People of Origin

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Origin is a rapidly growing and diverse system, populated by former members of all the nations of New Eden.

The majority of the Origin population lives on the surface of the system’s planets, although the not insubstantial remainder lives among the various stations and installations in orbit around the system. Origin’s economy is heavily socialised, with all citizens of Origin receiving a living allowance capable of supporting them and allowing them to pursue whatever interests them. This has led to a large boom in the restaurant and entertainment industries, and has thus far had the intended effect of encouraging growth and development.

Property rights on Origin are managed on a first come, first serve basis, however these areas are opened up one at a time, to ensure those who come to the system later have a chance to acquire land. Despite the growing population, only a small fraction of the available land areas have been allocated thus far, and growth is expected to be able to continue for decades to come, before population pressures begin to negatively affect the system.

The Government of Origin takes great pains to care for and nurture its population, as a result 87% of the population have clone backups made using the Riordan-Nilanth Gravitational Resonance Imager, with the remainder being composed of either those too young to be backed up, or those who chose against re-lifing for various religious or moral reasons. This has led to a strong cultural sense of protectiveness towards children, as they are the only ones vulnerable to permanent death.

The Origin Colonial Authority, the proto-government that runs Origin, recognizes three distinct cultural population groups composed of various interacting or conflicting subgroups. These groups exist for classification purposes on a systemwide scale, and some of them exist only in the form of population groups, without any centrally riding ideology or political affiliations. These groups are meant to broadly identify cultural trends, not to classify individuals, and while some of them exist as outright organisations with membership and internal politics, others are merely designations assigned to large swaths of people following analyzed behavioral trends.

The Colonialists

The Colonialists represent 68% of the total population of Origin. They are composed of associations of humans who have all migrated to Origin for various external political reasons: refugees of war, poverty, tyranny, and persecution. Together they comprise the majority of the population of Origin. Though often not politically unified, they form the strongest bloc pushing for largely traditional values within the Colonial Authority. They form the majority of the voting body, and generally desire to live good lives, free of the turmoil that led them to Origin, because of this, they form the majority of the swing vote within most elections and referenda. Of the 13% of the population without backups, nearly 99% of them come from the Colonialist bloc.

Major subgroups within the Colonialist population bloc include:

Arakida Tribe

The Arakida tribe is an association of minmatar clans within Origin, and its total membership comprises 24% of the colonialist bloc. Despite their small size though, the tribe’s strong cultural and political unity makes them a formidable force within the government. The Arakida Tribe is not recognized by the other tribes as legitimate, and thus many of the clans within the Arakida Tribe are considered traitors by their original tribes. Arakida posits that all tribes came into existence by splintering and fusing from other tribes, older and now extinct, and that the formation of a new tribe is simply an extension of this, providing unity to the minmatar community that would otherwise be fragmented along tribal lines. Not all minmatar clans within Origin are part of the Arakida tribe, and all the tribes have at least a few clans in Origin, however, the majority of the minmatar population in Origin belongs to Arakida.

Sani Sabidine

A pacifistic splinter sect of the Sani Sabik, long persecuted for its associations with the larger Sani Sabik cult, the Sani Sabidine share the belief that blood is sacred, but they view the drawing of blood to be sacrilege against God, leading to a pacifistic nature that abhors all violence as an affront to their deity. The Sani Sabidine don't believe in modern medicine, surgery, or anything that breaks the skin. To them, breaking the skin by choice, even if the reason is altruistic, is sinful. The majority of their culture lives a simple agrarian existence in townships and monasteries, making up 8% of the colonialist bloc.

Settler Coalition

The majority of the people settled on the planets of Origin belong to the Settler Coalition, which forms the majority party within the electable positions within the government. Members of the settler coalition come from all nations and all walks of life, united in the goal to build a new home for themselves in Origin. The coalition makes up 47% of the colonialist bloc, though its large size and wide ranging membership leads to it being moderate and liberal on most positions, and internal divisiveness is a constant factor.

Spacers Guild

The spacers guild are the associations and unions of the various starship and station crews. United by pursuit of collective bargaining rights, the Spacers Guild represents a powerful political bloc, and forms the main opposition to the Settler Coalition. While they only make up 21% of the Colonialist population group, their general unity and internal organisation makes them a major force within systemwide politics.

The Posthumans

The Posthumans represent 19% of the total population of Origin, the people falling into this category are classed there based on their transcendent views, or because of their level of modification from the human baseline. Posthumans can be found on every planet, though they tend to be more social than other population blocs, and thus are more common in areas of high population density. Major subgroups within the the Posthumans are:

The Multiples

Multiples are people who have cloned themselves into multiple bodies at the same time, with their consciousness distributed between all their various bodies using networking technology. Because this act is considered illegal by CONCORD, seeking to become a multiple has led many of these people to Origin, where existing as a multiple is permitted. Multiples come from every race and culture, but there is a strong tendency to identify as a multiple first, and everything else second, among those unique individuals.

The Networkers

Networks are collections of individuals connected together in a pseudo-hivemind. The majority of them live within small communities known as Techno-communes, though they can be found anywhere and among all walks of life. Most networks include 5-10 individuals, although some can be as large as 400, before the connections become saturated, as there are only so many people a single mind can intimately know and remember. Most Networked individuals live together in communal housing, although in some cases, members of the network will go out into the wider system, seeking sensory experiences for the rest of the collective, and a few Networks have members across every planet in Origin.

The Capsuleers

The Capsuleers are capsule pilots or those training to be capsule pilots within one of the schools of Origin. Although small in number, they are immensely powerful, and their abilities often rocket them into positions of importance within the system.

The Techno-Pyschologists

The Techno-psychologists represent 13% of the total population of Origin, despite their small size, their influence has been disproportionately large due to the extreme levels of cohesion present within the various elements of their movement. The Techno-psychologists seek to create cultures and societies experimentally, and find new forms of economics, culture, and social interaction in an attempt to create more ideal societies. Small test batch communities, operating under semi-closed conditions, are spread all across remote areas of the system to study their evolution over time. Major Techno-Pyschologist groups include:

The Coalescents

The Coalescents are an attempt to create a functional 'human hive,' through the application of social pressures and dynamics.The mostly female population of Hive City on Renaissance is nearly 100,000 strong, with several town sized outlying settlements.

The Decentralizers

The Decentralizers can be found among most of Origin's various population groups, but the majority tend to live in small independent planetside communities. The Decentralizers hold the view that closed, centralized institutions are inherently flawed systems that are both inefficient and very corruptable, seeing concentration of power as undesirable. Although some are seeking to replace those institutions by talking to and working with the Colonial Authority, the majority of the Decentralizers are part of the Bypass movement. They are working to bypass the institutions, such as banks, schools, governmental branches and corporations, making them obsolete by creating open, transparent and decentralized alternatives. The Gallente Tary LaCote is the most renowned participant in the Bypass movement, but as one would expect, there is no official leader.

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