser and a race-specific civilian weapon already fit, and a single unit of Tritanium in the hold. The initial rookie ship a new pilot receives will also have a Damage Control I fit, unless the pilot lacks the skills to fit it, in which case it will be placed in their hangar.
Rookie ships can be sold both on the market, contracts and through the trade window.
Common Non-Rookie Uses
Mining Operation Harassment and Piracy
The Velator and Ibis are both capable of dealing significant DPS while tanking poorly-skilled drone and missile fire, making them ideal for harassing high-security mining operations as many miners will see a corvette and dismiss it out of hand, making them far more likely to engage the would-be pirate.
Well skilled and flown ships of these types are capable of taking down mining cruisers, and even Retriever mining barges, so long as the pilot does not possess high drone skills, though Hulks and the odd mining battlecruiser or battleship are well beyond even the best pilots skills when in a Velator or Ibis.
Low-Level PvE
Though not a 'serious' fit by any stretch, doing level one missions or level one or two plexes in rookie ship can be a fun challenge for an experienced pilot. Even lowsec ratting is possible, given a competent pilot and a good fit.
The Alliance Tournament
During Alliance Tournament XIV in 2017, a pilot flying for Lowsechnaya Sholupen was able to jam the flagship Vindicator of the opposing team, Brotherhood of Spacers, a total of at least 4 times in his Ibis, rendering it useless. Lowsechnaya Sholupen went on to win the match. CCP Fozzie commented with "This guy just earned the Ibis a buff tbh - needs more cargo for his balls". As of 2018, this buff hasn't yet been implemented.
Corvette Hulls
Pirate ships
Handed out as limited edition ships at events, these are more expensive than usual, and just as useless.
Corvettes were formally known as Rookie Ships.